Source code for job_execution.job_manager

"""Interface to workload managers like gridengine or HTCondor."""

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

import simtools.utils.general as gen

__all__ = ["JobManager", "JobExecutionError"]

[docs] class JobExecutionError(Exception): """Job execution error."""
[docs] class JobManager: """ Interface to workload managers like gridengine or HTCondor. Expects that jobs are described by shell scripts. Parameters ---------- submit_engine : str Job submission system. Default is local. test : bool Testing mode without sub submission. """ engines = { "gridengine": "qsub", "htcondor": "condor_submit", "local": "", "test_wms": "test_wms", # used for testing only } def __init__(self, submit_engine=None, submit_options=None, test=False): """Initialize JobManager.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.submit_engine = submit_engine self.submit_options = submit_options self.test = test self.run_script = None self.run_out_file = None self.check_submission_system() @property def submit_engine(self): """Get the submit command.""" return self._submit_engine @submit_engine.setter def submit_engine(self, value): """ Set the submit command. Parameters ---------- value : str Name of submit engine. Raises ------ ValueError if invalid submit engine. """ if value is None: value = "local" if value not in self.engines: raise ValueError(f"Invalid submit command: {value}") self._submit_engine = value
[docs] def check_submission_system(self): """ Check that the requested workload manager exist on the system. Raises ------ MissingWorkloadManagerError if workflow manager is not found. """ if self.submit_engine is None or self.submit_engine == "local": return if gen.program_is_executable(self.engines[self.submit_engine]): return
[docs] def submit(self, run_script=None, run_out_file=None, log_file=None): """ Submit a job described by a shell script. Parameters ---------- run_script: str Shell script describing the job to be submitted. run_out_file: str or Path Redirect output/error/job stream to this file (out,err,job suffix). log_file: str or Path The log file of the actual simulator (CORSIKA or sim_telarray). Provided in order to print the log excerpt in case of run time error. """ self.run_script = str(run_script) run_out_file = Path(run_out_file) self.run_out_file = str(run_out_file.parent.joinpath(run_out_file.stem))"Submitting script {self.run_script}")"Job output stream {self.run_out_file + '.out'}")"Job error stream {self.run_out_file + '.err'}")"Job log stream {self.run_out_file + '.job'}") if self.submit_engine == "gridengine": self._submit_gridengine() elif self.submit_engine == "htcondor": self._submit_htcondor() elif self.submit_engine == "local": self._submit_local(log_file)
def _submit_local(self, log_file): """ Run a job script on the command line (no submission to a workload manager). Parameters ---------- log_file: str or Path The log file of the actual simulator (CORSIKA or sim_telarray). Provided in order to print the log excerpt in case of run time error. """"Running script locally") shell_command = f"{self.run_script} > {self.run_out_file}.out 2> {self.run_out_file}.err" if not self.test: sys_output = os.system(shell_command) if sys_output != 0: msg = gen.get_log_excerpt(f"{self.run_out_file}.err") self._logger.error(msg) if log_file.exists() and gen.get_file_age(log_file) < 5: msg = gen.get_log_excerpt(log_file) self._logger.error(msg) raise JobExecutionError("See excerpt from log file above\n") else:"Testing (local)") def _submit_htcondor(self): """Submit a job described by a shell script to HTcondor.""" _condor_file = self.run_script + ".condor" try: with open(_condor_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(f"Executable = {self.run_script}\n") file.write(f"Output = {self.run_out_file + '.out'}\n") file.write(f"Error = {self.run_out_file + '.err'}\n") file.write(f"Log = {self.run_out_file + '.job'}\n") if self.submit_options: submit_option_list = self.submit_options.split(",") for option in submit_option_list: file.write(option.lstrip() + "\n") file.write("queue 1\n") except FileNotFoundError as exc: self._logger.error(f"Failed creating condor submission file {_condor_file}") raise JobExecutionError from exc self._execute(self.submit_engine, self.engines[self.submit_engine] + " " + _condor_file) def _submit_gridengine(self): """Submit a job described by a shell script to gridengine.""" this_sub_cmd = self.engines[self.submit_engine] this_sub_cmd = this_sub_cmd + " -o " + self.run_out_file + ".out" this_sub_cmd = this_sub_cmd + " -e " + self.run_out_file + ".err" self._execute(self.submit_engine, this_sub_cmd + " " + self.run_script) def _execute(self, engine, shell_command): """ Execute a shell command using a specific engine. Parameters ---------- engine : str Engine to use. shell_command : str Shell command to execute. """"Submitting script to {engine}") self._logger.debug(shell_command) if not self.test: os.system(shell_command) else:"Testing ({engine})")