Source code for corsika.corsika_histograms_visualize

"""Visualize Cherenkov photon distributions from CORSIKA."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, property_name, log_z=False):
    Provide helper functions for plotting Cherenkov photon distributions saved in CorsikaHistograms.

    Create the figure of a 2D plot. The parameter name indicate which plot.
    Choices are "counts", "density", "direction", "time_altitude", and "num_photons_per_telescope".

    histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms
        instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms.
    property_name: string
        Name of the quantity. Options are: "counts", "density", "direction", "time_altitude" and
    log_z: bool
        if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale.

        List of figures for the given telescopes.

        if property is not allowed.
    if property_name not in histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions:
        msg = (
            f"This property does not exist. The valid entries are "
        raise ValueError(msg)
    _function = getattr(
    hist_values, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges = _function()

    all_figs = []
    for i_hist, _ in enumerate(x_bin_edges):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        if log_z is True:
            norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.amax([np.amax(hist_values[i_hist]), 2]))
            norm = None
        mesh = ax.pcolormesh(
            x_bin_edges[i_hist], y_bin_edges[i_hist], hist_values[i_hist], norm=norm
        if (
            histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]["x axis unit"]
            is not u.dimensionless_unscaled
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['x bin edges']} "
                f"({histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['x axis unit']})"
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['x bin edges']} "
        if (
            histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]["y axis unit"]
            is not u.dimensionless_unscaled
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['y bin edges']} "
                f"({histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['y axis unit']})"
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['y bin edges']} "
        ax.set_xlim(np.amin(x_bin_edges[i_hist]), np.amax(x_bin_edges[i_hist]))
        ax.set_ylim(np.amin(y_bin_edges[i_hist]), np.amax(y_bin_edges[i_hist]))
        if histograms_instance.individual_telescopes is False:
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['file name']}"
                "tel. " + str(i_hist),
                f"{histograms_instance.dict_2d_distributions[property_name]['file name']}"

    return all_figs

[docs] def plot_2d_counts(histograms_instance, log_z=True): """ Plot the 2D histogram of the photon positions on the ground. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, "counts", log_z=log_z)
[docs] def plot_2d_density(histograms_instance, log_z=True): """ Plot the 2D histogram of the photon density distribution on the ground. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, "density", log_z=log_z)
[docs] def plot_2d_direction(histograms_instance, log_z=True): """ Plot the 2D histogram of the incoming direction of photons. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, "direction", log_z=log_z)
[docs] def plot_2d_time_altitude(histograms_instance, log_z=True): """ Plot the 2D histogram of the time and altitude where the photon was produced. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, "time_altitude", log_z=log_z)
[docs] def plot_2d_num_photons_per_telescope(histograms_instance, log_z=True): """ Plot the 2D histogram of the number of photons per event and per telescope. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the color bar is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_2d_photons(histograms_instance, "num_photons_per_telescope", log_z=log_z)
def _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, property_name, log_y=True): """ Create the figure of a 1D plot. The parameter property indicate which plot. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. property_name: string Name of the quantity. Choices are "counts", "density", "direction", "time", "altitude", "num_photons_per_event", and "num_photons_per_telescope". log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. Raises ------ ValueError if property is not allowed. """ if property_name not in histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions: msg = ( f"This property does not exist. The valid entries are " f"{histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions}" ) _logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) _function = getattr( histograms_instance, histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]["function"], ) hist_values, bin_edges = _function() all_figs = [] for i_hist, _ in enumerate(bin_edges): fig, ax = plt.subplots() bin_edges[i_hist][:-1], hist_values[i_hist], align="edge", width=np.abs(np.diff(bin_edges[i_hist])), ) if ( histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]["axis unit"] is not u.dimensionless_unscaled ): ax.set_xlabel( f"{histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['bin edges']} " f"({histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['axis unit']})" ) else: ax.set_xlabel( f"{histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['bin edges']} " ) if property_name == "density": ax.set_ylabel( f"Density ({histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['axis unit']}" r"$^{-2}$)" ) else: ax.set_ylabel("Counts") if log_y is True: ax.set_yscale("log") if histograms_instance.individual_telescopes is False: ax.set_title( f"{histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['file name']}" "_all_tels" ) else: ax.set_title( f"{histograms_instance.dict_1d_distributions[property_name]['file name']}" f"_tel_index_{histograms_instance.telescope_indices[i_hist]}", ) all_figs.append(fig) plt.close(fig) return all_figs
[docs] def plot_wavelength_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the 1D distribution of the photon wavelengths. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "wavelength", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_counts_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the 1D distribution, i.e. the radial distribution, of the photons on the ground. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "counts", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_density_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the photon density distribution on the ground. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "density", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_time_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the distribution times in which the photons were generated in ns. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "time", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_altitude_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the distribution of altitude in which the photons were generated in km. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "altitude", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_photon_per_event_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the distribution of the number of Cherenkov photons per event. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "num_photons_per_event", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_photon_per_telescope_distr(histograms_instance, log_y=True): """ Plot the distribution of the number of Cherenkov photons per telescope. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ return _kernel_plot_1d_photons(histograms_instance, "num_photons_per_telescope", log_y=log_y)
[docs] def plot_1d_event_header_distribution( histograms_instance, event_header_element, log_y=True, bins=50, hist_range=None ): """ Plot the distribution of the quantity given by . Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. event_header_element: str The key to the CORSIKA event header element. log_y: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. bins: float Number of bins for the histogram. hist_range: 2-tuple Tuple to define the range of the histogram. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ hist_values, bin_edges = histograms_instance.event_1d_histogram( event_header_element, bins=bins, hist_range=hist_range ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() bin_edges[:-1], hist_values, align="edge", width=np.abs(np.diff(bin_edges)), ) if ( histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element].unit is not u.dimensionless_unscaled ): ax.set_xlabel( f"{event_header_element} (" f"{histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element].unit})" ) else: ax.set_xlabel(f"{event_header_element}") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") if log_y is True: ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_title(f"hist_1d_{event_header_element}") return fig
[docs] def plot_2d_event_header_distribution( histograms_instance, event_header_element_1, event_header_element_2, log_z=True, bins=50, hist_range=None, ): """ Plot the distribution of the quantity given by CorsikaHistograms. Parameters ---------- histograms_instance: corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms instance of corsika.corsika_histograms.CorsikaHistograms. event_header_element_1: str The first key to the CORSIKA event header element event_header_element_2: str The second key to the CORSIKA event header element. log_z: bool if True, the intensity of the Y axis is given in logarithmic scale. bins: float Number of bins for the histogram. hist_range: 2-tuple Tuple to define the range of the histogram. Returns ------- list List of figures for the given telescopes. """ hist_values, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges = histograms_instance.event_2d_histogram( event_header_element_1, event_header_element_2, bins=bins, hist_range=hist_range ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() if log_z is True: norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.amax([np.amax(hist_values), 2])) else: norm = None mesh = ax.pcolormesh(x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges, hist_values, norm=norm) if ( histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element_1].unit is not u.dimensionless_unscaled ): ax.set_xlabel( f"{event_header_element_1} (" f"{histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element_1].unit})" ) else: ax.set_xlabel(f"{event_header_element_2}") if ( histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element_2].unit is not u.dimensionless_unscaled ): ax.set_ylabel( f"{event_header_element_2} " f"({histograms_instance.event_information[event_header_element_2].unit})" ) else: ax.set_ylabel(f"{event_header_element_2}") ax.set_facecolor("black") ax.set_title(f"hist_2d_{event_header_element_1}_{event_header_element_2}") fig.colorbar(mesh) return fig
[docs] def save_figs_to_pdf(figs, pdf_file_name): """ Save figures from corsika histograms to an output pdf file. Parameters ---------- figs: list or numpy.array List with the figures output by pdf_file_name: str or Path Name of the pdf file. """ pdf_pages = PdfPages(Path(pdf_file_name).absolute().as_posix()) for fig in figs: plt.tight_layout() pdf_pages.savefig(fig) pdf_pages.close()