Continuous Integration#
The simtools continuous integration tests, lints, and builds code, documentation and binaries. The CI is based on GitHub Actions and defined in the .github/workflows
directory. This page documents the simtools CI workflows.
Units tests#
Unit tests are testing the code on a module and function level, see the unit tests documentation for more details.
Unit tests are implemented in the CI in the CI-unittests.yml workflow. Unit tests are running for different python versions and installation types (mamba, pip). There is a scheduled run of unit tests over the main branch each night, which includes also a random-order execution of the tests (to find inter-dependencies between modules).
Simtools uses the CTAO sonar quality gates for code quality. Passing those gates is a requirement for merging code into the main branch. See the simtools sonar project page for the current status.
Integration tests#
Integrations tests are testing the main functionality of simtools applications. Every application should have integration tests covering the most common and important use cases. See the integration tests documentation for more details.
The CI Integration tests is defined in the CI-integrationtests.yml workflow. Integration tests are running for two different model versions.
Consistent code style is enforced by running the following linters:
linters defined as pre-commit workflow, see .pre-commit-config.yaml
files are checked for non-ascii characters
linting of pyproject.toml
linting of CITATION.cff
running pylint on the code
linting docker files using hadolint
validate env files
check for natural language
Schema file validation#
All schema files are validated using the
tool of simtools.
Schema CI is define in CI-schema-validation.yml.
Documentation is built using sphinx after every merge to main. The documentation is built into the CI-docs.yml workflow.
Binary builds#
Binary builds are done in two ways:
containers for CORSIKA and sim_telarray, see build-docker-corsika-simtelarray-image.yml
containers for simtools, see build-docker-images.yml
Builds are done for the platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8.
The Pypi deployment for each release is done using the pypi.yml workflow.