Source code for model.model_utils

"""Helper functions calculations related to model parameters."""

import math

from simtools.utils import names

__all__ = [

[docs] def compute_telescope_transmission(pars, off_axis): """ Compute telescope transmission (0 < T < 1) for a given off-axis angle. The telescope transmission depends on the MC model used. Parameters ---------- pars: list of float Parameters of the telescope transmission. Len(pars) should be 4. off_axis: float Off-axis angle in deg. Returns ------- float Telescope transmission. """ _deg_to_rad = math.pi / 180.0 if pars[1] == 0: return pars[0] t = math.sin(off_axis * _deg_to_rad) / (pars[3] * _deg_to_rad) return pars[0] / (1.0 + pars[2] * t ** pars[4])
[docs] def is_two_mirror_telescope(telescope_model_name): """ Check if the telescope is a two mirror design. Parameters ---------- telescope_model_name: str Telescope model name (ex. LSTN-01). Returns ------- bool True if the telescope is a two mirror one. """ tel_type = names.get_array_element_type_from_name(telescope_model_name) if "SST" in tel_type or "SCT" in tel_type: return True return False