Source code for data_model.metadata_collector

Metadata collector for simtools.

This should be the only module in simtools with knowledge on the
implementation of the metadata model.


import datetime
import getpass
import logging
from importlib.resources import files
from pathlib import Path

import simtools.constants
import simtools.utils.general as gen
import simtools.version
from simtools.data_model import metadata_model
from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.utils import names

__all__ = ["MetadataCollector"]

[docs] class MetadataCollector: """ Collects and combines metadata to describe the current simtools activity and its data products. Collect as much metadata as possible from command line configuration, input data, environment, schema descriptions. Depends on the CTAO top-level metadata definition. Parameters ---------- args_dict: dict Command line parameters metadata_file_name: str Name of metadata file (only required when args_dict is None) data_model_name: str Name of data model parameter """ def __init__(self, args_dict, metadata_file_name=None, data_model_name=None): """Initialize metadata collector.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.observatory = "cta" self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.args_dict = args_dict if args_dict else {} self.data_model_name = data_model_name self.schema_file = None self.schema_dict = None self.top_level_meta = gen.change_dict_keys_case( data_dict=metadata_model.get_default_metadata_dict(), lower_case=True ) self.input_metadata = self._read_input_metadata_from_file( metadata_file_name=metadata_file_name ) self.collect_meta_data()
[docs] def collect_meta_data(self): """Collect and verify product metadata from different sources.""" self._fill_contact_meta(self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["contact"]) self._fill_product_meta(self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["product"]) self._fill_activity_meta(self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["activity"]) self._fill_process_meta(self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["process"]) self._fill_context_from_input_meta(self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["context"]) self._fill_associated_elements_from_args( self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["context"]["associated_elements"] )
[docs] def get_data_model_schema_file_name(self): """ Return data model schema file name. The schema file name is taken (in this order) from the command line, from the metadata file, from the data model name, or from the input metadata file. Returns ------- str Name of schema file. """ # from command line try: if self.args_dict["schema"]: self._logger.debug(f"Schema file from command line: {self.args_dict['schema']}") return self.args_dict["schema"] except KeyError: pass # from metadata try: if self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["product"]["data"]["model"]["url"]: self._logger.debug( "Schema file from product metadata: " f"{self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]['product']['data']['model']['url']}" ) return self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["product"]["data"]["model"]["url"] except KeyError: pass # from data model name if self.data_model_name: self._logger.debug(f"Schema file from data model name: {self.data_model_name}") return f"{files('simtools')}/schemas/model_parameters/{self.data_model_name}.schema.yml" # from input metadata try: self._logger.debug( "Schema file from input metadata: " f"{self.input_metadata[self.observatory]['product']['data']['model']['url']}" ) return self.input_metadata[self.observatory]["product"]["data"]["model"]["url"] except KeyError: pass self._logger.warning("No schema file found.") return None
[docs] def get_data_model_schema_dict(self): """ Return data model schema dictionary. Returns ------- dict Data model schema dictionary. """ try: return gen.collect_data_from_file_or_dict(file_name=self.schema_file, in_dict=None) except AttributeError: self._logger.debug(f"No valid schema file provided ({self.schema_file}).") return {}
[docs] def get_site(self, from_input_meta=False): """ Get site entry from metadata. Allow to get from collected or from input metadata. Parameters ---------- from_input_meta: bool Get site from input metadata (default: False) Returns ------- str Site name """ try: _site = ( self.top_level_meta[self.observatory]["instrument"]["site"] if not from_input_meta else self.input_metadata[self.observatory]["instrument"]["site"] ) if _site is not None: return names.validate_site_name(_site) except KeyError: pass return None
def _fill_contact_meta(self, contact_dict): """ Fill contact metadata fields. Parameters ---------- contact_dict: dict Dictionary for contact metadata fields. """ if contact_dict.get("name", None) is None: contact_dict["name"] = getpass.getuser() def _fill_associated_elements_from_args(self, associated_elements_dict): """ Append association metadata set through configurator. Note ---- This function might go in future, as instrument information will not be given via command line. Parameters ---------- associated_elements_dict: dict Dictionary for associated elements field. Raises ------ TypeError, KeyError if error reading association metadata from args. KeyError if metadata description cannot be filled. """ self._logger.debug(f"Fill metadata from args: {self.args_dict}") _association = {} try: if self.args_dict and self.args_dict.get("site", None): _association["site"] = names.validate_site_name(self.args_dict["site"]) if "telescope" in self.args_dict: _telescope_name = names.validate_array_element_name(self.args_dict["telescope"]) _association["class"] = "telescope" _association["type"] = names.get_array_element_type_from_name(_telescope_name) _association["subtype"] = "" except (TypeError, KeyError): self._logger.error("Error reading association metadata from args") raise self._fill_context_sim_list(associated_elements_dict, _association) def _fill_context_from_input_meta(self, context_dict): """ Read and validate input metadata from file and fill CONTEXT metadata fields. Parameters ---------- context_dict: dict Dictionary with context level metadata. Raises ------ KeyError if corresponding fields cannot by accessed in the top-level or metadata dictionaries. """ try: self._merge_config_dicts(context_dict, self.input_metadata[self.observatory]["context"]) for key in ("document", "associated_elements", "associated_data"): self._copy_list_type_metadata( context_dict, self.input_metadata[self.observatory], key ) except KeyError: self._logger.debug("No context metadata defined in input metadata file.") try: self._fill_context_sim_list( context_dict["associated_data"], self.input_metadata[self.observatory]["product"] ) except (KeyError, TypeError): self._logger.debug("No input product metadata appended to associated data.") def _read_input_metadata_from_file(self, metadata_file_name=None): """ Read and validate input metadata from file. In case of an ecsv file including a table, the metadata is read from the table meta data. Returns empty dict in case no file is given. Parameter --------- metadata_file_name: str or Path Name of metadata file. Returns ------- dict Metadata dictionary. Raises ------ gen.InvalidConfigDataError, FileNotFoundError if metadata cannot be read from file. KeyError: if metadata does not exist """ metadata_file_name = ( self.args_dict.get("input_meta", None) or self.args_dict.get("input", None) if metadata_file_name is None else metadata_file_name ) if metadata_file_name is None: self._logger.debug("No input metadata file defined.") return {} self._logger.debug("Reading meta data from %s", metadata_file_name) # metadata from yml or json file if Path(metadata_file_name).suffix in (".yaml", ".yml", ".json"): try: _input_metadata = gen.collect_data_from_file_or_dict( file_name=metadata_file_name, in_dict=None ) _json_type_metadata = {"Metadata", "metadata", "METADATA"}.intersection( _input_metadata ) if len(_json_type_metadata) == 1: _input_metadata = _input_metadata[_json_type_metadata.pop()] elif len(_json_type_metadata) > 1: self._logger.error( "More than one metadata entry found in %s", metadata_file_name ) raise gen.InvalidConfigDataError except (gen.InvalidConfigDataError, FileNotFoundError): self._logger.error("Failed reading metadata from %s", metadata_file_name) raise # metadata from table meta in ecsv file elif Path(metadata_file_name).suffix == ".ecsv": from astropy.table import Table # pylint: disable=C0415 try: _input_metadata = { self.observatory.upper():[ self.observatory.upper() ] } except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError, AttributeError): self._logger.error( "Failed reading metadata for %s from %s", self.observatory, metadata_file_name ) raise else: self._logger.error("Unknown metadata file format: %s", metadata_file_name) raise gen.InvalidConfigDataError metadata_model.validate_schema(_input_metadata, None) return gen.change_dict_keys_case( self._process_metadata_from_file(_input_metadata), lower_case=True, ) def _fill_product_meta(self, product_dict): """ Fill metadata for data products fields. If a schema file is given for the data products, try and read product:data:model metadata from there. Parameters ---------- product_dict: dict Dictionary describing data product. Raises ------ KeyError if relevant fields are not defined in top level metadata dictionary. """ self.schema_file = self.get_data_model_schema_file_name() self.schema_dict = self.get_data_model_schema_dict() product_dict["id"] = self.args_dict.get("activity_id", "UNDEFINED_ACTIVITY_ID") product_dict["creation_time"] ="seconds") product_dict["description"] = self.schema_dict.get("description", None) # DATA:CATEGORY product_dict["data"]["category"] = "SIM" product_dict["data"]["level"] = "R1" product_dict["data"]["type"] = "Service" try: product_dict["data"]["association"] = self.schema_dict["instrument"]["class"] except KeyError: pass # DATA:MODEL helper_dict = {"name": "name", "version": "version", "type": "base_schema"} for key, value in helper_dict.items(): product_dict["data"]["model"][key] = self.schema_dict.get(value, None) product_dict["data"]["model"]["url"] = self.schema_file product_dict["format"] = self.args_dict.get("output_file_format", None) product_dict["filename"] = str(self.args_dict.get("output_file", None)) def _fill_process_meta(self, process_dict): """ Fill process fields in metadata. Parameters ---------- process_dict: dict Dictionary for process metadata fields. """ process_dict["type"] = "simulation" def _fill_activity_meta(self, activity_dict): """ Fill activity (software) related metadata. Parameters ---------- activity_dict: dict Dictionary for top-level activity metadata. """ activity_dict["name"] = self.args_dict.get("label", None) activity_dict["type"] = "software" activity_dict["id"] = self.args_dict.get("activity_id", "UNDEFINED_ACTIVITY_ID") activity_dict["start"] ="seconds") activity_dict["end"] = activity_dict["start"] activity_dict["software"]["name"] = "simtools" activity_dict["software"]["version"] = simtools.version.__version__ def _merge_config_dicts(self, dict_high, dict_low, add_new_fields=False): """ Merge two config dicts and replace values in dict_high which are Nonetype. Priority to dict_high in case of conflicting entries. Parameters ---------- dict_high: dict Dictionary into which values are merged. dict_low: dict Dictionary from which values are taken for merging. add_new_fields: bool If true: add fields from dict_low to dict_high, if they don't exist in dict_high """ if dict_high is None and dict_low: dict_high = dict_low return try: for k in dict_low: if k in dict_high: if isinstance(dict_low[k], dict): self._merge_config_dicts(dict_high[k], dict_low[k], add_new_fields) elif dict_high[k] is None: dict_high[k] = dict_low[k] elif dict_high[k] != dict_low[k] and dict_low[k] is not None: self._logger.debug( f"Conflicting entries between dict: {dict_high[k]} vs {dict_low[k]} " f"(use {dict_high[k]})" ) elif add_new_fields: dict_high[k] = dict_low[k] except (KeyError, TypeError): self._logger.error("Error merging dictionaries") raise def _fill_context_sim_list(self, meta_list, new_entry_dict): """ Fill list-type entries into metadata. Take into account the first list entry is the default value filled with Nones. Parameters ---------- meta_list: list List of metadata entries. new_entry_dict: dict New metadata entry to be added to meta_list. Returns ------- list Updated meta list. """ if len(new_entry_dict) == 0: return [] try: if self._all_values_none(meta_list[0]): meta_list[0] = new_entry_dict else: meta_list.append(new_entry_dict) except (TypeError, IndexError): meta_list = [new_entry_dict] return meta_list def _process_metadata_from_file(self, meta_dict): """ Process metadata from file to ensure compatibility with metadata model. Changes keys to lower case and removes line feeds from description fields. Parameters ---------- meta_dict: dict Input metadata dictionary. Returns ------- dict Metadata dictionary. """ meta_dict = gen.change_dict_keys_case(meta_dict, True) try: meta_dict[self.observatory]["product"]["description"] = self._remove_line_feed( meta_dict[self.observatory]["product"]["description"] ) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass return meta_dict @staticmethod def _remove_line_feed(string): """ Remove all line feeds from a string. Parameters ---------- str input string Returns ------- str with line feeds removed """ return string.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "").replace(" ", " ") def _copy_list_type_metadata(self, context_dict, _input_metadata, key): """ Copy list-type metadata from file. Very fine tuned. Parameters ---------- context_dict: dict Dictionary for top level metadata (context level) _input_metadata: dict Dictionary for metadata from file. key: str Key for metadata entry. """ try: for document in _input_metadata["context"][key]: self._fill_context_sim_list(context_dict[key], document) except KeyError: pass def _all_values_none(self, input_dict): """ Check recursively if all values in a dictionary are None. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Input dictionary. Returns ------- bool True if all entries are None, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(input_dict, dict): return input_dict is None return all(self._all_values_none(value) for value in input_dict.values())