Source code for utils.general

"""General functions useful across different parts of the code."""

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import time
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np
import yaml

__all__ = [

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class InvalidConfigDataError(Exception): """Exception for invalid configuration data."""
def join_url_or_path(url_or_path, *args): """ Join URL or path with additional subdirectories and file. This is the equivalent to Path.join(), with extended functionality working also for URLs. Parameters ---------- url_or_path: str or Path URL or path to be extended. args: list Additional arguments to be added to the URL or path. Returns ------- str or Path Extended URL or path. """ if "://" in str(url_or_path): return "/".join([url_or_path.rstrip("/"), *args]) return Path(url_or_path).joinpath(*args) def is_url(url): """ Check if a string is a valid URL. Parameters ---------- url: str String to be checked. Returns ------- bool True if url is a valid URL. """ try: result = urlparse(url) return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except AttributeError: return False def collect_data_from_http(url): """ Download yaml or json file from url and return it contents as dict. File is downloaded as a temporary file and deleted afterwards. Parameters ---------- url: str URL of the yaml/json file. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the file content. Raises ------ TypeError If url is not a valid URL. FileNotFoundError If downloading the yaml file fails. """ try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t") as tmp_file: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, if url.endswith("yml") or url.endswith("yaml"): try: data = yaml.safe_load(tmp_file) except yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: data = _load_yaml_using_astropy(tmp_file) elif url.endswith("json"): data = json.load(tmp_file) elif url.endswith("list"): lines = tmp_file.readlines() data = [line.strip() for line in lines] else: msg = f"File extension of {url} not supported (should be json or yaml)" _logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) except TypeError as exc: msg = "Invalid url {url}" _logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) from exc except urllib.error.HTTPError as exc: msg = f"Failed to download file from {url}" _logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) from exc _logger.debug(f"Downloaded file from {url}") return data
[docs] def collect_data_from_file(file_name): """ Collect data from file based on its extension. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Name of the yaml/json/ascii file. Returns ------- data: dict or list Data as dict or list. """ if is_url(file_name): return collect_data_from_http(file_name) with open(file_name, encoding="utf-8") as file: if Path(file_name).suffix.lower() == ".json": return json.load(file) if Path(file_name).suffix.lower() == ".list": lines = file.readlines() return [line.strip() for line in lines] try: return yaml.safe_load(file) except yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: return _load_yaml_using_astropy(file)
[docs] def collect_kwargs(label, in_kwargs): """ Collect kwargs of the type label_* and return them as a dict. Parameters ---------- label: str Label to be collected in kwargs. in_kwargs: dict kwargs. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the collected kwargs. """ out_kwargs = {} for key, value in in_kwargs.items(): if label + "_" in key: out_kwargs[key.replace(label + "_", "")] = value return out_kwargs
[docs] def set_default_kwargs(in_kwargs, **kwargs): """ Fill in a dict with a set of default kwargs and return it. Parameters ---------- in_kwargs: dict Input dict to be filled in with the default kwargs. **kwargs: Default kwargs to be set. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the default kwargs. """ for par, value in kwargs.items(): if par not in in_kwargs.keys(): in_kwargs[par] = value return in_kwargs
[docs] def collect_final_lines(file, n_lines): """ Collect final lines. Parameters ---------- file: str or Path File to collect the lines from. n_lines: int Number of lines to be collected. Returns ------- str Final lines collected. """ list_of_lines = [] if Path(file).suffix == ".gz": import gzip # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel file_open_function = else: file_open_function = open with file_open_function(file, "rb") as read_obj: # Move the cursor to the end of the file, os.SEEK_END) # Create a buffer to keep the last read line buffer = bytearray() # Get the current position of pointer i.e eof pointer_location = read_obj.tell() # Loop till pointer reaches the top of the file while pointer_location >= 0: # Move the file pointer to the location pointed by pointer_location # Shift pointer location by -1 pointer_location = pointer_location - 1 # read that byte / character new_byte = # If the read byte is new line character then it means one line is read if new_byte == b"\n": # Save the line in list of lines list_of_lines.append(buffer.decode()[::-1]) # If the size of list reaches n_lines, then return the reversed list if len(list_of_lines) == n_lines: return "".join(list(reversed(list_of_lines))) # Reinitialize the byte array to save next line buffer = bytearray() else: # If last read character is not eol then add it in buffer buffer.extend(new_byte) # As file is read completely, if there is still data in buffer, then its first line. if len(buffer) > 0: list_of_lines.append(buffer.decode()[::-1]) return "".join(list(reversed(list_of_lines)))
[docs] def get_log_level_from_user(log_level): """ Map between logging level from the user to logging levels of the logging module. Parameters ---------- log_level: str Log level from the user. Returns ------- logging.LEVEL The requested logging level to be used as input to logging.setLevel(). """ possible_levels = { "info": logging.INFO, "debug": logging.DEBUG, "warn": logging.WARNING, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL, } try: log_level_lower = log_level.lower() except AttributeError: log_level_lower = log_level if log_level_lower not in possible_levels: raise ValueError( f"'{log_level}' is not a logging level, " f"only possible ones are {list(possible_levels.keys())}" ) return possible_levels[log_level_lower]
def copy_as_list(value): """ Copy value and, if it is not a list, turn it into a list with a single entry. Parameters ---------- value single variable of any type or list Returns ------- value: list Copy of value if it is a list of [value] otherwise. """ if isinstance(value, str): return [value] try: return list(value) except TypeError: return [value] def program_is_executable(program): """ Check if program exists and is executable. Follows """ program = Path(program) def is_exe(fpath): return fpath.is_file() and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, _ = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: try: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = Path(path) / program if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file except KeyError: _logger.warning("PATH environment variable is not set.") return None return None def _search_directory(directory, filename, rec=False): if not Path(directory).exists(): _logger.debug(f"Directory {directory} does not exist") return None file = Path(directory).joinpath(filename) if file.exists(): _logger.debug(f"File {filename} found in {directory}") return file if rec: for subdir in Path(directory).iterdir(): if subdir.is_dir(): file = _search_directory(subdir, filename, True) if file: return file return None def find_file(name, loc): """ Search for files inside of given directories, recursively, and return its full path. Parameters ---------- name: str File name to be searched for. loc: Path or list of Path Location of where to search for the file. Returns ------- Path Full path of the file to be found if existing. Otherwise, None. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the desired file is not found. """ all_locations = [loc] if not isinstance(loc, list) else loc # Searching file locally file = _search_directory(".", name) if file: return file # Searching file in given locations for location in all_locations: file = _search_directory(location, name, True) if file: return file msg = f"File {name} could not be found in {all_locations}" _logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
[docs] def get_log_excerpt(log_file, n_last_lines=30): """ Get an excerpt from a log file, namely the n_last_lines of the file. Parameters ---------- log_file: str or Path Log file to get the excerpt from. n_last_lines: int Number of last lines of the file to get. Returns ------- str Excerpt from log file with header/footer """ return ( "\n\nRuntime error - See below the relevant part of the log/err file.\n\n" f"{log_file}\n" "====================================================================\n\n" f"{collect_final_lines(log_file, n_last_lines)}\n\n" "====================================================================\n" )
def get_file_age(file_path): """Get the age of a file in seconds since the last modification.""" if not Path(file_path).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{file_path}' does not exist or is not a file.") file_stats = Path(file_path).stat() modification_time = file_stats.st_mtime current_time = time.time() return (current_time - modification_time) / 60 def _process_dict_keys(input_dict, case_func): """ Process dictionary keys recursively. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Dictionary to be processed. case_func: function Function to change case of keys (e.g., str.lower, str.upper). Returns ------- dict Processed dictionary with keys changed. """ output_dict = {} for key, value in input_dict.items(): processed_key = case_func(key) if isinstance(value, dict): output_dict[processed_key] = _process_dict_keys(value, case_func) elif isinstance(value, list): processed_list = [ _process_dict_keys(item, case_func) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in value ] output_dict[processed_key] = processed_list else: output_dict[processed_key] = value return output_dict
[docs] def change_dict_keys_case(data_dict, lower_case=True): """ Change keys of a dictionary to lower or upper case recursively. Parameters ---------- data_dict: dict Dictionary to be converted. lower_case: bool Change keys to lower (upper) case if True (False). Returns ------- dict Dictionary with keys converted to lower or upper case. """ # Determine which case function to use case_func = str.lower if lower_case else str.upper try: return _process_dict_keys(data_dict, case_func) except AttributeError as exc: _logger.error(f"Input is not a proper dictionary: {data_dict}") raise AttributeError from exc
[docs] def remove_substring_recursively_from_dict(data_dict, substring="\n"): """ Remove substrings from all strings in a dictionary. Recursively crawls through the dictionary This e.g., allows to remove all newline characters from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data_dict: dict Dictionary to be converted. substring: str Substring to be removed. Raises ------ AttributeError: if input is not a proper dictionary. """ try: for key, value in data_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, str): data_dict[key] = value.replace(substring, "") elif isinstance(value, list): modified_items = [ item.replace(substring, "") if isinstance(item, str) else item for item in value ] modified_items = [ ( remove_substring_recursively_from_dict(item, substring) if isinstance(item, dict) else item ) for item in modified_items ] data_dict[key] = modified_items elif isinstance(value, dict): data_dict[key] = remove_substring_recursively_from_dict(value, substring) except AttributeError: _logger.debug(f"Input is not a dictionary: {data_dict}") return data_dict
[docs] def sort_arrays(*args): """Sort arrays. Parameters ---------- *args Arguments to be sorted. Returns ------- list Sorted args. """ if len(args) == 0: return args order_array = copy.copy(args[0]) new_args = [] for arg in args: _, value = zip(*sorted(zip(order_array, arg))) new_args.append(list(value)) return new_args
def user_confirm(): """ Ask the user to enter y or n (case-insensitive) on the command line. Returns ------- bool: True if the answer is Y/y. """ while True: try: answer = input("Is this OK? [y/n]").lower() return answer == "y" except EOFError: break return False def _get_value_dtype(value): """ Get the data type of the given value. Parameters ---------- Value to determine the data type. Returns ------- type: Data type of the value. """ if isinstance(value, (list | np.ndarray)): value = np.array(value) return value.dtype return type(value) def validate_data_type(reference_dtype, value=None, dtype=None, allow_subtypes=True): """ Validate data type of value or type object against a reference data type. Allow to check for exact data type or allow subtypes (e.g. uint is accepted for int). Take into account 'file' type as used in the model parameter database. Parameters ---------- reference_dtype: str Reference data type to be checked against. value: any, optional Value to be checked (if dtype is None). dtype: type, optional Type object to be checked (if value is None). allow_subtypes: bool, optional If True, allow subtypes to be accepted. Returns ------- bool: True if the data type is valid. """ if value is None and dtype is None: raise ValueError("Either value or dtype must be given.") if value is not None and dtype is None: dtype = _get_value_dtype(value) # Strict comparison if not allow_subtypes: return np.issubdtype(dtype, reference_dtype) # Allow any sub-type of integer or float for success if (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.str_) or np.issubdtype(dtype, "object")) and reference_dtype in ( "string", "str", "file", ): return True if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.bool_) and reference_dtype in ("boolean", "bool"): return True if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) and ( np.issubdtype(reference_dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(reference_dtype, np.floating) ): return True if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) and np.issubdtype(reference_dtype, np.floating): return True return False def convert_list_to_string(data, comma_separated=False, shorten_list=False, collapse_list=False): """ Convert arrays to string (if required). Parameters ---------- data: object Object of data to convert (e.g., double or list) comma_separated: bool If True, returns elements as a comma-separated string (default is space-separated). shorten_list: bool If True and all elements in the list are identical, returns a summary string like "all: value". This is useful to make the configuration files more readable. collapse_list: bool If True and all elements in the list are identical, returns a single value instead of the entire list. Returns ------- object or str: Converted data as string (if required) """ if data is None or not isinstance(data, list | np.ndarray): return data if shorten_list and len(data) > 10 and all(np.isclose(item, data[0]) for item in data): return f"all: {data[0]}" if collapse_list and len(sorted(set(data))) == 1: data = [data[0]] if comma_separated: return ", ".join(str(item) for item in data) return " ".join(str(item) for item in data) def convert_string_to_list(data_string, is_float=True): """ Convert string (as used e.g. in sim_telarray) to list. Allow coma or space separated strings. Parameters ---------- data_string: object String to be converted Returns ------- list, str Converted data from string (if required). Return data_string if conversion fails. """ try: if is_float: return [float(v) for v in data_string.split()] return [int(v) for v in data_string.split()] except ValueError: pass if "," in data_string: result = data_string.split(",") return [item.strip() for item in result] if " " in data_string: return data_string.split() return data_string def _load_yaml_using_astropy(file): """ Load a yaml file using astropy's yaml loader. Parameters ---------- file: file File to be loaded. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the file content. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import as astropy_yaml return astropy_yaml.load(file) def read_file_encoded_in_utf_or_latin(file_name): """ Read a file encoded in UTF-8 or Latin-1. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Name of the file to be read. Returns ------- list List of lines read from the file. Raises ------ UnicodeDecodeError If the file cannot be decoded using UTF-8 or Latin-1. """ try: with open(file_name, encoding="utf-8") as file: lines = file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: logging.debug("Unable to decode file using UTF-8. Trying Latin-1.") try: with open(file_name, encoding="latin-1") as file: lines = file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: raise UnicodeDecodeError("Unable to decode file using UTF-8 or Latin-1.") from exc return lines