Source code for model.telescope_model

"""MC model of a telescope."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from import Camera
from simtools.model.mirrors import Mirrors
from simtools.model.model_parameter import InvalidModelParameterError, ModelParameter
from simtools.utils import names

__all__ = ["TelescopeModel"]

[docs] class TelescopeModel(ModelParameter): """ TelescopeModel represents the MC model of an individual telescope. TelescopeModel contains parameter names and values for a specific telescope model. Parameters ---------- site: str Site name (e.g., South or North). telescope_name: str Telescope name (ex. LSTN-01, LSTN-design, ...). mongo_db_config: dict MongoDB configuration. model_version: str Model version. label: str, optional Instance label. Important for output file naming. """ def __init__( self, site: str, telescope_name: str, mongo_db_config: dict, model_version: str, label: str | None = None, ): """Initialize TelescopeModel.""" super().__init__( site=site, array_element_name=telescope_name, mongo_db_config=mongo_db_config, model_version=model_version, db=None, label=label, ) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Init TelescopeModel %s %s", site, telescope_name) self._single_mirror_list_file_paths = None self._mirrors = None self._camera = None @property def mirrors(self): """Load the mirror information if the class instance hasn't done it yet.""" if self._mirrors is None: self._load_mirrors() return self._mirrors @property def camera(self): """Load the camera information if the class instance hasn't done it yet.""" if self._camera is None: self._load_camera() return self._camera
[docs] def export_single_mirror_list_file(self, mirror_number: int, set_focal_length_to_zero: bool): """ Export a mirror list file with a single mirror in it. Parameters ---------- mirror_number: int Number index of the mirror. set_focal_length_to_zero: bool Set the focal length to zero if True. """ if mirror_number > self.mirrors.number_of_mirrors: logging.error("mirror_number > number_of_mirrors") return file_name = names.simtel_single_mirror_list_file_name(,, self.model_version, mirror_number, self.label ) if self._single_mirror_list_file_paths is None: self._single_mirror_list_file_paths = {} self._single_mirror_list_file_paths[mirror_number] = self.config_file_directory.joinpath( file_name ) # Using SimtelConfigWriter self._load_simtel_config_writer() self.simtel_config_writer.write_single_mirror_list_file( mirror_number, self.mirrors, self._single_mirror_list_file_paths[mirror_number], set_focal_length_to_zero, )
[docs] def get_single_mirror_list_file( self, mirror_number: int, set_focal_length_to_zero: bool = False ): """ Get the path to the single mirror list file. Parameters ---------- mirror_number: int Mirror number. set_focal_length_to_zero: bool Flag to set the focal length to zero. Returns ------- Path Path of the single mirror list file. """ self.export_single_mirror_list_file(mirror_number, set_focal_length_to_zero) return self._single_mirror_list_file_paths[mirror_number]
def _load_mirrors(self): """Load the attribute mirrors by creating a Mirrors object with the mirror list file.""" mirror_list_file_name = self.get_parameter_value("mirror_list") self._logger.debug(f"Reading mirror list from {mirror_list_file_name}") try: mirror_list_file = gen.find_file(mirror_list_file_name, self.config_file_directory) except FileNotFoundError: mirror_list_file = gen.find_file(mirror_list_file_name, self.io_handler.model_path) self._logger.warning( "Mirror_list_file was not found in the config directory - " "Using the one found in the model_path" ) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError("Undefined mirror list") from exc self._mirrors = Mirrors(mirror_list_file, parameters=self._parameters)
[docs] def get_telescope_effective_focal_length( self, unit: str = "m", return_focal_length_if_zero: bool = False ) -> float: """ Return effective focal length. The function ensures backwards compatibility with older sim-telarray versions. Parameters ---------- unit: str Unit of the effective focal length. Default is 'm'. return_focal_length_if_zero: bool If True, return the focal length if the effective focal length is 0. Returns ------- float: Effective focal length. """ try: eff_focal_length = self.get_parameter_value_with_unit("effective_focal_length")[0] except TypeError: eff_focal_length = self.get_parameter_value_with_unit("effective_focal_length") try: eff_focal_length = except AttributeError: eff_focal_length = 0.0 if return_focal_length_if_zero and (eff_focal_length is None or eff_focal_length == 0.0): self._logger.warning("Using focal_length because effective_focal_length is 0") return self.get_parameter_value_with_unit("focal_length").to(unit).value return eff_focal_length
def _load_camera(self): """Load camera attribute by creating a Camera object with the camera config file.""" camera_config_file = self.get_parameter_value("camera_config_file") focal_length = self.get_telescope_effective_focal_length("cm", True) try: camera_config_file_path = gen.find_file(camera_config_file, self.config_file_directory) except TypeError as exc: self._logger.error( f"Camera config file {camera_config_file} or " f"config file directory ({self.config_file_directory}) is None" ) raise TypeError from exc except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.warning( f"Camera config file {camera_config_file} not found in the config directory " f"{self.config_file_directory}. Using the one found in the model_path" ) camera_config_file_path = gen.find_file(camera_config_file, self.io_handler.model_path) self._camera = Camera(, camera_config_file=camera_config_file_path, focal_length=focal_length, )
[docs] def is_file_2d(self, par: str) -> bool: """ Check if the file referenced by par is a 2D table. Parameters ---------- par: str Name of the parameter. Returns ------- bool: True if the file is a 2D map type. """ try: file_name = self.get_parameter_value(par) except KeyError: logging.error(f"Parameter {par} does not exist") return False file = self.config_file_directory.joinpath(file_name) with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: return "@RPOL@" in
[docs] def read_two_dim_wavelength_angle(self, file_name: str | Path) -> dict: """ Read a two dimensional distribution of wavelength and angle (z-axis can be anything). Return a dictionary with three arrays, wavelength, angles, z (can be transmission, reflectivity, etc.) Parameters ---------- file_name: str or Path File assumed to be in the model directory. Returns ------- dict: dict of three arrays, wavelength, degrees, z. """ _file = self.config_file_directory.joinpath(file_name) self._logger.debug("Reading two dimensional distribution from %s", _file) line_to_start_from = 0 with open(_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: for i_line, line in enumerate(f): if line.startswith("ANGLE"): degrees = np.array(line.strip().split("=")[1].split(), dtype=np.float16) line_to_start_from = i_line + 1 break # The rest can be read with np.loadtxt _data = np.loadtxt(_file, skiprows=line_to_start_from) return { "Wavelength": _data[:, 0], "Angle": degrees, "z": np.array(_data[:, 1:]).T, }
[docs] def get_on_axis_eff_optical_area(self) -> float: """Return the on-axis effective optical area (derived previously for this telescope).""" ray_tracing_data = self.config_file_directory.joinpath(self.get_parameter_value("optics_properties")) ) if not np.isclose(ray_tracing_data["Off-axis angle"][0], 0): self._logger.error( f"No value for the on-axis effective optical area exists." f" The minimum off-axis angle is {ray_tracing_data['Off-axis angle'][0]}" ) raise ValueError return ray_tracing_data["eff_area"][0]
[docs] def read_incidence_angle_distribution(self, incidence_angle_dist_file: str) -> Table: """ Read the incidence angle distribution from a file. Parameters ---------- incidence_angle_dist_file: str File name of the incidence angle distribution Returns ------- incidence_angle_dist: astropy.table.Table Instance of astropy.table.Table with the incidence angle distribution. """ self._logger.debug( "Reading incidence angle distribution from %s", self.config_file_directory.joinpath(incidence_angle_dist_file), ) return
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_average_curve(curves: dict, incidence_angle_dist: Table) -> Table: """ Calculate an average curve from a set of curves. The calculation uses weights the distribution of incidence angles provided in incidence_angle_dist. Parameters ---------- curves: dict dict of with 3 "columns", Wavelength, Angle and z. The dictionary represents a two \ dimensional distribution of wavelengths and angles with the z value being e.g., \ reflectivity, transmission, etc. incidence_angle_dist: astropy.table.Table Instance of astropy.table.Table with the incidence angle distribution. The assumed \ columns are "Incidence angle" and "Fraction". Returns ------- average_curve: astropy.table.Table Instance of astropy.table.Table with the averaged curve. """ weights = [] for angle_now in curves["Angle"]: weights.append( incidence_angle_dist["Fraction"][ np.nanargmin(np.abs(angle_now - incidence_angle_dist["Incidence angle"].value)) ] ) return Table( [curves["Wavelength"], np.average(curves["z"], weights=weights, axis=0)], names=("Wavelength", "z"), )
[docs] def export_table_to_model_directory(self, file_name: str, table: Table) -> str: """ Write out a file with the provided table to the model directory. Parameters ---------- file_name: str File name to write to. table: astropy.table.Table Instance of astropy.table.Table with the values to write to the file. Returns ------- Path: Path to the file exported. """ file_to_write_to = self.config_file_directory.joinpath(file_name) table.write(file_to_write_to, format="ascii.commented_header", overwrite=True) return file_to_write_to.absolute()
[docs] def position(self, coordinate_system: str = "ground") -> list: """ Get coordinates in the given system. Parameters ---------- coordinate_system: str Coordinates system. Default is 'ground'. Returns ------- list : List of telescope position in the requested coordinate system. Raises ------ KeyError If the coordinate system is not found. """ try: return self.get_parameter_value_with_unit(f"array_element_position_{coordinate_system}") except InvalidModelParameterError as exc: self._logger.error(f"Coordinate system {coordinate_system} not found.") raise exc