Source code for simtel.simulator_ray_tracing

"""Simulation runner for ray tracing simulations."""

import logging

import astropy.units as u

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.runners.simtel_runner import SimtelRunner
from simtools.utils import names, value_conversion

__all__ = ["SimulatorRayTracing"]

# pylint: disable=no-member
# The line above is needed because there are members which are created
# by adding them to the __dict__ of the class rather than directly.

[docs] class SimulatorRayTracing(SimtelRunner): """ SimulatorRayTracing is the interface with sim_telarray to perform ray tracing simulations. Configurable parameters: zenith_angle: len: 1 unit: deg default: 20 deg off_axis_angle: len: 1 unit: deg default: 0 deg source_distance: len: 1 unit: km default: 10 km single_mirror_mode: len: 1 default: False use_random_focal_length: len: 1 default: False mirror_numbers: len: 1 default: 1 Parameters ---------- telescope_model: str Instance of TelescopeModel class. label: str Instance label. Important for output file naming. simtel_path: str or Path Location of sim_telarray installation. config_data: dict Dict containing the configurable parameters. config_file: str or Path Path of the yaml file containing the configurable parameters. force_simulate: bool Remove existing files and force re-running of the ray-tracing simulation. """ def __init__( self, telescope_model, label=None, simtel_path=None, config_data=None, config_file=None, force_simulate=False, test=False, ): """Initialize SimtelRunner.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Init SimulatorRayTracing") super().__init__(label=label, simtel_path=simtel_path) self.telescope_model = telescope_model self.label = label if label is not None else self.telescope_model.label self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self._base_directory = self.io_handler.get_output_directory(self.label, "ray-tracing") # Loading config_data self.config = value_conversion.validate_config_data( gen.collect_data_from_file_or_dict(config_file, config_data), self.ray_tracing_default_configuration(True), ) # RayTracing - default parameters self._rep_number = 0 self.runs_per_set = 1 if self.config.single_mirror_mode else 20 self.photons_per_run = 100000 if not test else 5000 self._load_required_files(force_simulate) def _load_required_files(self, force_simulate): """ Which file are required for running depends on the mode. Here we define and write some information into these files. Log files are always required. Parameters ---------- force_simulate: bool Remove existing files and force re-running of the ray-tracing simulation. """ # This file is not actually needed and does not exist in simtools. # However, we need to provide the name of a CORSIKA input file to sim_telarray # so it is set up here. self._corsika_file = self._simtel_path.joinpath("run9991.corsika.gz") # Loop to define and remove existing files. # Files will be named _base_file = self.__dict__['_' + base + 'File'] for base_name in ["stars", "photons", "log"]: file_name = names.generate_file_name( file_type=base_name, suffix=".log" if base_name == "log" else ".lis",,, source_distance=self.config.source_distance, zenith_angle=self.config.zenith_angle, off_axis_angle=self.config.off_axis_angle, mirror_number=( self.config.mirror_numbers if self.config.single_mirror_mode else None ), label=self.label, ) file = self._base_directory.joinpath(file_name) if file.exists() and force_simulate: file.unlink() # Defining the file name variable as an class attribute. self.__dict__["_" + base_name + "_file"] = file if not file.exists() or force_simulate: # Adding header to photon list file. with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(f"#{50 * '='}\n") file.write("# List of photons for RayTracing simulations\n") file.write(f"#{50 * '='}\n") file.write(f"# config_file = {self.telescope_model.get_config_file()}\n") file.write(f"# zenith_angle [deg] = {self.config.zenith_angle}\n") file.write(f"# off_axis_angle [deg] = {self.config.off_axis_angle}\n") file.write(f"# source_distance [km] = {self.config.source_distance}\n") if self.config.single_mirror_mode: file.write(f"# mirror_number = {self.config.mirror_numbers}\n\n") # Filling in star file with a single light source. # Parameters defining light source: # - azimuth # - elevation # - flux # - distance of light source with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write( f"0. {90.0 - self.config.zenith_angle} 1.0 {self.config.source_distance}\n" ) if self.config.single_mirror_mode: self._logger.debug("For single mirror mode, need to prepare the single pixel camera.") self._write_out_single_pixel_camera_file() def _make_run_command( self, run_number=None, input_file=None ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Return the command to run simtel_array.""" if self.config.single_mirror_mode: _mirror_focal_length = float( self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("mirror_focal_length") ) # RayTracing command = str(self._simtel_path.joinpath("sim_telarray/bin/sim_telarray")) command += f" -c {self.telescope_model.get_config_file()}" command += f" -I{self.telescope_model.config_file_directory}" command += super().get_config_option("random_state", "none") command += super().get_config_option("IMAGING_LIST", str(self._photons_file)) command += super().get_config_option("stars", str(self._stars_file)) command += super().get_config_option( "altitude", self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("corsika_observation_level") ) command += super().get_config_option( "telescope_theta", self.config.zenith_angle + self.config.off_axis_angle ) command += super().get_config_option("star_photons", str(self.photons_per_run)) command += super().get_config_option("telescope_phi", "0") command += super().get_config_option("camera_transmission", "1.0") command += super().get_config_option("nightsky_background", "all:0.") command += super().get_config_option("trigger_current_limit", "1e10") command += super().get_config_option("telescope_random_angle", "0") command += super().get_config_option("telescope_random_error", "0") command += super().get_config_option("convergent_depth", "0") command += super().get_config_option("maximum_telescopes", "1") command += super().get_config_option("show", "all") command += super().get_config_option("camera_filter", "none") if self.config.single_mirror_mode: command += super().get_config_option("focus_offset", "all:0.") command += super().get_config_option("camera_config_file", "single_pixel_camera.dat") command += super().get_config_option("camera_pixels", "1") command += super().get_config_option("trigger_pixels", "1") command += super().get_config_option("camera_body_diameter", "0") command += super().get_config_option( "mirror_list", self.telescope_model.get_single_mirror_list_file( self.config.mirror_numbers, self.config.use_random_focal_length ), ) command += super().get_config_option( "focal_length", self.config.source_distance * ) command += super().get_config_option("dish_shape_length", _mirror_focal_length) command += super().get_config_option("mirror_focal_length", _mirror_focal_length) command += super().get_config_option("parabolic_dish", "0") command += super().get_config_option("mirror_align_random_distance", "0.") command += super().get_config_option("mirror_align_random_vertical", "0.,28.,0.,0.") command += " " + str(self._corsika_file) command += " 2>&1 > " + str(self._log_file) + " 2>&1" return command def _check_run_result(self, run_number=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Check run results. Raises ------ RuntimeError if Photon list is empty. """ # Checking run if not self._is_photon_list_file_ok(): msg = "Photon list is empty." self._logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._logger.debug("Everything looks fine with output file.") def _is_photon_list_file_ok(self): """Check if the photon list is valid.""" n_lines = 0 with open(self._photons_file, "rb") as ff: for _ in ff: n_lines += 1 if n_lines > 100: break return n_lines > 100 def _write_out_single_pixel_camera_file(self): """Write out the single pixel camera file.""" with self.telescope_model.config_file_directory.joinpath("single_pixel_camera.dat").open( "w" ) as file: file.write("# Single pixel camera\n") file.write('PixType 1 0 0 300 1 300 0.00 "funnel_perfect.dat"\n') file.write("Pixel 0 1 0. 0. 0 0 0 0x00 1\n") file.write("Trigger 1 of 0\n") # need to also write out the funnel_perfect.dat file with self.telescope_model.config_file_directory.joinpath("funnel_perfect.dat").open( "w" ) as file: file.write( "# Perfect light collection where the angular efficiency of funnels is needed\n" ) file.write("0 1.0\n") file.write("30 1.0\n") file.write("60 1.0\n") file.write("90 1.0\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def ray_tracing_default_configuration(config_runner=False): """ Get default ray tracing configuration. Returns ------- dict Default configuration for ray tracing. """ return { "zenith_angle": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("deg"), "default": 20.0 * u.deg, "names": ["zenith", "theta"], }, "off_axis_angle": { "len": 1 if config_runner else None, "unit": u.Unit("deg"), "default": 0.0 * u.deg, "names": ["offaxis", "offset"], }, "source_distance": { "len": 1, "unit": u.Unit("km"), "default": 10.0 *, "names": ["sourcedist", "srcdist"], }, "single_mirror_mode": {"len": 1, "default": False}, "use_random_focal_length": {"len": 1, "default": False}, "mirror_numbers": { "len": 1 if config_runner else None, "default": 1 if config_runner else "all", }, }