Source code for simtel.simulator_light_emission

"""Simulation using the light emission package for calibration."""

import logging
import stat
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.runners.simtel_runner import SimtelRunner
from simtools.utils.general import clear_default_sim_telarray_cfg_directories

__all__ = ["SimulatorLightEmission"]

[docs] class SimulatorLightEmission(SimtelRunner): """ Interface with sim_telarray to perform light emission package simulations. The light emission package is used to simulate a artificial light source, used for calibration. The angle and pointing vector calculations use the convention north (x) towards east (-y). Parameters ---------- telescope_model: Instance of the TelescopeModel class. calibration_model: CalibrationModel instance to define calibration device. site_model: SiteModel instance to define the site specific parameters. default_le_config: dict defines parameters for running the sim_telarray light emission application. le_application: str Name of the application. Default sim_telarray application running the sim_telarray LightEmission package is xyzls. simtel_path: str or Path Location of sim_telarray installation. light_source_type: str The light source type. label: str Label for output directory. config_data: dict Dict containing the configurable parameters. config_file: str or Path Path of the yaml file containing the configurable parameters. test: bool Test flag. """ def __init__( self, telescope_model, calibration_model, site_model, default_le_config, le_application, simtel_path, light_source_type, label=None, test=False, ): """Initialize SimtelRunner.""" super().__init__(label=label, simtel_path=simtel_path) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Init SimtelRunnerLightEmission") self._simtel_path = simtel_path self._telescope_model = telescope_model self.label = label if label is not None else self._telescope_model.label self._calibration_model = calibration_model self._site_model = site_model self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.output_directory = self.io_handler.get_output_directory(self.label) # LightEmission - default parameters self._rep_number = 0 self.runs = 1 self.photons_per_run = ( self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value("photons_per_run") if not test else 1e7 ) self.le_application = le_application self.default_le_config = default_le_config self.distance = self.telescope_calibration_device_distance() self.light_source_type = light_source_type self._telescope_model.export_config_file() self.test = test
[docs] @staticmethod def light_emission_default_configuration(): """ Get default light emission configuration. Returns ------- dict Default configuration light emission. """ return { "zenith_angle": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("deg"), "default": 0.0 * u.deg, "names": ["zenith", "theta"], }, "azimuth_angle": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("deg"), "default": 0.0 * u.deg, "names": ["azimuth", "phi"], }, "source_distance": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("m"), "default": 1000 * u.m, "names": ["sourcedist", "srcdist"], }, "off_axis_angle": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("deg"), "default": 0 * u.deg, "names": ["off_axis"], }, "fadc_bins": { "len": 1, "unit": u.dimensionless_unscaled, "default": 128, "names": ["fadc_bins"], }, }
[docs] def calibration_pointing_direction(self): """ Calculate the pointing of the calibration device towards the telescope. Returns ------- list The pointing vector from the calibration device to the telescope. """ # use DB coordinates later x_cal, y_cal, z_cal = self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value( "array_element_position_ground" ) cal_vect = np.array([x_cal, y_cal, z_cal]) x_tel, y_tel, z_tel = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value( "array_element_position_ground" ) tel_vect = np.array([x_tel, y_tel, z_tel]) direction_vector = tel_vect - cal_vect # pointing vector from calibration device to telescope pointing_vector = np.round(direction_vector / np.linalg.norm(direction_vector), 6) # Calculate telescope theta and phi angles tel_theta = 180 - np.round( np.rad2deg(np.arccos(direction_vector[2] / np.linalg.norm(direction_vector))), 6 ) tel_phi = 180 - np.round( np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(direction_vector[1], direction_vector[0])), 6 ) # Calculate laser beam theta and phi angles direction_vector_inv = direction_vector * -1 laser_theta = np.round( np.rad2deg(np.arccos(direction_vector_inv[2] / np.linalg.norm(direction_vector_inv))), 6 ) laser_phi = np.round( np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(direction_vector_inv[1], direction_vector_inv[0])), 6 ) return pointing_vector.tolist(), [tel_theta, tel_phi, laser_theta, laser_phi]
[docs] def telescope_calibration_device_distance(self): """ Calculate the distance between the telescope and the calibration device. Returns ------- astropy Quantity The distance between the telescope and the calibration device. """ if not self.default_le_config: x_cal, y_cal, z_cal = self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value( "array_element_position_ground" ) x_tel, y_tel, z_tel = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value( "array_element_position_ground" ) else: x_tel = self.default_le_config["x_pos"]["default"].to(u.m).value y_tel = self.default_le_config["y_pos"]["default"].to(u.m).value z_tel = self.default_le_config["z_pos"]["default"].to(u.m).value x_cal, y_cal, z_cal = 0, 0, 0 tel_vect = np.array([x_tel, y_tel, z_tel]) cal_vect = np.array([x_cal, y_cal, z_cal]) distance = np.linalg.norm(cal_vect - tel_vect) return distance * u.m
def _make_light_emission_script(self): """ Create the light emission script to run the light emission package. Require the specified pre-compiled light emission package application in the sim_telarray/LightEmission/ path. Returns ------- str The commands to run the Light Emission package """ x_cal, y_cal, z_cal = ( self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value("array_element_position_ground") * u.m ) x_tel, y_tel, z_tel = ( self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("array_element_position_ground") * u.m ) _model_directory = self.io_handler.get_output_directory(self.label, "model") command = f" rm {self.output_directory}/" command += f"{self.le_application[0]}_{self.le_application[1]}.simtel.gz\n" command += str(self._simtel_path.joinpath("sim_telarray/LightEmission/")) command += f"/{self.le_application[0]}" if self.light_source_type == "led": if self.le_application[1] == "variable": command += f" -x {self.default_le_config['x_pos']['default'].to(}" command += f" -y {self.default_le_config['y_pos']['default'].to(}" command += f" -z {self.default_le_config['z_pos']['default'].to(}" command += ( f" -d {','.join(map(str, self.default_le_config['direction']['default']))}" ) command += f" -n {self.photons_per_run}" elif self.le_application[1] == "layout": x_origin = x_cal - x_tel y_origin = y_cal - y_tel z_origin = z_cal - z_tel # light_source coordinates relative to telescope command += f" -x {}" command += f" -y {}" command += f" -z {}" pointing_vector = self.calibration_pointing_direction()[0] command += f" -d {','.join(map(str, pointing_vector))}" command += f" -n {self.photons_per_run}" # same wavelength as for laser command += f" -s {self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value('laser_wavelength')}" # pulse command += ( f" -p Gauss:{self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value('led_pulse_sigtime')}" ) command += " -a isotropic" # angular distribution command += f" -A {_model_directory}/" command += f"{self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('atmospheric_profile')}" elif self.light_source_type == "laser": command += " --events 1" command += " --bunches 2500000" command += " --step 0.1" command += " --bunchsize 1" command += ( f" --spectrum {self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value('laser_wavelength')}" ) command += " --lightpulse Gauss:" command += f"{self._calibration_model.get_parameter_value('laser_pulse_sigtime')}" x_origin = x_cal - x_tel y_origin = y_cal - y_tel z_origin = z_cal - z_tel _, angles = self.calibration_pointing_direction() angle_theta = angles[0] angle_phi = angles[1] positions =,, command += f" --laser-position '{positions[0]},{positions[1]},{positions[2]}'" command += f" --telescope-theta {angle_theta}" command += f" --telescope-phi {angle_phi}" command += f" --laser-theta {90-angles[2]}" command += f" --laser-phi {angles[3]}" # convention north (x) towards east (-y) command += f" --atmosphere {_model_directory}/" command += f"{self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value('atmospheric_profile')}" command += f" -o {self.output_directory}/{self.le_application[0]}.iact.gz" command += "\n" return command def _make_simtel_script(self): """ Return the command to run simtel_array using the output from the previous step. Returns ------- str The command to run simtel_array """ # LightEmission _, angles = self.calibration_pointing_direction() command = f"{self._simtel_path.joinpath('sim_telarray/bin/sim_telarray/')}" command += " -I" command += f" -I{self._telescope_model.config_file_directory}" command += f" -c {self._telescope_model.get_config_file(no_export=True)}" if not self.test: self._remove_line_from_config( self._telescope_model.get_config_file(no_export=True), "array_triggers" ) self._remove_line_from_config( self._telescope_model.get_config_file(no_export=True), "axes_offsets" ) command += " -DNUM_TELESCOPES=1" command += super().get_config_option( "altitude", self._site_model.get_parameter_value("corsika_observation_level") ) command += super().get_config_option( "atmospheric_transmission", self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("atmospheric_transmission"), ) command += super().get_config_option("TRIGGER_TELESCOPES", "1") command += super().get_config_option("TELTRIG_MIN_SIGSUM", "2") command += super().get_config_option("PULSE_ANALYSIS", "-30") command += super().get_config_option("MAXIMUM_TELESCOPES", 1) if self.le_application[1] == "variable": command += super().get_config_option("telescope_theta", 0) command += super().get_config_option("telescope_phi", 0) else: command += super().get_config_option("telescope_theta", f"{angles[0]}") command += super().get_config_option("telescope_phi", f"{angles[1]}") command += super().get_config_option("power_law", "2.68") command += super().get_config_option( "input_file", f"{self.output_directory}/{self.le_application[0]}.iact.gz" ) command += super().get_config_option( "output_file", f"{self.output_directory}/" f"{self.le_application[0]}_{self.le_application[1]}.simtel.gz", ) command += super().get_config_option( "histogram_file", f"{self.output_directory}/" f"{self.le_application[0]}_{self.le_application[1]}.ctsim.hdata\n", ) # Remove the default sim_telarray configuration directories return clear_default_sim_telarray_cfg_directories(command) def _remove_line_from_config(self, file_path, line_prefix): """ Remove lines starting with a specific prefix from the config. Parameters ---------- file_path : Path The path to the configuration file. line_prefix : str The prefix of lines to be removed. """ file_path = Path(file_path) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as file: lines = file.readlines() with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in lines: if not line.startswith(line_prefix): file.write(line) def _create_postscript(self, **kwargs): """ Write out post-script file using read_cta in hessioxxx/bin/read_cta. parts from the documentation -r level (Use 10/5 tail-cut image cleaning and redo reconstruction.) level >= 1: show parameters from sim_hessarray. level >= 2: redo shower reconstruction level >= 3: redo image cleaning (and shower reconstruction with new image parameters) level >= 4: redo amplitude summation level >= 5: PostScript file includes original and new shower reconstruction. --integration-window w,o[,ps] *(Set integration window width and offset.) For some integration schemes there is a pulse shaping option. Returns ------- str Command to create the postscript file """ postscript_dir = self.output_directory.joinpath("postscripts") postscript_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) command = str(self._simtel_path.joinpath("hessioxxx/bin/read_cta")) command += " --min-tel 1 --min-trg-tel 1" command += " -q --integration-scheme 4" command += " --integration-window " command += f"{kwargs['integration_window'][0]},{kwargs['integration_window'][1]}" command += f" -r {kwargs['level']}" command += " --plot-with-sum-only" command += " --plot-with-pixel-amp --plot-with-pixel-id" command += ( f" -p {postscript_dir}/" f"{self.le_application[0]}_{self.le_application[1]}_" f"d_{int(}.ps" ) command += ( f" {self.output_directory}/" f"{self.le_application[0]}_{self.le_application[1]}.simtel.gz\n" ) # ps2pdf required, now only store postscripts # command += f"ps2pdf {self.output_directory}/{self.le_application}.ps # {self.output_directory}/{self.le_application}.pdf" return command
[docs] def prepare_script(self, generate_postscript=False, **kwargs): """ Build and return bash run script containing the light-emission command. Parameters ---------- plot: bool If output should be plotted. generate_postscript: bool If postscript should be generated with read_cta. Returns ------- Path Full path of the run script. """ self._logger.debug("Creating run bash script") _script_dir = self.output_directory.joinpath("scripts") _script_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _script_file = _script_dir.joinpath(f"{self.le_application[0]}") self._logger.debug(f"Run bash script - {_script_file}") command_le = self._make_light_emission_script() command_simtel = self._make_simtel_script() with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\n") file.write(f"{command_le}\n\n") file.write(f"{command_simtel}\n\n") if generate_postscript: self._logger.debug("Write out postscript file") command_plot = self._create_postscript(**kwargs) file.write("# Generate postscript\n\n") file.write(f"{command_plot}\n\n") file.write("# End\n\n") _script_file.chmod(_script_file.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP) return _script_file