Source code for generate_regular_arrays


Make a regular array of telescopes and save it as astropy table.

The arrays consist of one telescope at the center of the array and or of 4 telescopes
in a square grid. These arrays are used for trigger rate simulations.

The array layout files created will be available at the data/layout directory.

Command line arguments
site (str, required)
    observatory site (e.g., North or South).
model_version (str, optional)
    Model version to use (e.g., 6.0.0). If not provided, the latest version is used.

Runtime < 10 s.

.. code-block:: console

    simtools-generate-regular-arrays --site=North

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import QTable

import simtools.data_model.model_data_writer as writer
import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.configuration import configurator
from simtools.utils import names

# Telescope distances for 4 tel square arrays
telescope_distance = {"LST": 57.5 * u.m, "MST": 70 * u.m, "SST": 80 * u.m}

def _parse():
    config = configurator.Configurator(
            "Generate a regular array of telescope and save as astropy table.\n"
            "Default telescope distances for 4 telescope square arrays are: \n"
            f"  LST: {telescope_distance['LST']}\n"
            f"  MST: {telescope_distance['MST']}\n"
            f"  SST: {telescope_distance['SST']}\n"
    return config.initialize(
        db_config=False, simulation_model=["site", "model_version"], output=True

[docs] def main(): """Create layout array files (ecsv) of regular arrays.""" args_dict, _ = _parse() logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(gen.get_log_level_from_user(args_dict["log_level"])) if args_dict["site"] == "South": array_list = ["1SST", "4SST", "1MST", "4MST", "1LST", "4LST"] else: array_list = ["1MST", "4MST", "1LST", "4LST"] for array_name in array_list:"Processing array {array_name}") tel_name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = [], [], [], [] tel_size = array_name[1:4] # Single telescope at the center if array_name[0] == "1": tel_name.append( names.get_array_element_name_from_type_site_id(tel_size, args_dict["site"], "01") ) pos_x.append(0 * u.m) pos_y.append(0 * u.m) pos_z.append(0 * u.m) # 4 telescopes in a regular square grid else: for i in range(1, 5): tel_name.append( names.get_array_element_name_from_type_site_id( tel_size, args_dict["site"], f"0{i}" ) ) pos_x.append(telescope_distance[tel_size] * (-1) ** (i // 2)) pos_y.append(telescope_distance[tel_size] * (-1) ** (i % 2)) pos_z.append(0 * u.m) table = QTable(meta={"array_name": array_name, "site": args_dict["site"]}) table["telescope_name"] = tel_name table["position_x"] = pos_x table["position_y"] = pos_y table["position_z"] = pos_z table.sort("telescope_name") table.pprint() output_file = args_dict.get("output_file") if output_file: output_path = Path(output_file) output_file = output_path.with_name( f"{output_path.stem}-{args_dict['site']}-{array_name}{output_path.suffix}" ) writer.ModelDataWriter.dump( args_dict=args_dict, output_file=output_file, metadata=None, product_data=table, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()