The Layout Array module deals with the telescope positions and coordinate transformations. It is used within CORSIKA Config and Array Model in order to encapsulate the information about the telescope positions.
Prepare layout for coordinate transformations.
- class layout.array_layout.ArrayLayout(mongo_db_config, site, model_version, label=None, name=None, telescope_list_file=None, telescope_list_metadata_file=None, validate=False)[source]#
Manage telescope positions at the array layout level.
- Parameters:
- mongo_db_config: dict
MongoDB configuration.
- site: str
Site name or location (e.g., North/South or LaPalma/Paranal)
- model_version: str
Version of the model (e.g., 6.0.0).
- label: str
Instance label.
- name: str
Name of the layout.
- telescope_list_file: str or Path
Path to the telescope list file.
- telescope_list_metadata_file: str or Path
Path to telescope list metadata (if not part of telescope_list_file)
- validate: bool
Validate input file list.
- add_telescope(telescope_name, crs_name, xx, yy, altitude=None, tel_corsika_z=None, design_model=None)[source]#
Add an individual telescope to the telescope list.
- Parameters:
- telescope_name: str
Name of the telescope starting with L, M or S (e.g. LST-01, MST-06 …)
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system
- xx: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
x-coordinate for the given coordinate system
- yy: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
y-coordinate for the given coordinate system
- altitude: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
Altitude coordinate in equivalent units of u.m.
- tel_corsika_z: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
CORSIKA z-position (requires setting of CORSIKA observation level and telescope sphere center).
- design_model: str
Name of the design model (optional). If none, telescope type + “-design” is used.
- convert_coordinates()[source]#
Perform all the possible conversions the coordinates of the tel positions.
- export_one_telescope_as_json(crs_name, parameter_version=None, schema_version=None)[source]#
Return a list containing a single telescope in simtools-DB-style json.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system to be used for export.
- schema_version: str
Version of the schema.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary with array element information.
- export_telescope_list_table(crs_name)[source]#
Export array elements positions to astropy table.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system to be used for export.
- Returns:
- astropy.table.QTable
Astropy table with the telescope layout information.
- get_number_of_telescopes()[source]#
Return the number of telescopes in the list.
- Returns:
- int
Number of telescopes.
Telescope positions and coordinate transformations.
- exception layout.telescope_position.InvalidCoordSystemErrorError[source]#
Exception for invalid coordinate system.
- class layout.telescope_position.TelescopePosition(name=None)[source]#
Store a telescope position and perform coordinate transformations.
The definition of x_coord and y_coord in this class depend on the coordinate system (e.g., (x_coord, y_coord) == (UTM_east, UTM_north)). Altitude describes always the element height above sea level, position_z the height above a reference altitude (e.g., CORSIKA observation level).
- Parameters:
- name: str
Name of the telescope (e.g LSTN-01, SSTS-05, …).
- convert_all(crs_local=None, crs_wgs84=None, crs_utm=None)[source]#
Perform conversions and fill coordinate variables.
- Parameters:
- crs_local:
Pyproj CRS of the local coordinate system.
- crs_wgs84:
Pyproj CRS of the mercator coordinate system.
- crs_utm:
Pyproj CRS of the utm coordinate system.
- static convert_telescope_altitude_from_corsika_system(tel_corsika_z, corsika_observation_level=None, telescope_axis_height=None)[source]#
Convert Corsika (pos_z) to altitude.
- Parameters:
- tel_corsika_z: astropy.Quantity
Telescope z-position in CORSIKA system in equivalent units of meter.
- corsika_observation_level: astropy.Quantity
CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter.
- telescope_axis_height: astropy.Quantity
Height of telescope elevation axis above ground level in equivalent units of meter.
- Returns:
- astropy.units.m
Telescope altitude (above sea level)
- static convert_telescope_altitude_to_corsika_system(tel_altitude, corsika_observation_level, telescope_axis_height)[source]#
Convert telescope altitude to CORSIKA system (pos_z).
- Parameters:
- tel_altitude: astropy.Quantity
Telescope altitude in equivalent units of meter.
- corsika_ob_level: astropy.Quantity
CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter.
- telescope_axis_height: astropy.Quantity
Height of telescope elevation axis above ground level in equivalent units of meter.
- Returns:
- astropy.units.m
Z-position of a telescope in CORSIKA system.
- get_altitude()[source]#
Get altitude of an array element.
- Returns:
- astropy.Quantity
telescope altitude.
- get_axis_height()[source]#
Get telescope axis height.
- Returns:
- astropy.quantity
Telescope axis height.
- get_coordinates(crs_name, coordinate_field=None)[source]#
Get coordinates in a given coordinate system.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
name of coordinate system.
- coordinate_field: str
return specified field of coordinate descriptor.
- Returns:
- x, y, z coordinate including corresponding unit (or coordinate field). If coordinate_field is None, returns value x unit.
- Raises:
- InvalidCoordSystemErrorError
if coordinate system is not defined
- get_sphere_radius()[source]#
Get telescope sphere radius.
- Returns:
- astropy.quantity
Telescope sphere radius
- has_altitude(crs_name=None)[source]#
Return True if array element has altitude defined.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system to be checked for altitude. If None: check if altitude is define for any system.
- Returns:
- bool
array element has altitude defined.
- Raises:
- InvalidCoordSystemErrorError
If coordinate system is not known
- has_coordinates(crs_name, crs_check=False)[source]#
Check if coordinates are set for a given coordinate system.
- Attributes:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system.
- crs_check: bool
Check that projection system is defined.
- Returns:
- bool
True if coordinate system is defined.
- Raises:
- InvalidCoordSystemErrorError
If coordinate system is not known.
- is_coordinate_system(crs_name)[source]#
Check if crs_name describes a coordinate system or auxiliary information.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system.
- Returns:
- bool
True if coordinate system is defined.
- Raises:
- InvalidCoordSystemErrorError
If coordinate system is not known.
- print_compact_format(crs_name, print_header=False, corsika_observation_level=None)[source]#
Print array element coordinates in compact format.
- Parameters:
- crs_name: str
Name of coordinate system to be used for printing.
- print_header: bool
Print table header.
- corsika_observation_level: astropy.Quantity
CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter.
- Raises:
- InvalidCoordSystemErrorError
if coordinate system is not defined.
- set_altitude(tel_altitude)[source]#
Set altitude of an array element.
Assume that all coordinate system have same altitude definition, meaning altitude is set for all systems here.
- Attributes:
- tel_altitude: astropy.Quantity
Definition of geospatial coordinate systems.
- class layout.geo_coordinates.GeoCoordinates[source]#
Geospatial Coordinate systems.
Defines UTM, WGS84 and ground (sim_telarray) coordinate systems.
- crs_local(reference_point)[source]#
Local coordinate system definition.
This is a cartesian coordinate system with the origin at the array center. X-axis points towards geographic North, y-axis towards geographic West.
- Parameters:
- reference_point: simtools.layout.telescope_position
Reference coordinate.
- Returns:
- pyproj.CRS
local coordinate system.
Retrieve, merge, and write layouts from CTAO common identifiers repository.
- layout.ctao_array_layouts.merge_array_layouts(layouts_1, layouts_2)[source]#
Compare array layout dictionaries and merge them.
- Parameters:
- layouts_1dict
Array layout dictionary 1.
- layouts_2dict
Array layout dictionary 2.
- Returns:
- dict
Merged array layout dictionary based on layout_1.
- layout.ctao_array_layouts.retrieve_array_layouts(site, repository_url, branch_name='main')[source]#
Retrieve array layouts from CTAO common identifiers repository.
- Parameters:
- sitestr
Site identifier.
- repository_urlstr
URL or path to CTAO common identifiers
- branch_namestr
Repository branch to use for CTAO common identifiers.
- Returns:
- dict
Array layouts for all CTAO sites.