Source code for testing.validate_output

"""Compare application output to reference output."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.testing import assertions

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def validate_application_output(config, from_command_line=None, from_config_file=None): """ Validate application output against expected output. Expected output is defined in configuration file. Some tests run only if the model version from the command line equals the model version from the configuration file. Parameters ---------- config: dict dictionary with the configuration for the application test. from_command_line: str Model version from the command line. from_config_file: str Model version from the configuration file. """ if "INTEGRATION_TESTS" not in config: return for integration_test in config["INTEGRATION_TESTS"]:"Testing application output: {integration_test}") if from_command_line == from_config_file: _validate_output_files(config, integration_test) if "FILE_TYPE" in integration_test: assert assertions.assert_file_type( integration_test["FILE_TYPE"], Path(config["CONFIGURATION"]["OUTPUT_PATH"]).joinpath( config["CONFIGURATION"]["OUTPUT_FILE"] ), ) _test_simtel_cfg_files(config, integration_test, from_command_line, from_config_file)
def _validate_output_files(config, integration_test): """Validate output files.""" if "REFERENCE_OUTPUT_FILE" in integration_test: _validate_reference_output_file(config, integration_test) if "TEST_OUTPUT_FILES" in integration_test: _validate_output_path_and_file(config, integration_test["TEST_OUTPUT_FILES"]) if "OUTPUT_FILE" in integration_test: _validate_output_path_and_file( config, [{"PATH_DESCRIPTOR": "OUTPUT_PATH", "FILE": integration_test["OUTPUT_FILE"]}], ) def _test_simtel_cfg_files(config, integration_test, from_command_line, from_config_file): """Test simtel cfg files.""" test_simtel_cfg_file = integration_test.get("TEST_SIMTEL_CFG_FILES", {}).get( from_command_line or from_config_file ) if test_simtel_cfg_file: _validate_simtel_cfg_files(config, test_simtel_cfg_file) def _validate_reference_output_file(config, integration_test): """Compare with reference output file.""" assert compare_files( integration_test["REFERENCE_OUTPUT_FILE"], Path(config["CONFIGURATION"]["OUTPUT_PATH"]).joinpath( config["CONFIGURATION"]["OUTPUT_FILE"] ), integration_test.get("TOLERANCE", 1.0e-5), integration_test.get("TEST_COLUMNS", None), ) def _validate_output_path_and_file(config, integration_file_tests): """Check if output paths and files exist.""" for file_test in integration_file_tests: try: output_path = config["CONFIGURATION"][file_test["PATH_DESCRIPTOR"]] except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError( f"Path {file_test['PATH_DESCRIPTOR']} not found in integration test configuration." ) from exc output_file_path = Path(output_path) / file_test["FILE"]"Checking path: {output_file_path}") assert output_file_path.exists() if "EXPECTED_OUTPUT" in file_test: assert assertions.check_output_from_sim_telarray( output_file_path, file_test["EXPECTED_OUTPUT"], )
[docs] def compare_files(file1, file2, tolerance=1.0e-5, test_columns=None): """ Compare two files of file type ecsv, json or yaml. Parameters ---------- file1: str First file to compare file2: str Second file to compare tolerance: float Tolerance for comparing numerical values. test_columns: list List of columns to compare. If None, all columns are compared. Returns ------- bool True if the files are equal. """ _file1_suffix = Path(file1).suffix _file2_suffix = Path(file2).suffix"Comparing files: %s and %s", file1, file2) if _file1_suffix != _file2_suffix: raise ValueError(f"File suffixes do not match: {file1} and {file2}") if _file1_suffix == ".ecsv": return compare_ecsv_files(file1, file2, tolerance, test_columns) if _file1_suffix in (".json", ".yaml", ".yml"): return compare_json_or_yaml_files(file1, file2, tolerance) _logger.warning(f"Unknown file type for files: {file1} and {file2}") return False
[docs] def compare_json_or_yaml_files(file1, file2, tolerance=1.0e-2): """ Compare two json or yaml files. Take into account float comparison for sim_telarray string-embedded floats. Allow differences in 'schema_version' field. Parameters ---------- file1: str First file to compare file2: str Second file to compare tolerance: float Tolerance for comparing numerical values. Returns ------- bool True if the files are equal. """ data1 = gen.collect_data_from_file(file1) data2 = gen.collect_data_from_file(file2) data1.pop("schema_version", None) data2.pop("schema_version", None) _logger.debug(f"Comparing json/yaml files: {file1} and {file2}") if data1 == data2: return True if data1.keys() != data2.keys(): _logger.error(f"Keys do not match: {data1.keys()} and {data2.keys()}") return False _comparison = all( ( _compare_value_from_parameter_dict(data1[k], data2[k], tolerance) if k == "value" else data1[k] == data2[k] ) for k in data1 ) if not _comparison: _logger.error(f"Values do not match: {data1} and {data2} (tolerance: {tolerance})") return _comparison
def _compare_value_from_parameter_dict(data1, data2, tolerance=1.0e-5): """Compare value fields given in different formats.""" def _as_list(value): if isinstance(value, str): return gen.convert_string_to_list(value) if isinstance(value, list | np.ndarray): return value return [value]"Comparing values: {data1} and {data2} (tolerance: {tolerance})") _as_list_1 = _as_list(data1) _as_list_2 = _as_list(data2) if isinstance(_as_list_1, str): return _as_list_1 == _as_list_2 return np.allclose(_as_list_1, _as_list_2, rtol=tolerance)
[docs] def compare_ecsv_files(file1, file2, tolerance=1.0e-5, test_columns=None): """ Compare two ecsv files. The comparison is successful if: - same number of rows - numerical values in columns are close The comparison can be restricted to a subset of columns with some additional cuts applied. This is configured through the test_columns parameter. This is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the following key-value pairs: - TEST_COLUMN_NAME: column name to compare. - CUT_COLUMN_NAME: column for filtering. - CUT_CONDITION: condition for filtering. Parameters ---------- file1: str First file to compare file2: str Second file to compare tolerance: float Tolerance for comparing numerical values. test_columns: list List of columns to compare. If None, all columns are compared. """"Comparing files: {file1} and {file2}") table1 =, format="ascii.ecsv") table2 =, format="ascii.ecsv") if test_columns is None: test_columns = [{"TEST_COLUMN_NAME": col} for col in table1.colnames] def generate_mask(table, column, condition): """Generate a boolean mask based on the condition (note the usage of eval).""" return ( eval(f"table['{column}'] {condition}") # pylint: disable=eval-used if condition else np.ones(len(table), dtype=bool) ) for col_dict in test_columns: col_name = col_dict["TEST_COLUMN_NAME"] mask1 = generate_mask( table1, col_dict.get("CUT_COLUMN_NAME", ""), col_dict.get("CUT_CONDITION", "") ) mask2 = generate_mask( table2, col_dict.get("CUT_COLUMN_NAME", ""), col_dict.get("CUT_CONDITION", "") ) table1_masked, table2_masked = table1[mask1], table2[mask2] if len(table1_masked) != len(table2_masked): return False if np.issubdtype(table1_masked[col_name].dtype, np.floating): if not np.allclose(table1_masked[col_name], table2_masked[col_name], rtol=tolerance): _logger.warning(f"Column {col_name} outside of relative tolerance {tolerance}") return False return True
def _validate_simtel_cfg_files(config, simtel_cfg_file): """ Check sim_telarray configuration files and compare with reference file. Note the finetuned naming of configuration files by simtools. """ reference_file = Path(simtel_cfg_file) test_file = Path(config["CONFIGURATION"]["OUTPUT_PATH"]) / "_test", f"_{config['CONFIGURATION']['LABEL']}" ) f"Comparing simtel cfg files: {reference_file} and {test_file} " f"for model version {config['CONFIGURATION']['MODEL_VERSION']}" ) return _compare_simtel_cfg_files(reference_file, test_file) def _compare_simtel_cfg_files(reference_file, test_file): """ Compare two sim_telarray configuration files. Line-by-line string comparison. Requires similar sequence of parameters in the files. Ignore lines containing 'config_release' (as it contains the simtools package version). Parameters ---------- reference_file: Path Reference sim_telarray configuration file. test_file: Path Test sim_telarray configuration file. Returns ------- bool True if the files are equal. """ with open(reference_file, encoding="utf-8") as f1, open(test_file, encoding="utf-8") as f2: reference_cfg = [line.rstrip() for line in f1 if line.strip()] test_cfg = [line.rstrip() for line in f2 if line.strip()] if len(reference_cfg) != len(test_cfg): _logger.error( f"Line counts differ: {reference_file} ({len(reference_cfg)} lines), " f"{test_file} ({len(test_cfg)} lines)." ) return False for ref_line, test_line in zip(reference_cfg, test_cfg): if any(ignore in ref_line for ignore in ("config_release", "Label")): continue if ref_line != test_line: _logger.error( f"Configuration files {reference_file} and {test_file} do not match: " f"'{ref_line}' and '{test_line}'" ) return False return True