Source code for simtel.simulator_camera_efficiency

"""Simulation runner for camera efficiency calculations."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

from simtools.model.model_parameter import InvalidModelParameterError
from simtools.runners.simtel_runner import SimtelRunner
from simtools.utils import general

__all__ = ["SimulatorCameraEfficiency"]

[docs] class SimulatorCameraEfficiency(SimtelRunner): """ Interface with the testeff tool of sim_telarray to perform camera efficiency simulations. Parameters ---------- telescope_model: str Instance of TelescopeModel class. label: str Instance label. Important for output file naming. simtel_path: str or Path Location of sim_telarray installation. file_simtel: str or Path Location of the sim_telarray testeff tool output file. zenith_angle: float Zenith angle given in the config to CameraEfficiency. nsb_spectrum: str or Path Path to the nsb spectrum file. """ def __init__( self, telescope_model, label=None, simtel_path=None, file_simtel=None, file_log=None, zenith_angle=None, nsb_spectrum=None, skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum=False, ): """Initialize SimtelRunner.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Init SimulatorCameraEfficiency") super().__init__(label=label, simtel_path=simtel_path) self._telescope_model = telescope_model self.label = label if label is not None else self._telescope_model.label self._file_simtel = file_simtel self._file_log = file_log self.zenith_angle = zenith_angle self.nsb_spectrum = nsb_spectrum self.skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum = skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum @property def nsb_spectrum(self): """nsb_spectrum property.""" return self._nsb_spectrum @nsb_spectrum.setter def nsb_spectrum(self, nsb_spectrum): """Setter for nsb_spectrum.""" if nsb_spectrum is not None: self._nsb_spectrum = self._validate_or_fix_nsb_spectrum_file_format(nsb_spectrum) else: self._nsb_spectrum = ( self._telescope_model.config_file_directory / Path(self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("nsb_reference_spectrum")).name ) def _make_run_command(self, run_number=None, input_file=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Prepare the command used to run testeff.""" self._logger.debug("Preparing the command to run testeff") # Processing camera pixel features pixel_shape = pixel_shape_cmd = "-hpix" if pixel_shape in [1, 3] else "-spix" pixel_diameter = # Processing focal length focal_length = self._telescope_model.get_telescope_effective_focal_length("m", True) # Processing mirror class mirror_class = 1 try: mirror_class = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("mirror_class") except InvalidModelParameterError: pass # Processing camera transmission camera_transmission = 1 try: camera_transmission = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("camera_transmission") except KeyError: pass # Processing camera filter # A special case is testeff does not support 2D distributions camera_filter_file = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("camera_filter") if self._telescope_model.is_file_2d("camera_filter"): camera_filter_file = self._get_one_dim_distribution( "camera_filter", "camera_filter_incidence_angle" ) # Processing mirror reflectivity # A special case is testeff does not support 2D distributions mirror_reflectivity = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("mirror_reflectivity") if mirror_class == 2: mirror_reflectivity_secondary = mirror_reflectivity if self._telescope_model.is_file_2d("mirror_reflectivity"): mirror_reflectivity = self._get_one_dim_distribution( "mirror_reflectivity", "primary_mirror_incidence_angle" ) mirror_reflectivity_secondary = self._get_one_dim_distribution( "mirror_reflectivity", "secondary_mirror_incidence_angle" ) command = str(self._simtel_path.joinpath("sim_telarray/testeff")) if self.skip_correction_to_nsb_spectrum: command += " -nc" # Do not apply correction to original altitude where B&E was derived command += " -I" # Clear the fall-back configuration directories command += f" -I{self._telescope_model.config_file_directory}" if self.nsb_spectrum is not None: command += f" -fnsb {self.nsb_spectrum}" command += " -nm -nsb-extra" command += f" -alt {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('corsika_observation_level')}" command += f" -fatm {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('atmospheric_transmission')}" command += f" -flen {focal_length}" command += f" {pixel_shape_cmd} {pixel_diameter}" if mirror_class == 0: command += f" -fmir {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('mirror_list')}" if mirror_class == 2: command += f" -fmir {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('fake_mirror_list')}" command += f" -fref {mirror_reflectivity}" if mirror_class == 2: command += " -m2" command += f" -fref2 {mirror_reflectivity_secondary}" command += " -teltrans " command += f"{self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('telescope_transmission')[0]}" command += f" -camtrans {camera_transmission}" command += f" -fflt {camera_filter_file}" command += ( f" -fang {}" ) command += ( f" -fwl {}" ) command += f" -fqe {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('quantum_efficiency')}" command += " 200 1000" # lmin and lmax command += " 300" # Xmax command += f" {self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('atmospheric_profile')}" command += f" {self.zenith_angle}" # Remove the default sim_telarray configuration directories command = general.clear_default_sim_telarray_cfg_directories(command) return ( f"cd {self._simtel_path.joinpath('sim_telarray')} && {command}", self._file_simtel, self._file_log, ) def _check_run_result(self, run_number=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Check run results. Raises ------ RuntimeError if camera efficiency simulation results file does not exist. """ # Checking run if not self._file_simtel.exists(): msg = f"Camera efficiency simulation results file does not exist ({self._file_simtel})." self._logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._logger.debug("Everything looks fine with output file.") def _get_one_dim_distribution(self, two_dim_parameter, weighting_distribution_parameter): """ Calculate an average one-dimensional curve for testeff from the two-dimensional curve. The two-dimensional distribution is provided in two_dim_parameter. The distribution of weights to use for averaging the two-dimensional distribution is given in weighting_distribution_parameter. Parameters ---------- two_dim_parameter: str The name of the two-dimensional distribution parameter. weighting_distribution_parameter: str The name of the parameter with the distribution of weights. Returns ------- one_dim_file: Path The file path and name with the new one-dimensional distribution """ incidence_angle_distribution_file = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value( weighting_distribution_parameter ) incidence_angle_distribution = self._telescope_model.read_incidence_angle_distribution( incidence_angle_distribution_file ) self._logger.warning( f"The {' '.join(two_dim_parameter.split('_'))} distribution " "is a 2D one which testeff does not support. " "Instead of using the 2D distribution, the two dimensional distribution " "will be averaged, using the photon incidence angle distribution as weights. " "The incidence angle distribution is taken " f"from the file - {incidence_angle_distribution_file})." ) two_dim_distribution = self._telescope_model.read_two_dim_wavelength_angle( self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value(two_dim_parameter) ) distribution_to_export = self._telescope_model.calc_average_curve( two_dim_distribution, incidence_angle_distribution ) new_file_name = ( f"weighted_average_1D_{self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value(two_dim_parameter)}" ) return self._telescope_model.export_table_to_model_directory( new_file_name, distribution_to_export ) def _validate_or_fix_nsb_spectrum_file_format(self, nsb_spectrum_file): """ Validate or fix the nsb spectrum file format. The nsb spectrum file format required by sim_telarray has three columns: wavelength (nm), ignored, NSB flux [1e9 * ph/m2/s/sr/nm], where the second column is ignored by sim_telarray and the third is used for the NSB flux. This function makes sure the file has at least three columns, by copying the second column to the third. Parameters ---------- nsb_spectrum_file: str or Path The path to the nsb spectrum file. Returns ------- validated_nsb_spectrum_file: Path The path to the validated nsb spectrum file. """ validated_nsb_spectrum_file = ( self._telescope_model.config_file_directory / Path(nsb_spectrum_file).name ) lines = general.read_file_encoded_in_utf_or_latin(nsb_spectrum_file) with open(validated_nsb_spectrum_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): file.write(line) continue split_line = line.split() if len(split_line) == 2: split_line.append(split_line[1]) file.write(f"{split_line[0]} {split_line[1]} {split_line[2]}\n") else: file.write(line) return validated_nsb_spectrum_file