Source code for visualization.legend_handlers

"""Helper functions for legend handlers used for plotting."""

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

# assume same size of telescope at both sides
# (good assumption for plotting)
lst = "LSTN"
mst = "MSTN"
sst = "SSTS"
sct = "SCTS"
hess = "HESS"
magic = "MAGIC"
veritas = "VERITAS"

def calculate_center(handlebox, width_factor=3, height_factor=3):
    Calculate the center of the handlebox based on given factors.

    handlebox: matplotlib.legend.Legend
        The handlebox object from the legend.
    width_factor: int, optional
        The factor to adjust the width.
    height_factor: int, optional
        The factor to adjust the height.

        The calculated (x0, y0) position.
    x0 = handlebox.xdescent + handlebox.width / width_factor
    y0 = handlebox.ydescent + handlebox.height / height_factor
    return x0, y0

[docs] class TelescopeHandler: """ Telescope handler that centralizes the telescope information. Individual telescopes handlers inherit from this class. """ def __init__(self, radius=None): self.colors_dict = { "LSTN": "darkorange", "MSTN": "dodgerblue", "LSTS": "darkorange", "MSTS": "dodgerblue", "SCTS": "black", "SSTS": "darkgreen", "HESS": "grey", "MAGIC": "grey", "VERITAS": "grey", } # hardwired values; this is for plotting purposes only self.radius_dict = { "LSTN": 12.5, "MSTN": 9.15, "LSTS": 12.5, "MSTS": 9.15, "SCTS": 7.15, "SSTS": 3.0, "HESS": 6.0, "MAGIC": 8.5, "VERITAS": 6.0, }
[docs] class PixelObject: """Pixel Object."""
[docs] class EdgePixelObject: """Edge-Pixel Object."""
[docs] class OffPixelObject: """Off-Pixel Object."""
[docs] class LSTObject: """LST Object."""
[docs] class MSTObject: """MST Object."""
[docs] class SCTObject: """SCT Object."""
[docs] class SSTObject: """SST Object."""
class HESSObject: """HESS Object.""" class MAGICObject: """MAGIC Object.""" class VERITASObject: """VERITAS Object."""
[docs] class MeanRadiusOuterEdgeObject: """Object for Mean radius outer edge."""
[docs] class HexPixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a hexagonal "on" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * handlebox.height, orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class HexEdgePixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a hexagonal "edge" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * handlebox.height, orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor=(*mcolors.to_rgb("brown"), 0.5), edgecolor=(*mcolors.to_rgb("black"), 1), transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class HexOffPixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a hexagonal "off" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * handlebox.height, orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor="black", edgecolor="black", transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class SquarePixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a square "on" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = handlebox.xdescent, handlebox.ydescent width = height = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Rectangle( [x0, y0], width, height, facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class SquareEdgePixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a square "edge" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = handlebox.xdescent, handlebox.ydescent width = height = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Rectangle( [x0, y0], width, height, facecolor=(*mcolors.to_rgb("brown"), 0.5), edgecolor=(*mcolors.to_rgb("black"), 1), transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class SquareOffPixelHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a square "off" pixel.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = handlebox.xdescent, handlebox.ydescent width = height = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Rectangle( [x0, y0], width, height, facecolor="black", edgecolor="black", transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class LSTHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an LST in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox, 10 / 3, 2) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Circle( xy=(x0, y0), radius=radius * self.radius_dict[lst] / self.radius_dict[lst], facecolor="none", edgecolor=self.colors_dict[lst], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class MSTHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an MST in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox, 4, 2) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Circle( xy=(x0, y0), radius=radius * self.radius_dict[mst] / self.radius_dict[lst], facecolor=self.colors_dict[mst], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[mst], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class SSTHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an SST in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox, 4, 2) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Circle( xy=(x0, y0), radius=radius * self.radius_dict[sst] / self.radius_dict[lst], facecolor=self.colors_dict[sst], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[sst], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class SCTHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an SCT in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox, 10, 1) width = height = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Rectangle( [x0, y0], width, height, facecolor=self.colors_dict[sct], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[sct], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
class HESSHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an HESS in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * radius * self.radius_dict[hess] / self.radius_dict[lst], orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor=self.colors_dict[hess], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[hess], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch class MAGICHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an MAGIC in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * radius * self.radius_dict[magic] / self.radius_dict[lst], orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor=self.colors_dict[magic], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[magic], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch class VERITASHandler(TelescopeHandler): """Legend handler class to plot a representation of an VERITAS in an array layout.""" def legend_artist(self, _, __, ___, handlebox): x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.RegularPolygon( (x0, y0), numVertices=6, radius=0.7 * radius * self.radius_dict[veritas] / self.radius_dict[lst], orientation=np.deg2rad(30), facecolor=self.colors_dict[veritas], edgecolor=self.colors_dict[veritas], transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
[docs] class MeanRadiusOuterEdgeHandler: """Legend handler class to plot a the mean radius outer edge of the dish.""" @staticmethod def legend_artist(_, __, ___, handlebox): # noqa: D102 x0, y0 = calculate_center(handlebox, 4, 4) radius = handlebox.height patch = mpatches.Circle( xy=(x0, y0), radius=radius, facecolor="none", edgecolor="darkorange", transform=handlebox.get_transform(), ) handlebox.add_artist(patch) return patch
all_telescope_objects = { "LSTN": LSTObject, "LSTS": LSTObject, "MSTN": MSTObject, "MSTS": MSTObject, sct: SCTObject, sst: SSTObject, hess: HESSObject, magic: MAGICObject, veritas: VERITASObject, } all_telescope_handlers = { "LSTN": LSTHandler, "LSTS": LSTHandler, "MSTN": MSTHandler, "MSTS": MSTHandler, sct: SCTHandler, sst: SSTHandler, hess: HESSHandler, magic: MAGICHandler, veritas: VERITASHandler, } legend_handler_map = {} try: for tel_type in all_telescope_objects.keys(): legend_handler_map[all_telescope_objects[tel_type]] = all_telescope_handlers[tel_type] except KeyError: pass