Source code for camera.camera_efficiency

"""Camera efficiency simulations and analysis."""

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.model.site_model import SiteModel
from simtools.model.telescope_model import TelescopeModel
from simtools.simtel.simulator_camera_efficiency import SimulatorCameraEfficiency
from simtools.utils import names
from simtools.visualization import visualize

__all__ = ["CameraEfficiency"]

[docs] class CameraEfficiency: """ Camera efficiency simulations and analysis. Parameters ---------- simtel_path: str (or Path) Location of sim_telarray installation. db_config: dict Configuration for the database. label: str Instance label, optional. config_data: dict. Dict containing the configurable parameters. test: bool Is it a test instance (at the moment only affects the location of files). """ def __init__( self, simtel_path, config_data, label, db_config, test=False, ): """Initialize the CameraEfficiency class.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._simtel_path = simtel_path self.label = label self.test = test self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.telescope_model, self._site_model = self._initialize_simulation_models( config_data, db_config ) self.output_dir = self.io_handler.get_output_directory(self.label, sub_dir="plots") self._results = None self._has_results = False self.config = self._configuration_from_args_dict(config_data) self._file = self._load_files() def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of the CameraEfficiency instance.""" return f"CameraEfficiency(label={self.label})\n" def _initialize_simulation_models(self, config_data, db_config): """ Initialize site and telescope models. Parameters ---------- config_data: dict Dict containing the configurable parameters. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing the site and telescope models. """ tel_model = TelescopeModel( site=config_data["site"], telescope_name=config_data["telescope"], mongo_db_config=db_config, model_version=config_data["model_version"], label=self.label, ) site_model = SiteModel( site=config_data["site"], model_version=config_data["model_version"], mongo_db_config=db_config, ) return tel_model, site_model def _configuration_from_args_dict(self, config_data): """ Extract the configuration data from the args_dict. Zenith and azimuth angles are set to default values if not provided. Parameters ---------- config_data: dict Dict containing the configurable parameters. Returns ------- dict Configuration data. """ zenith_angle = config_data.get("zenith_angle") if zenith_angle is not None: zenith_angle ="deg").value else: zenith_angle = 20.0"Setting zenith angle to default value {zenith_angle} deg") azimuth_angle = config_data.get("azimuth_angle") if azimuth_angle is not None: azimuth_angle ="deg").value else: azimuth_angle = 0.0"Setting azimuth angle to default value {azimuth_angle} deg") return { "zenith_angle": zenith_angle, "azimuth_angle": azimuth_angle, "nsb_spectrum": config_data.get("nsb_spectrum", None), } def _load_files(self): """Define the variables for the file names, including the results, simtel and log file.""" _file = {} for label, suffix in zip( ["results", "simtel", "log"], [".ecsv", ".dat", ".log"], ): file_name = names.generate_file_name( file_type=( "camera-efficiency-table" if label == "results" else "camera-efficiency" ), suffix=suffix,,, zenith_angle=self.config["zenith_angle"], azimuth_angle=self.config["azimuth_angle"], label=self.label, ) _file[label] = self.io_handler.get_output_directory( label=self.label, sub_dir="camera-efficiency", ).joinpath(file_name) return _file
[docs] def simulate(self): """Simulate camera efficiency using testeff.""""Simulating CameraEfficiency") self.export_model_files() simtel = SimulatorCameraEfficiency( simtel_path=self._simtel_path, telescope_model=self.telescope_model, zenith_angle=self.config["zenith_angle"], file_simtel=self._file["simtel"], file_log=self._file["log"], label=self.label, nsb_spectrum=self.config["nsb_spectrum"], skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum=self.config.get( "skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum", False ), )
[docs] def export_model_files(self): """Export model and config files to the output directory.""" self.telescope_model.export_config_file() self.telescope_model.export_model_files() if not self.config.get("skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum", False): self.telescope_model.export_nsb_spectrum_to_telescope_altitude_correction_file( model_directory=self.telescope_model.config_file_directory )
[docs] def analyze(self, export=True, force=False): """ Analyze camera efficiency output file and store the results in _results. Parameters ---------- export: bool If True, results will be exported to a file automatically. Alternatively, export_results function can be used. force: bool If True, existing results files will be removed and analysis will be done again. """"Analyzing CameraEfficiency") if "results" in self._file and not force:"Results file exists and force=False - skipping analyze") self._read_results() return # List of parameters to be calculated and stored eff_pars = [ "wl", "eff", "eff_atm", "qe", "ref", "masts", "filt", "pixel", "atm_trans", "cher", "nsb", "atm_corr", "nsb_site", "nsb_site_eff", "nsb_be", "nsb_be_eff", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C4x", "N1", "N2", "N3", "N4", "N4x", ] _results = defaultdict(list) # Search for at least 5 consecutive numbers to see that we are in the table re_table = re.compile("{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}".format(r"[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+\s+")) with open(self._file["simtel"], encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: if re_table.match(line): words = line.split() numbers = [float(w) for w in words] for i in range(len(eff_pars) - 10): _results[eff_pars[i]].append(numbers[i]) C1 = numbers[8] * (400 / numbers[0]) ** 2 # noqa: N806 C2 = C1 * numbers[4] * numbers[5] # noqa: N806 C3 = C2 * numbers[6] * numbers[7] # noqa: N806 C4 = C3 * numbers[3] # noqa: N806 c4x_value = C1 * numbers[3] * numbers[6] * numbers[7] _results["C1"].append(C1) _results["C2"].append(C2) _results["C3"].append(C3) _results["C4"].append(C4) _results["C4x"].append(c4x_value) N1 = numbers[14] # noqa: N806 N2 = N1 * numbers[4] * numbers[5] # noqa: N806 N3 = N2 * numbers[6] * numbers[7] # noqa: N806 N4 = N3 * numbers[3] # noqa: N806 n4x_value = N1 * numbers[3] * numbers[6] * numbers[7] _results["N1"].append(N1) _results["N2"].append(N2) _results["N3"].append(N3) _results["N4"].append(N4) _results["N4x"].append(n4x_value) self._results = Table(_results) self._has_results = True print("\33[40;37;1m")"\n{self.results_summary()}") print("\033[0m") if export: self.export_results()
[docs] def results_summary(self): """ Print a summary of the results. Include a header for the zenith/azimuth settings and the NSB spectrum file which was used. The summary includes the various CTAO requirements and the final expected NSB pixel rate. """ nsb_pixel_pe_per_ns, nsb_rate_ref_conditions = self.calc_nsb_rate() nsb_spectrum_text = ( f"NSB spectrum file: {self.config['nsb_spectrum']}" if self.config["nsb_spectrum"] else "default sim_telarray spectrum." ) return ( f"Results summary for {} at " f"zenith={self.config['zenith_angle']:.1f} deg, " f"azimuth={self.config['azimuth_angle']:.1f} deg\n" f"Using the {nsb_spectrum_text}\n" f"\nSpectrum weighted reflectivity: {self.calc_reflectivity():.4f}\n" "Camera nominal efficiency with gaps (B-TEL-1170): " f"{self.calc_camera_efficiency():.4f}\n" "Telescope total efficiency" f" with gaps (was A-PERF-2020): {self.calc_tel_efficiency():.4f}\n" "Telescope total Cherenkov light efficiency / sqrt(total NSB efficiency) " "(A-PERF-2025/B-TEL-0090): " f"{self.calc_tot_efficiency(self.calc_tel_efficiency()):.4f}\n" "Expected NSB pixel rate for the provided NSB spectrum: " f"{nsb_pixel_pe_per_ns:.4f} [p.e./ns]\n" "Expected NSB pixel rate for the reference NSB: " f"{nsb_rate_ref_conditions:.4f} [p.e./ns]\n" )
[docs] def export_results(self): """Export results to a ecsv file.""" if not self._has_results: self._logger.error("Cannot export results because they do not exist") else:"Exporting testeff table to {self._file['results']}") self._results, self._file["results"], format="basic", overwrite=True ) _results_summary_file = ( str(self._file["results"]).replace(".ecsv", ".txt").replace("-table-", "-summary-") )"Exporting summary results to {_results_summary_file}") with open(_results_summary_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(self.results_summary())
def _read_results(self): """Read existing results file and store it in _results.""" table =["results"], format="basic") self._results = table self._has_results = True
[docs] def calc_tel_efficiency(self): """ Calculate the telescope total efficiency including gaps (as defined in A-PERF-2020). Returns ------- tel_efficiency: float Telescope efficiency """ # Sum(C1) from 300 - 550 nm: c1_reduced_wl = self._results["C1"][[299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] c1_sum = np.sum(c1_reduced_wl) # Sum(C4) from 200 - 999 nm: c4_sum = np.sum(self._results["C4"]) masts_factor = self._results["masts"][0] fill_factor = return fill_factor * (c4_sum / (masts_factor * c1_sum))
[docs] def calc_camera_efficiency(self): """ Calculate the camera nominal efficiency including gaps (as defined in B-TEL-1170). Returns ------- cam_efficiency: float Wavelength-averaged camera efficiency """ # Sum(C1) from 300 - 550 nm: c1_reduced_wl = self._results["C1"][[299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] c1_sum = np.sum(c1_reduced_wl) # Sum(C4x) from 300 - 550 nm: c4x_reduced_wl = self._results["C4x"][ [299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]] ] c4x_sum = np.sum(c4x_reduced_wl) fill_factor = cam_efficiency_no_gaps = c4x_sum / c1_sum return cam_efficiency_no_gaps * fill_factor
[docs] def calc_tot_efficiency(self, tel_efficiency): """ Calculate the telescope total efficiency including gaps (as defined in A-PERF-2020). Parameters ---------- tel_efficiency: float The telescope efficiency as calculated by calc_tel_efficiency() Returns ------- Float Telescope total efficiency including gaps """ # Sum(N1) from 300 - 550 nm: n1_reduced_wl = self._results["N1"][[299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] n1_sum = np.sum(n1_reduced_wl) # Sum(N4) from 200 - 999 nm: n4_sum = np.sum(self._results["N4"]) masts_factor = self._results["masts"][0] fill_factor = tel_efficiency_nsb = fill_factor * (n4_sum / (masts_factor * n1_sum)) return tel_efficiency / np.sqrt(tel_efficiency_nsb)
[docs] def calc_reflectivity(self): """ Calculate the Cherenkov spectrum weighted reflectivity in the range 300-550 nm. Returns ------- Float Cherenkov spectrum weighted reflectivity (300-550 nm) """ # Sum(C1) from 300 - 550 nm: c1_reduced_wl = self._results["C1"][[299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] c1_sum = np.sum(c1_reduced_wl) # Sum(C2) from 300 - 550 nm: c2_reduced_wl = self._results["C2"][[299 < wl_now < 551 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] c2_sum = np.sum(c2_reduced_wl) return c2_sum / c1_sum / self._results["masts"][0]
[docs] def calc_nsb_rate(self): """ Calculate the NSB rate. Returns ------- nsb_rate_provided_spectrum: float NSB pixel rate in p.e./ns for the provided NSB spectrum nsb_rate_ref_conditions: float NSB pixel rate in p.e./ns for reference conditions ( """ nsb_rate_provided_spectrum = ( np.sum(self._results["N4"]) * * self.telescope_model.get_on_axis_eff_optical_area().to("m2").value / self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("telescope_transmission")[0] ) # (integral is in ph./(m^2 ns sr) ) from 300 - 650 nm: n1_reduced_wl = self._results["N1"][[299 < wl_now < 651 for wl_now in self._results["wl"]]] n1_sum = np.sum(n1_reduced_wl) n1_integral_edges = self._results["N1"][ [wl_now in [300, 650] for wl_now in self._results["wl"]] ] n1_integral_edges_sum = np.sum(n1_integral_edges) nsb_integral = 0.0001 * (n1_sum - 0.5 * n1_integral_edges_sum) nsb_rate_ref_conditions = ( nsb_rate_provided_spectrum * self._site_model.get_parameter_value("nsb_reference_value") / nsb_integral ) return nsb_rate_provided_spectrum, nsb_rate_ref_conditions
[docs] def plot_efficiency(self, efficiency_type, save_fig=False): """ Plot efficiency vs wavelength. Parameters ---------- efficiency_type: str The type of efficiency to plot (Cherenkov 'C' or NSB 'N') save_fig: bool If True, the figure will be saved to a file. Returns ------- fig The figure instance of pyplot """"Plotting {efficiency_type} efficiency vs wavelength") _col_type = "C" if efficiency_type == "Cherenkov" else "N" column_titles = { "wl": "Wavelength [nm]", f"{_col_type}1": rf"{_col_type}1: Cherenkov light on ground", f"{_col_type}2": rf"{_col_type}2: {_col_type}1 $\times$ ref. $\times$ masts", f"{_col_type}3": rf"{_col_type}3: {_col_type}2 $\times$ filter $\times$ lightguide", f"{_col_type}4": rf"{_col_type}4: {_col_type}3 $\times$ q.e.", f"{_col_type}4x": ( rf"{_col_type}4x: {_col_type}1 $\times$ filter $\times$ lightguide $\times$ q.e." ), } table_to_plot = Table([self._results[col_now] for col_now in column_titles]) for column_now, column_title in column_titles.items(): table_to_plot.rename_column(column_now, column_title) y_title = f"{efficiency_type} light efficiency" if efficiency_type == "NSB": y_title = r"Diff. ph. rate [$10^{9} \times $ph/(nm s m$^2$ sr)]" plot = visualize.plot_table( table_to_plot, y_title=y_title, title=f"{} response to {efficiency_type} light", no_markers=True, ) if efficiency_type == "NSB": plot.gca().set_yscale("log") ylim = plot.gca().get_ylim() plot.gca().set_ylim(1e-3, ylim[1]) if save_fig: self._save_plot(plot, efficiency_type.lower()) return plot
def _save_plot(self, fig, plot_title): """ Save plot to pdf and png file. Parameters ---------- fig The figure instance of pyplot plot_title: str The title of the plot """ plot_file = self.output_dir.joinpath( self.label + "_" + + "_" + plot_title ) visualize.save_figure(fig, plot_file, log_title=f"{plot_title} efficiency")