Source code for visualization.plot_tables

"""Plot tabular data."""

import numpy as np

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.io_operations import legacy_data_handler
from simtools.model.site_model import SiteModel
from simtools.model.telescope_model import TelescopeModel
from simtools.visualization import visualize

[docs] def plot(config, output_file, db_config=None): """ Plot tabular data from data or from model parameter files. Parameters ---------- config: dict Configuration dictionary for plotting. output_file: str Output file. """ data = read_table_data(config, db_config) fig = visualize.plot_1d( data, **config, ) visualize.save_figure(fig, output_file)
[docs] def read_table_data(config, db_config): """ Read table data from file or parameter database. Parameters ---------- config: dict Configuration dictionary for plotting. Returns ------- Dict Dict with table data (astropy tables). """ data = {} for _config in config["tables"]: if "parameter" in _config: table = _read_table_from_model_database(_config, db_config) elif "file_name" in _config: table = legacy_data_handler.read_legacy_data_as_table( _config["file_name"], _config["type"] ) else: raise ValueError("No table data defined in configuration.") if _config.get("normalize_y"): table[_config["column_y"]] = ( table[_config["column_y"]] / table[_config["column_y"]].max() ) if _config.get("select_values"): table = _select_values_from_table( table, _config["select_values"]["column_name"], _config["select_values"]["value"], ) data[_config["label"]] = gen.get_structure_array_from_table( table, [_config["column_x"], _config["column_y"]] ) return data
def _read_table_from_model_database(table_config, db_config): """ Read table data from model parameter database. Parameters ---------- table_config: dict Configuration dictionary for table data. Returns ------- Table Astropy table. """ if "telescope" in table_config: model = TelescopeModel( site=table_config["site"], telescope_name=table_config["telescope"], model_version=table_config["model_version"], mongo_db_config=db_config, ) else: model = SiteModel( site=table_config["site"], model_version=table_config["model_version"], mongo_db_config=db_config, ) return model.get_model_file_as_table(table_config["parameter"]) def _select_values_from_table(table, column_name, value): """Return a table with only the rows where column_name == value.""" return table[np.isclose(table[column_name], value)]