Source code for utils.geometry

"""A collection of functions related to geometrical transformations."""

import logging

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import UnitsError

__all__ = [

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def convert_2d_to_radial_distr(hist_2d, xaxis, yaxis, bins=50, max_dist=1000): """ Convert a 2d histogram of positions, e.g. photon positions on the ground, to a 1D distribution. Parameters ---------- hist_2d: numpy.ndarray The histogram counts. xaxis: numpy.array The values of the x axis (histogram bin edges) on the ground. yaxis: numpy.array The values of the y axis (histogram bin edges) on the ground. bins: float Number of bins in distance. max_dist: float Maximum distance to consider in the 1D histogram, usually in meters. Returns ------- np.array The values of the 1D histogram with size = int(max_dist/bin_size). np.array The bin edges of the 1D histogram with size = int(max_dist/bin_size) + 1. """ # Check if the histogram will make sense bins_step = 2 * max_dist / bins # in the 2d array, the positive and negative direction count. for axis in [xaxis, yaxis]: if (bins_step < np.diff(axis)).any(): msg = ( f"The histogram with number of bins {bins} and maximum distance of {max_dist} " f"resulted in a bin size smaller than the original array. Please adjust those " f"parameters to increase the bin size and avoid nan in the histogram values." ) _logger.warning(msg) break grid_2d_x, grid_2d_y = np.meshgrid(xaxis[:-1], yaxis[:-1]) # [:-1], since xaxis and yaxis are # the hist bin_edges (n + 1). # radial_distance_map maps the distance to the center from each element in a square matrix. radial_distance_map = np.sqrt(grid_2d_x**2 + grid_2d_y**2) # The sorting and unravel_index give us the two indices for the position of the sorted element # in the original 2d matrix sorted_indices = np.unravel_index( np.argsort(radial_distance_map, axis=None), np.shape(radial_distance_map) ) x_indices_sorted, y_indices_sorted = sorted_indices[0], sorted_indices[1] # We construct a 1D array with the histogram counts sorted according to the distance to the # center. hist_sorted = np.array( [hist_2d[i_x, i_y] for i_x, i_y in zip(x_indices_sorted, y_indices_sorted)] ) distance_sorted = np.sort(radial_distance_map, axis=None) # For larger distances, we have more elements in a slice 'dr' in radius, hence, we need to # account for it using weights below. weights, radial_bin_edges = np.histogram(distance_sorted, bins=bins, range=(0, max_dist)) histogram_1d = np.empty_like(weights, dtype=float) for i_radial, _ in enumerate(radial_bin_edges[:-1]): # Here we sum all the events within a radial interval 'dr' and then divide by the number of # bins that fit this interval. indices_to_sum = (distance_sorted >= radial_bin_edges[i_radial]) * ( distance_sorted < radial_bin_edges[i_radial + 1] ) if weights[i_radial] != 0: histogram_1d[i_radial] = np.sum(hist_sorted[indices_to_sum]) / weights[i_radial] else: histogram_1d[i_radial] = 0 return histogram_1d, radial_bin_edges
[docs] @u.quantity_input(rotation_angle_phi=u.rad, rotation_angle_theta=u.rad) def rotate(x, y, rotation_around_z_axis, rotation_around_y_axis=0): """ Rotate the x and y coordinates of the telescopes. The two rotations are: - rotation_angle_around_z_axis gives the rotation on the observation plane (x, y) - rotation_angle_around_y_axis allows to rotate the observation plane in space. The function returns the rotated x and y values in the same unit given. The direction of rotation of the elements in the plane is counterclockwise, i.e., the rotation of the coordinate system is clockwise. Parameters ---------- x: numpy.array or list x positions of the entries (e.g. telescopes), usually in meters. y: numpy.array or list y positions of the entries (e.g. telescopes), usually in meters. rotation_angle_around_z_axis: astropy.units.rad Angle to rotate the array in the observation plane (around z axis) in radians. rotation_angle_around_y_axis: astropy.units.rad Angle to rotate the observation plane around the y axis in radians. Returns ------- 2-tuple of list x and y positions of the rotated entry (e.g. telescopes) positions. Raises ------ TypeError: If type of x and y parameters are not valid. RuntimeError: If the length of x and y are different. UnitsError: If the unit of x and y are different. """ allowed_types = (list, np.ndarray, u.Quantity, float, int) if not all(isinstance(variable, (allowed_types)) for variable in [x, y]): raise TypeError("x and y types are not valid! Cannot perform transformation.") if not isinstance(x, list | np.ndarray): x = [x] if not isinstance(y, list | np.ndarray): y = [y] if ( np.sum( np.array([isinstance(x, type_now) for type_now in allowed_types[:-2]]) * np.array([isinstance(y, type_now) for type_now in allowed_types[:-2]]) ) == 0 ): raise TypeError("x and y are not from the same type! Cannot perform transformation.") if len(x) != len(y): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot perform coordinate transformation when x and y have different lengths." ) if all(isinstance(variable, (u.Quantity)) for variable in [x, y]): if not isinstance(x[0].unit, type(y[0].unit)): raise UnitsError( "Cannot perform coordinate transformation when x and y have different units." ) x_trans = np.cos(rotation_around_y_axis) * ( x * np.cos(rotation_around_z_axis) - y * np.sin(rotation_around_z_axis) ) y_trans = x * np.sin(rotation_around_z_axis) + y * np.cos(rotation_around_z_axis) return x_trans, y_trans