Production Configuration#
Modules provide functionality to configure a simulation production. This includes the derivation of energy, viewcone radius, and core scatter ranges and the calculation of the number of events to be simulated given a pre-determined metric.
Evaluate statistical uncertainties from DL2 MC event files.
- class production_configuration.calculate_statistical_errors_grid_point.StatisticalErrorEvaluator(file_path: str, file_type: str, metrics: dict[str, float], grid_point: tuple[float, float, float, float, float] | None = None)[source]#
Evaluates statistical uncertainties from a DL2 MC event file.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
Path to the DL2 MC event file.
- file_typestr
Type of the file, either ‘point-like’ or ‘cone’.
- metricsdict, optional
Dictionary of metrics to evaluate. Default is None.
- grid_pointtuple, optional
Tuple specifying the grid point (energy, azimuth, zenith, NSB, offset).
- calculate_energy_estimate()[source]#
Calculate the uncertainties in energy estimation.
- Returns:
- float
The calculated uncertainty for energy estimation.
- calculate_energy_threshold(requested_eff_area_fraction=0.1)[source]#
Calculate the energy threshold where the effective area exceeds 10% of its maximum value.
- Returns:
- float
Energy threshold value.
- calculate_max_error_for_effective_area()[source]#
Calculate the maximum relative error for effective area.
- Returns:
- max_errorfloat
Maximum relative error.
- calculate_metrics()[source]#
Calculate all defined metrics as specified in self.metrics and store results.
- calculate_overall_metric(metric='average')[source]#
Calculate an overall metric for the statistical uncertainties.
- Parameters:
- metricstr
The metric to calculate (‘average’, ‘maximum’).
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary with overall maximum errors for each metric.
- calculate_uncertainty_effective_area()[source]#
Calculate the uncertainties on the effective collection area.
- Returns:
- errorsdict
Dictionary with uncertainties for the file.
- compute_efficiency_and_errors(reconstructed_event_counts, simulated_event_counts)[source]#
Compute reconstructed event efficiency and its uncertainty assuming binomial distribution.
- Parameters:
- reconstructed_event_countsarray with units
Histogram counts of reconstructed events.
- simulated_event_countsarray with units
Histogram counts of simulated events.
- Returns:
- efficienciesarray
Array of calculated efficiencies.
- relative_errorsarray
Array of relative uncertainties.
- compute_reconstructed_event_histogram(event_energies_reco, bin_edges)[source]#
Compute histogram of events as function of reconstructed energy.
- Parameters:
- event_energies_recoarray
Array of reconstructed energy per event.
- bin_edgesarray
Array of energy bin edges.
- Returns:
- reconstructed_event_histogramarray
Histogram of reconstructed events.
Calculate the scaled number of events based on metrics.
Module for scaling events based on statistical error metrics. Contains the EventScaler
which scales the number of events for both the entire dataset and specific grid points.
Scaling factors are calculated using error metrics and the evaluator’s results.
- class production_configuration.event_scaler.EventScaler(evaluator, metrics: dict)[source]#
Scales the number of events based on statistical error metrics.
Supports scaling both the entire dataset and specific grid points like energy values.
- calculate_scaled_events_at_grid_point(grid_point: tuple) Quantity [source]#
Calculate the scaled number of events for a specific energy grid point.
- Parameters:
- grid_pointtuple
The grid point specifying energy, azimuth, zenith, NSB, and offset.
- Returns:
- float
The scaled number of events at the specified grid point (energy).
- scale_events(return_sum: bool = True) Quantity [source]#
Calculate the scaled number of events based on statistical error metrics.
- Parameters:
- return_sumbool, optional
If True, returns the sum of scaled events for the entire set of MC events. If False, returns the scaled events for each grid point along the energy axis. Default is True.
- Returns:
- u.Quantity
If ‘return_sum’ is True, returns the total scaled number of events as a u.Quantity. If ‘return_sum’ is False, returns an array of scaled events along the energy axis as a u.Quantity.
Derives simulation configuration parameters for a grid point based on several metrics.
- class production_configuration.generate_simulation_config.SimulationConfig(grid_point: dict[str, float], file_path: str, file_type: str, metrics: dict[str, float] | None = None)[source]#
Configures simulation parameters for a specific grid point.
- Parameters:
- grid_pointdict
Dictionary representing a grid point with azimuth, elevation, and night sky background.
- file_pathstr
Path to the DL2 MC event file for statistical uncertainty evaluation.
- file_typestr
Type of the DL2 MC event file (‘point-like’ or ‘cone’).
- metricsdict, optional
Dictionary of metrics to evaluate.
Interpolates between instances of StatisticalErrorEvaluator using EventScaler.
- class production_configuration.interpolation_handler.InterpolationHandler(evaluators, metrics: dict)[source]#
Handle interpolation between multiple StatisticalErrorEvaluator instances.
- interpolate(query_points: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
Interpolate the number of simulated events given query points.
- Parameters:
- query_pointsnp.ndarray
Array of query points with shape (n, 5), where n is the number of points, and 5 represents (energy, azimuth, zenith, nsb, offset).
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
Interpolated values at the query points.
Calculate CORSIKA thresholds for energy, radial distance, and viewcone.
- class production_configuration.derive_corsika_limits.LimitCalculator(event_data_file, telescope_list=None)[source]#
Compute thresholds for CORSIKA configuration for energy, radial distance, and viewcone.
Event data is read from the reduced MC event data file.
- Parameters:
- event_data_filestr
Path to the HDF5 file containing the event data.
- telescope_listlist, optional
List of telescope IDs to filter the events (default is None).
- compute_lower_energy_limit(loss_fraction)[source]#
Compute the lower energy limit in TeV based on the event loss fraction.
- Parameters:
- loss_fractionfloat
Fraction of events to be lost.
- Returns:
- astropy.units.Quantity
Lower energy limit.
- compute_upper_radial_distance(loss_fraction)[source]#
Compute the upper radial distance based on the event loss fraction.
- Parameters:
- loss_fractionfloat
Fraction of events to be lost.
- Returns:
- astropy.units.Quantity
Upper radial distance in m.
- compute_viewcone(loss_fraction)[source]#
Compute the viewcone based on the event loss fraction.
The shower IDs of triggered events are used to create a mask for the azimuth and altitude of the triggered events. A mapping is created between the triggered events and the simulated events using the shower IDs.
- Parameters:
- loss_fractionfloat
Fraction of events to be lost.
- Returns:
- astropy.units.Quantity
Viewcone radius in degrees.
- property core_distance_bins#
Return bins for the core distance histogram.
- property energy_bins#
Return bins for the energy histogram.
- plot_data(lower_energy_limit, upper_radial_distance, viewcone, output_path=None)[source]#
Plot the core distances and energies of triggered events.
- Parameters:
- lower_energy_limit: astropy.units.Quantity
Lower energy limit to display on plots.
- upper_radial_distance: astropy.units.Quantity
Upper radial distance limit to display on plots.
- viewcone: astropy.units.Quantity
Viewcone radius to display on plots.
- output_path: Path or str, optional
Directory to save plots. If None, plots will be displayed.
- property view_cone_bins#
Return bins for the viewcone histogram.