Source code for layout.array_layout

"""Prepare layout for coordinate transformations."""

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.data_model import data_reader, schema
from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.layout.geo_coordinates import GeoCoordinates
from simtools.layout.telescope_position import TelescopePosition
from simtools.model.site_model import SiteModel
from simtools.model.telescope_model import TelescopeModel
from simtools.utils import names, value_conversion

__all__ = ["ArrayLayout", "InvalidTelescopeListFileError"]

[docs] class InvalidTelescopeListFileError(Exception): """Exception for invalid telescope list file."""
class InvalidCoordinateDataTypeError(Exception): """Exception for low-precision coordinate data type."""
[docs] class ArrayLayout: """ Manage telescope positions at the array layout level. Parameters ---------- mongo_db_config: dict MongoDB configuration. site: str Site name or location (e.g., North/South or LaPalma/Paranal) model_version: str Version of the model (e.g., 6.0.0). label: str Instance label. name: str Name of the layout. telescope_list_file: str or Path Path to the telescope list file. telescope_list_metadata_file: str or Path Path to telescope list metadata (if not part of telescope_list_file) validate: bool Validate input file list. """ def __init__( self, mongo_db_config, site, model_version, label=None, name=None, telescope_list_file=None, telescope_list_metadata_file=None, validate=False, ): """Initialize ArrayLayout.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.model_version = model_version self.label = label = name self.mongo_db_config = mongo_db_config = None if site is None else names.validate_site_name(site) self.site_model = None self.io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.geo_coordinates = GeoCoordinates() self._telescope_list = [] self._corsika_observation_level = None self._reference_position_dict = {} self._array_center = None self._initialize_array_layout( telescope_list_file=telescope_list_file, telescope_list_metadata_file=telescope_list_metadata_file, validate=validate, ) def __len__(self): """Return number of telescopes in the layout.""" return len(self._telescope_list) def __getitem__(self, i): """Return telescope at list position i.""" return self._telescope_list[i] def _initialize_site_parameters_from_db(self): """Initialize site parameters required for transformations using the database.""" self._logger.debug("Initialize parameters from DB") if self.mongo_db_config is None: raise ValueError("No database configuration provided") self.site_model = SiteModel(, model_version=self.model_version, mongo_db_config=self.mongo_db_config, ) self._corsika_observation_level = self.site_model.get_corsika_site_parameters().get( "corsika_observation_level", None ) self._reference_position_dict = self.site_model.get_reference_point() self._logger.debug(f"Reference point: {self._reference_position_dict}") def _initialize_coordinate_systems(self): """ Initialize array center and coordinate systems. By definition, the array center is at (0,0) in the ground coordinate system. Raises ------ TypeError invalid array center definition. """ self._array_center = TelescopePosition() = "array_center" self._array_center.set_coordinates("ground", 0.0 * u.m, 0.0 * u.m) self._set_array_center_utm() self._array_center.set_altitude( u.Quantity(self._reference_position_dict.get("center_altitude", np.nan * u.m)) ) _name = self._reference_position_dict.get("array_name") = _name if _name is not None else self._logger.debug(f"Initialized array center at UTM {self._reference_position_dict}") self._array_center.convert_all( crs_local=self.geo_coordinates.crs_local(self._array_center), crs_wgs84=self.geo_coordinates.crs_wgs84(), crs_utm=self.geo_coordinates.crs_utm( self._reference_position_dict.get("epsg_code", None) ), ) def _set_array_center_utm(self): """ Set array center coordinates in UTM system. Convert array center position to WGS84 system (as latitudes are required for the definition for the definition of the ground coordinate system) """ self._array_center.set_coordinates( "utm", u.Quantity(self._reference_position_dict.get("center_easting", np.nan * u.m)), u.Quantity(self._reference_position_dict.get("center_northing", np.nan * u.m)), ) self._array_center.convert_all( crs_local=None, crs_wgs84=self.geo_coordinates.crs_wgs84(), crs_utm=self.geo_coordinates.crs_utm( self._reference_position_dict.get("epsg_code", None) ), ) def _altitude_from_corsika_z(self, pos_z=None, altitude=None, telescope_axis_height=None): """ Calculate altitude. The value is calculated from CORSIKA z-coordinate (if pos_z is given) or CORSIKA z-coordinate from altitude (if altitude is given). Parameters ---------- pos_z: astropy.Quantity CORSIKA z-coordinate of telescope in equivalent units of meter. altitude: astropy.Quantity Telescope altitude in equivalent units of meter. tel_axis_height: astropy.Quantity Telescope axis height in equivalent units of meter. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity Altitude or CORSIKA z-coordinate (np.nan in case of ill-defined value). """ self._logger.debug( f"pos_z: {pos_z}, altitude: {altitude}, " f"axis_height: {telescope_axis_height}, " f"obs_level: {self._corsika_observation_level}" ) if pos_z is not None and altitude is None: return TelescopePosition.convert_telescope_altitude_from_corsika_system( pos_z, self._corsika_observation_level, telescope_axis_height, ) if altitude is not None and pos_z is None: return TelescopePosition.convert_telescope_altitude_to_corsika_system( altitude, self._corsika_observation_level, telescope_axis_height, ) return np.nan def _load_telescope_names(self, row): """ Read and set telescope names. Parameters ---------- row: astropy table row table row. Returns ------- tel: TelescopePosition Instance of TelescopePosition. Raises ------ InvalidTelescopeListFileError in case neither telescope name or asset_code / sequence number are given. """ tel = TelescopePosition() try: = row["telescope_name"] if "asset_code" not in row: try: tel.asset_code = names.get_array_element_type_from_name( # asset code is not a valid telescope name; possibly a calibration device except ValueError: tel.asset_code ="-")[0] except KeyError: pass try: if is None: = row["asset_code"] + "-" + row["sequence_number"] tel.asset_code = row["asset_code"] tel.sequence_number = row["sequence_number"] except KeyError: pass try: tel.geo_code = row["geo_code"] except KeyError: pass if is None: msg = "Missing required row with telescope_name or asset_code/sequence_number" self._logger.error(msg) raise InvalidTelescopeListFileError(msg) return tel def _try_set_coordinate(self, row, tel, table, crs_name, key1, key2): """ Try and set coordinates for all coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- row: dict A row of the astropy.table.Table with array element coordinates. tel: TelescopePosition Instance of TelescopePosition. table: astropy.table.Table or astropy.table.QTable data table with array element coordinates. crs_name: str Name of coordinate system. key1: str Name of x-coordinate. key2: str Name of y-coordinate. """ try: tel.set_coordinates( crs_name, value_conversion.get_value_as_quantity(row[key1], table[key1].unit), value_conversion.get_value_as_quantity(row[key2], table[key2].unit), ) except KeyError: pass def _try_set_altitude(self, row, tel, table): """ Try and set altitude. It sets the altitude of the TelescopePosition instance. Parameters ---------- row: dict A row of the astropy.table.Table with array element coordinates. tel: TelescopePosition Instance of TelescopePosition. table: astropy.table.Table or astropy.table.QTable data table with array element coordinates. """ try: tel.set_altitude( self._altitude_from_corsika_z( pos_z=value_conversion.get_value_as_quantity( row["position_z"], table["position_z"].unit ), telescope_axis_height=tel.get_axis_height(), ) ) except KeyError: pass try: tel.set_altitude( value_conversion.get_value_as_quantity(row["altitude"], table["altitude"].unit) ) except KeyError: pass def _initialize_array_layout( self, telescope_list_file, telescope_list_metadata_file=None, validate=False ): """ Initialize the Layout array including site and telescope parameters. Read array list if telescope_list_file is given. Parameters ---------- telescope_list_file: str or Path Path to the telescope list file. telescope_list_metadata_file: str or Path Path to the telescope list metadata file. validate: bool Validate telescope list file against schema. Returns ------- astropy.table.QTable Table with the telescope layout information. """ self._logger.debug("Initializing array (site and telescope parameters)") self._initialize_site_parameters_from_db() self._initialize_coordinate_systems() if telescope_list_file is None: return None self._logger.debug(f"Reading telescope list from {telescope_list_file}") if Path(telescope_list_file).suffix == ".json": table = self._read_table_from_json_file(file_name=telescope_list_file) else: table = data_reader.read_table_from_file( file_name=telescope_list_file, validate=validate, metadata_file=telescope_list_metadata_file, ) for row in table: tel = self._load_telescope_names(row) if names.get_collection_name_from_array_element_name( == "telescopes": self._set_telescope_auxiliary_parameters(tel) self._try_set_coordinate(row, tel, table, "ground", "position_x", "position_y") self._try_set_coordinate(row, tel, table, "utm", "utm_east", "utm_north") self._try_set_coordinate(row, tel, table, "mercator", "latitude", "longitude") self._try_set_altitude(row, tel, table) self._telescope_list.append(tel) return table def _read_table_from_json_file(self, file_name): """ Read a telescope position from a json file and return as astropy table. Parameters ---------- file_name: str or Path Path to the json file. Returns ------- astropy.table.QTable Table with the telescope layout information. """ with Path(file_name).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) position = data["value"] if isinstance(position, str): position = gen.convert_string_to_list(position) = data.get("site", None) table = QTable() table["telescope_name"] = [data["instrument"]] if "utm" in data["parameter"]: table["utm_east"] = [position[0]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) table["utm_north"] = [position[1]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) table["altitude"] = [position[2]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) else: table["position_x"] = [position[0]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) table["position_y"] = [position[1]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) table["position_z"] = [position[2]] * u.Unit(data["unit"]) return table def _get_telescope_model(self, telescope_name): """ Get telescope model from the database. Parameters ---------- telescope_name: str Name of the telescope. Returns ------- TelescopeModel Telescope model instance. """ return TelescopeModel(, telescope_name=telescope_name, model_version=self.model_version, mongo_db_config=self.mongo_db_config, label=self.label, ) def _set_telescope_auxiliary_parameters(self, telescope, telescope_name=None): """ Set auxiliary CORSIKA parameters for a telescope. Uses as default the design model if telescope is not found in the database. Parameters ---------- telescope: TelescopePosition Instance of TelescopePosition. """ telescope_name = telescope_name if telescope_name is not None else if names.get_collection_name_from_array_element_name(telescope_name) == "telescopes": self._logger.debug( f"Reading auxiliary telescope parameters for {telescope_name}" f" (model version {self.model_version})" ) try: tel_model = self._get_telescope_model(telescope_name) except ValueError: tel_model = self._get_telescope_model( names.get_array_element_type_from_name(telescope_name) + "-design", ) for para in ("telescope_axis_height", "telescope_sphere_radius"): telescope.set_auxiliary_parameter( para, tel_model.get_parameter_value_with_unit(para) )
[docs] def add_telescope( self, telescope_name, crs_name, xx, yy, altitude=None, tel_corsika_z=None, design_model=None ): """ Add an individual telescope to the telescope list. Parameters ---------- telescope_name: str Name of the telescope starting with L, M or S (e.g. LST-01, MST-06 ...) crs_name: str Name of coordinate system xx: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity x-coordinate for the given coordinate system yy: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity y-coordinate for the given coordinate system altitude: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Altitude coordinate in equivalent units of u.m. tel_corsika_z: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity CORSIKA z-position (requires setting of CORSIKA observation level and telescope sphere\ center). design_model: str Name of the design model (optional). If none, telescope type + "-design" is used. """ tel = TelescopePosition(name=telescope_name) self._set_telescope_auxiliary_parameters(tel, design_model) tel.set_coordinates(crs_name, xx, yy) if altitude is not None: tel.set_altitude(altitude) elif tel_corsika_z is not None: tel.set_altitude( self._altitude_from_corsika_z( pos_z=tel_corsika_z, telescope_axis_height=tel.get_axis_height() ) ) self._telescope_list.append(tel)
def _get_export_metadata(self): """ File metadata for export of array element list to file. Included array center definition, CORSIKA telescope parameters, and EPSG code. Returns ------- dict Metadata header for array element list export. """ _meta = {} if self._array_center: ( _meta["center_easting"], _meta["center_northing"], _meta["center_altitude"], ) = self._array_center.get_coordinates("utm") _meta["epsg_code"] = self._reference_position_dict.get("epsg_code", None) _meta["array_name"] = return _meta
[docs] def export_telescope_list_table(self, crs_name): """ Export array elements positions to astropy table. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system to be used for export. Returns ------- astropy.table.QTable Astropy table with the telescope layout information. """ table = QTable(meta=self._get_export_metadata()) tel_names, asset_code, sequence_number, geo_code = [], [], [], [] pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_t, tel_r = [], [], [], [], [] for tel in self._telescope_list: tel_names.append( asset_code.append(tel.asset_code) sequence_number.append(tel.sequence_number) geo_code.append(tel.geo_code) x, y, z = tel.get_coordinates(crs_name) if crs_name == "ground": z = self._altitude_from_corsika_z( altitude=z, telescope_axis_height=tel.get_axis_height() ) pos_t.append(tel.get_axis_height()) pos_x.append(x) pos_y.append(y) pos_z.append(z) tel_r.append(tel.get_sphere_radius()) # prefer asset_code / sequence_number of telescope_name if all(v is not None for v in asset_code) and all(v is not None for v in sequence_number): table["asset_code"] = asset_code table["sequence_number"] = sequence_number else: table["telescope_name"] = tel_names if any(v is not None for v in geo_code): table["geo_code"] = geo_code try: _name_x, _name_y, _name_z = self._telescope_list[0].get_coordinates( crs_name=crs_name, coordinate_field="name" ) table[_name_x] = pos_x table[_name_y] = pos_y table[_name_z] = pos_z if len(pos_t) > 0: table["telescope_axis_height"] = pos_t if len(tel_r) > 0: table["sphere_radius"] = tel_r except IndexError: pass if "telescope_name" in table.colnames: table.sort("telescope_name") if "asset_code" in table.colnames: table.sort(["asset_code", "sequence_number"]) return table
[docs] def export_one_telescope_as_json( self, crs_name, parameter_version=None, schema_version=None, ): """ Return a list containing a single telescope in simtools-DB-style json. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system to be used for export. schema_version: str Version of the schema. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with array element information. """ table = self.export_telescope_list_table(crs_name) if len(table) != 1: raise ValueError("Only one telescope can be exported to json") parameter_name = value = None if crs_name == "ground": parameter_name = "array_element_position_ground" value = [ table["position_x"][0].value, table["position_y"][0].value, table["position_z"][0].value, ] elif crs_name == "utm": parameter_name = "array_element_position_utm" value = [ table["utm_east"][0].value, table["utm_north"][0].value, table["altitude"][0].value, ] elif crs_name == "mercator": parameter_name = "array_element_position_mercator" value = [ table["latitude"][0].value, table["longitude"][0].value, table["altitude"][0].value, ] return { "schema_version": schema.get_model_parameter_schema_version(schema_version), "parameter": parameter_name, "instrument": table["telescope_name"][0], "site":, "parameter_version": parameter_version, "unique_id": None, "value": value, "unit": "m", "type": "float64", "file": False, }
[docs] def get_number_of_telescopes(self): """ Return the number of telescopes in the list. Returns ------- int Number of telescopes. """ return len(self._telescope_list)
[docs] def print_telescope_list(self, crs_name): """ Print list of telescopes. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system to be used for export. """ for tel in self._telescope_list: tel.print_compact_format( crs_name=crs_name, print_header=(tel == self._telescope_list[0]), corsika_observation_level=( self._corsika_observation_level if crs_name == "ground" else None ), )
[docs] def convert_coordinates(self): """Perform all the possible conversions the coordinates of the tel positions.""""Converting telescope coordinates") crs_wgs84 = self.geo_coordinates.crs_wgs84() crs_local = self.geo_coordinates.crs_local(self._array_center) crs_utm = self.geo_coordinates.crs_utm(self._reference_position_dict.get("epsg_code", None)) for tel in self._telescope_list: tel.convert_all( crs_local=crs_local, crs_wgs84=crs_wgs84, crs_utm=crs_utm, )
[docs] def select_assets(self, asset_list=None): """ Select a subsets of telescopes / assets from the layout. Parameters ---------- asset_list: list List of assets to be selected (telescope names or types) Raises ------ ValueError If the asset list is empty. """ _n_telescopes = len(self._telescope_list) try: if len(asset_list) > 0: _telescope_list_from_name = [ tel for tel in self._telescope_list if tel.asset_code in asset_list ] _telescope_list_from_type = [ tel for tel in self._telescope_list if names.get_array_element_type_from_name(tel.asset_code) in asset_list ] self._telescope_list = list( set(_telescope_list_from_name + _telescope_list_from_type) ) f"Selected {len(self._telescope_list)} telescopes" f" (from originally {_n_telescopes})" ) except TypeError:"No asset list provided, keeping all telescopes")