Source code for corsika.corsika_config

"""CORSIKA configuration."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from simtools.corsika.primary_particle import PrimaryParticle
from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.model.model_parameter import ModelParameter

__all__ = [

[docs] class InvalidCorsikaInputError(Exception): """Exception for invalid corsika input."""
[docs] class CorsikaConfig: """ Configuration for the CORSIKA air shower simulation software. Follows closely the CORSIKA definitions and output format (see CORSIKA manual). The configuration is set as a dict corresponding to the command line configuration groups (especially simulation_software, simulation configuration, simulation parameters). Parameters ---------- array_model : ArrayModel Array model. args_dict : dict Configuration dictionary. db_config : dict MongoDB configuration. label : str Instance label. """ def __init__(self, array_model, args_dict, db_config=None, label=None): """Initialize CorsikaConfig.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Init CorsikaConfig") self.label = label self.zenith_angle = None self.azimuth_angle = None self._run_number = None self.config_file_path = None # The following uses the setter defined below, that is why the args_dict is passed self.primary_particle = args_dict self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.array_model = array_model self.config = self.fill_corsika_configuration(args_dict, db_config) self._is_file_updated = False def __repr__(self): """CorsikaConfig class representation.""" return ( f"<class {self.__class__.__name__}> " f"(site={}, " f"layout={self.array_model.layout_name}, label={self.label})" ) @property def primary_particle(self): """Primary particle.""" return self._primary_particle @primary_particle.setter def primary_particle(self, args_dict): """ Set primary particle from input dictionary. This is to make sure that when setting the primary particle, we get the full PrimaryParticle object expected. Parameters ---------- args_dict: dict Configuration dictionary """ self._primary_particle = self._set_primary_particle(args_dict)
[docs] def fill_corsika_configuration(self, args_dict, db_config=None): """ Fill CORSIKA configuration. Dictionary keys are CORSIKA parameter names. Values are converted to CORSIKA-consistent units. Parameters ---------- args_dict : dict Configuration dictionary. db_config: dict Database configuration. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with CORSIKA parameters. """ if args_dict is None: return {} self._is_file_updated = False self.azimuth_angle = int(args_dict["azimuth_angle"].to("deg").value) self.zenith_angle = args_dict["zenith_angle"].to("deg").value self._logger.debug( f"Setting CORSIKA parameters from database ({args_dict['model_version']})" ) config = {} config["USER_INPUT"] = self._corsika_configuration_from_user_input(args_dict) if db_config is None: # all following parameter require DB return config db_model_parameters = ModelParameter( mongo_db_config=db_config, model_version=args_dict["model_version"] ) parameters_from_db = db_model_parameters.get_simulation_software_parameters("corsika") config["INTERACTION_FLAGS"] = self._corsika_configuration_interaction_flags( parameters_from_db ) config["CHERENKOV_EMISSION_PARAMETERS"] = self._corsika_configuration_cherenkov_parameters( parameters_from_db ) config["DEBUGGING_OUTPUT_PARAMETERS"] = self._corsika_configuration_debugging_parameters() config["IACT_PARAMETERS"] = self._corsika_configuration_iact_parameters(parameters_from_db) return config
def _corsika_configuration_from_user_input(self, args_dict): """ Get CORSIKA configuration from user input. Parameters ---------- args_dict : dict Configuration dictionary. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with CORSIKA parameters. """ return { "EVTNR": [args_dict["event_number_first_shower"]], "NSHOW": [args_dict["nshow"]], "PRMPAR": [self.primary_particle.corsika7_id], "ESLOPE": [args_dict["eslope"]], "ERANGE": [ args_dict["energy_range"][0].to("GeV").value, args_dict["energy_range"][1].to("GeV").value, ], "THETAP": [ float(args_dict["zenith_angle"].to("deg").value), float(args_dict["zenith_angle"].to("deg").value), ], "PHIP": [ self._rotate_azimuth_by_180deg( args_dict["azimuth_angle"].to("deg").value, correct_for_geomagnetic_field_alignment=args_dict[ "correct_for_b_field_alignment" ], ), self._rotate_azimuth_by_180deg( args_dict["azimuth_angle"].to("deg").value, correct_for_geomagnetic_field_alignment=args_dict[ "correct_for_b_field_alignment" ], ), ], "VIEWCONE": [ args_dict["view_cone"][0].to("deg").value, args_dict["view_cone"][1].to("deg").value, ], "CSCAT": [ args_dict["core_scatter"][0], args_dict["core_scatter"][1].to("cm").value, 0.0, ], } def _corsika_configuration_interaction_flags(self, parameters_from_db): """ Return CORSIKA interaction flags / parameters. Parameters ---------- parameters_from_db : dict CORSIKA parameters from the database. Returns ------- interaction_parameters : dict Dictionary with CORSIKA interaction parameters. """ parameters = {} parameters["FIXHEI"] = self._input_config_first_interaction_height( parameters_from_db["corsika_first_interaction_height"] ) parameters["FIXCHI"] = [ self._input_config_corsika_starting_grammage( parameters_from_db["corsika_starting_grammage"] ) ] parameters["TSTART"] = ["T"] parameters["ECUTS"] = self._input_config_corsika_particle_kinetic_energy_cutoff( parameters_from_db["corsika_particle_kinetic_energy_cutoff"] ) parameters["MUADDI"] = ["F"] parameters["MUMULT"] = ["T"] parameters["LONGI"] = self._input_config_corsika_longitudinal_parameters( parameters_from_db["corsika_longitudinal_shower_development"] ) parameters["MAXPRT"] = ["10"] parameters["ECTMAP"] = ["1.e6"] self._logger.debug(f"Interaction parameters: {parameters}") return parameters def _input_config_first_interaction_height(self, entry): """Return FIXHEI parameter CORSIKA format.""" return [f"{entry['value']*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('cm'):.2f}", "0"] def _input_config_corsika_starting_grammage(self, entry): """Return FIXCHI parameter CORSIKA format.""" return f"{entry['value']*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('g/cm2')}" def _input_config_corsika_particle_kinetic_energy_cutoff(self, entry): """Return ECUTS parameter CORSIKA format.""" e_cuts = entry["value"] return [ f"{e_cuts[0]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('GeV')} " f"{e_cuts[1]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('GeV')} " f"{e_cuts[2]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('GeV')} " f"{e_cuts[3]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('GeV')}" ] def _input_config_corsika_longitudinal_parameters(self, entry): """Return LONGI parameter CORSIKA format.""" return ["T", f"{entry['value']*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('g/cm2')}", "F", "F"] def _corsika_configuration_cherenkov_parameters(self, parameters_from_db): """ Return CORSIKA Cherenkov emission parameters. Parameters ---------- parameters_from_db : dict CORSIKA parameters from the database. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with CORSIKA Cherenkov emission parameters. """ parameters = {} parameters["CERSIZ"] = [parameters_from_db["corsika_cherenkov_photon_bunch_size"]["value"]] parameters["CERFIL"] = "0" parameters["CWAVLG"] = self._input_config_corsika_cherenkov_wavelength( parameters_from_db["corsika_cherenkov_photon_wavelength_range"] ) self._logger.debug(f"Cherenkov parameters: {parameters}") return parameters def _input_config_corsika_cherenkov_wavelength(self, entry): """Return CWAVLG parameter CORSIKA format.""" wavelength_range = entry["value"] return [ f"{wavelength_range[0]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('nm')}", f"{wavelength_range[1]*u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('nm')}", ] def _corsika_configuration_iact_parameters(self, parameters_from_db): """ Return CORSIKA IACT parameters. Parameters ---------- parameters_from_db : dict CORSIKA parameters from the database. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with CORSIKA IACT parameters. """ parameters = {} parameters["SPLIT_AUTO"] = [parameters_from_db["corsika_iact_split_auto"]["value"]] parameters["IO_BUFFER"] = [ self._input_config_io_buff(parameters_from_db["corsika_iact_io_buffer"]) ] parameters["MAX_BUNCHES"] = [parameters_from_db["corsika_iact_max_bunches"]["value"]] self._logger.debug(f"IACT parameters: {parameters}") return parameters def _corsika_configuration_debugging_parameters(self): """Return CORSIKA debugging output parameters.""" return { "DEBUG": ["F", 6, "F", 1000000], "DATBAS": ["yes"], "DIRECT": ["./"], "PAROUT": ["F", "F"], } def _input_config_io_buff(self, entry): """Return IO_BUFFER parameter CORSIKA format (Byte or MB required).""" value = entry["value"] * u.Unit(entry["unit"]).to("Mbyte") # check if value is integer-like if value.is_integer(): return f"{int(value)}MB" return f"{int(entry['value'] * u.Unit(entry['unit']).to('byte'))}" def _rotate_azimuth_by_180deg(self, az, correct_for_geomagnetic_field_alignment=True): """ Convert azimuth angle to the CORSIKA coordinate system. Parameters ---------- az: float Azimuth angle in degrees. correct_for_geomagnetic_field_alignment: bool Whether to correct for the geomagnetic field alignment. Returns ------- float Azimuth angle in degrees in the CORSIKA coordinate system. """ b_field_declination = 0 if correct_for_geomagnetic_field_alignment: b_field_declination = self.array_model.site_model.get_parameter_value("geomag_rotation") return (az + 180 + b_field_declination) % 360 @property def primary(self): """Primary particle name.""" return def _set_primary_particle(self, args_dict): """ Set primary particle from input dictionary. Parameters ---------- args_dict: dict Input dictionary. Returns ------- PrimaryParticle Primary particle. """ if not args_dict or args_dict.get("primary_id_type") is None: return PrimaryParticle() return PrimaryParticle( particle_id_type=args_dict.get("primary_id_type"), particle_id=args_dict.get("primary") )
[docs] def get_config_parameter(self, par_name): """ Get value of CORSIKA configuration parameter. Parameters ---------- par_name: str Name of the parameter as used in the CORSIKA input file (e.g. PRMPAR, THETAP ...). Raises ------ KeyError When par_name is not a valid parameter name. Returns ------- list Value(s) of the parameter. """ par_value = [] for _, values in self.config.items(): if par_name in values: par_value = values[par_name] if len(par_value) == 0: self._logger.error(f"Parameter {par_name} is not a CORSIKA config parameter") raise KeyError return par_value if len(par_value) > 1 else par_value[0]
[docs] def print_config_parameter(self): """Print CORSIKA config parameters for inspection.""" for parameter_type, parameter_dict in self.config.items(): print(f"Parameter type: {parameter_type}\n") for par, value in parameter_dict.items(): print(f"{par} = {value}")
@staticmethod def _get_text_single_line(pars, line_begin=""): """ Return one parameter per line for each input parameter. Parameters ---------- pars: dict Dictionary with the parameters to be written in the file. Returns ------- str Text with the parameters. """ text = "" for par, values in pars.items(): line = line_begin + par + " " for v in values: line += str(v) + " " line += "\n" text += line return text
[docs] def generate_corsika_input_file(self, use_multipipe=False, use_test_seeds=False): """ Generate a CORSIKA input file. Parameters ---------- use_multipipe: bool Whether to set the CORSIKA Inputs file to pipe the output directly to sim_telarray. """ if self._is_file_updated: self._logger.debug(f"CORSIKA input file already updated: {self.config_file_path}") return self.config_file_path _output_generic_file_name = self.set_output_file_and_directory(use_multipipe=use_multipipe)"Exporting CORSIKA input file to {self.config_file_path}") with open(self.config_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write("\n* [ RUN PARAMETERS ]\n") text_parameters = self._get_text_single_line(self.config["USER_INPUT"]) file.write(text_parameters) file.write("\n* [ SITE PARAMETERS ]\n") text_site_parameters = self._get_text_single_line( self.array_model.site_model.get_corsika_site_parameters( config_file_style=True, model_directory=self.array_model.get_config_directory() ) ) file.write(text_site_parameters) file.write("\n* [ IACT ENV PARAMETERS ]\n") file.write(f"IACT setenv PRMNAME {}\n") file.write(f"IACT setenv ZA {int(self.get_config_parameter('THETAP')[0])}\n") file.write(f"IACT setenv AZM {self.azimuth_angle}\n") file.write("\n* [ SEEDS ]\n") self._write_seeds(file, use_test_seeds) file.write("\n* [ TELESCOPES ]\n") telescope_list_text = self.get_corsika_telescope_list() file.write(telescope_list_text) file.write("\n* [ INTERACTION FLAGS ]\n") text_interaction_flags = self._get_text_single_line(self.config["INTERACTION_FLAGS"]) file.write(text_interaction_flags) file.write("\n* [ CHERENKOV EMISSION PARAMETERS ]\n") text_cherenkov = self._get_text_single_line( self.config["CHERENKOV_EMISSION_PARAMETERS"] ) file.write(text_cherenkov) file.write("\n* [ DEBUGGING OUTPUT PARAMETERS ]\n") text_debugging = self._get_text_single_line(self.config["DEBUGGING_OUTPUT_PARAMETERS"]) file.write(text_debugging) file.write("\n* [ OUTPUT FILE ]\n") if use_multipipe: run_cta_script = Path(self.config_file_path.parent).joinpath("run_cta_multipipe") file.write(f"TELFIL |{run_cta_script!s}\n") else: file.write(f"TELFIL {_output_generic_file_name}\n") file.write("\n* [ IACT TUNING PARAMETERS ]\n") text_iact = self._get_text_single_line( self.config["IACT_PARAMETERS"], "IACT ", ) file.write(text_iact) file.write("\nEXIT") # Write out the atmospheric transmission file to the model directory. # This is done explicitly because it is not done "automatically" when CORSIKA is not piped # to sim_telarray. self.array_model.site_model.export_atmospheric_transmission_file( model_directory=self.array_model.get_config_directory() ) self._is_file_updated = True return self.config_file_path
[docs] def get_corsika_config_file_name(self, file_type, run_number=None): """ Get a CORSIKA config style file name for various configuration file types. Parameters ---------- file_type: str The type of file (determines the file suffix). Choices are config_tmp, config or output_generic. run_number: int Run number. Returns ------- str for file_type="config_tmp": Return CORSIKA input file name for one specific run. This is the input file after being pre-processed by sim_telarray (pfp). for file_type="config": Return generic CORSIKA config input file name. for file_type="output_generic" Return generic file name for the TELFIL option in the CORSIKA inputs file. for file_type="multipipe" Return multipipe "file name" for the TELFIL option in the CORSIKA inputs file. Raises ------ ValueError If file_type is unknown or if the run number is not given for file_type==config_tmp. """ file_label = f"_{self.label}" if self.label is not None else "" _vc_low = self.get_config_parameter("VIEWCONE")[0] _vc_high = self.get_config_parameter("VIEWCONE")[1] view_cone = ( f"_cone{int(_vc_low):d}-{int(_vc_high):d}" if _vc_low != 0 or _vc_high != 0 else "" ) base_name = ( f"{}_{}_{self.array_model.layout_name}_" f"za{int(self.get_config_parameter('THETAP')[0]):03}-" f"azm{self.azimuth_angle:03}deg" f"{view_cone}{file_label}" ) if file_type == "config_tmp": if run_number is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a run number for a temporary CORSIKA config file") return f"corsika_config_run{run_number:06}_{base_name}.txt" if file_type == "config": return f"corsika_config_{base_name}.input" if file_type == "output_generic": # The XXXXXX will be replaced by the run number after the pfp step with sed return ( f"runXXXXXX_{base_name}_{}_" f"{self.array_model.layout_name}{file_label}.zst" ) if file_type == "multipipe": return f"multi_cta-{}-{self.array_model.layout_name}.cfg" raise ValueError(f"The requested file type ({file_type}) is unknown")
[docs] def set_output_file_and_directory(self, use_multipipe=False): """ Set output file names and directories. Parameters ---------- use_multipipe: bool Whether to set the CORSIKA Inputs file to pipe the output directly to sim_telarray. Defines directory names. Returns ------- str Output file name. """ sub_dir = "corsika_simtel" if use_multipipe else "corsika" config_file_name = self.get_corsika_config_file_name(file_type="config") file_directory = self.io_handler.get_output_directory(label=self.label, sub_dir=sub_dir) self._logger.debug(f"Creating directory {file_directory}") file_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.config_file_path = file_directory.joinpath(config_file_name) return self.get_corsika_config_file_name(file_type="output_generic")
def _write_seeds(self, file, use_test_seeds=False): """ Generate and write seeds in the CORSIKA input file. Parameters ---------- file: stream File where the telescope positions will be written. """ random_seed = self.get_config_parameter("PRMPAR") + self.run_number rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) corsika_seeds = [534, 220, 1104, 382] if not use_test_seeds: corsika_seeds = [int(rng.uniform(0, 1e7)) for _ in range(4)] for s in corsika_seeds: file.write(f"SEED {s} 0 0\n")
[docs] def get_corsika_telescope_list(self): """ List of telescope positions in the format required for the CORSIKA input file. Returns ------- str Piece of text to be added to the CORSIKA input file. """ corsika_input_list = "" for telescope_name, telescope in self.array_model.telescope_model.items(): positions = telescope.get_parameter_value_with_unit("array_element_position_ground") corsika_input_list += "TELESCOPE" for pos in positions: corsika_input_list += f"\t {'cm').value:.3f}" sphere_radius = telescope.get_parameter_value_with_unit("telescope_sphere_radius").to( "cm" ) corsika_input_list += f"\t {sphere_radius:.3f}" corsika_input_list += f"\t # {telescope_name}\n" return corsika_input_list
@property def run_number(self): """Set run number.""" return self._run_number @run_number.setter def run_number(self, run_number): """ Set run number and validate it. Parameters ---------- run_number: int Run number. """ self._run_number = self.validate_run_number(run_number)
[docs] def validate_run_number(self, run_number): """ Validate run number and return it. Return run number from configuration if None. Parameters ---------- run_number: int Run number. Returns ------- int Run number. Raises ------ ValueError If run_number is not a valid value (e.g., < 1). """ if run_number is None: return self.run_number if not float(run_number).is_integer() or run_number < 1 or run_number > 999999: msg = f"Invalid type of run number ({run_number}) - it must be an uint < 1000000." self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return run_number