Ray Tracing#
The ray-tracing modules handle ray tracing simulations, PSF analysis and I/O.
Ray tracing simulations and analysis.
- class ray_tracing.ray_tracing.RayTracing(telescope_model, simtel_path, label=None, zenith_angle=<Quantity 20. deg>, off_axis_angle=<Quantity [0.] deg>, source_distance=<Quantity 10. km>, single_mirror_mode=False, use_random_focal_length=False, mirror_numbers='all')[source]#
Ray tracing simulations and analysis.
- Parameters:
- telescope_model: TelescopeModel
telescope model
- simtel_path: str (or Path)
Location of sim_telarray installation.
- label: str
label used for output file naming.
- zenith_angle: astropy.units.Quantity
Zenith angle.
- off_axis_angle: list of astropy.units.Quantity
Off-axis angles.
- source_distance: astropy.units.Quantity
Source distance.
- single_mirror_mode: bool
Single mirror mode flag.
- use_random_focal_length: bool
Use random focal length flag.
- mirror_numbers: list, str
List of mirror numbers (or ‘all’).
- analyze(export=True, force=False, use_rx=False, no_tel_transmission=False, containment_fraction=0.8)[source]#
Ray tracing analysis.
Involves the following: read simtel files, compute PSFs and eff areas, store the results in _results.
- Parameters:
- export: bool
If True, results will be exported to a file automatically. Alternatively, export_results function can be used.
- force: bool
If True, existing results files will be removed and analysis will be done again.
- use_rx: bool
If True, calculations are done using the rx binary provided by sim_telarray. If False, calculations are done internally, by the module psf_analysis.
- no_tel_transmission: bool
If True, the telescope transmission is not applied.
- containment_fraction: float
Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Allowed values are in the interval [0,1]
- get_mean(key)[source]#
Get mean value of key.
- Parameters:
- key: str
d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen
- Returns:
- float
Mean value of key.
- Raises:
- KeyError
If key is not among the valid options.
- get_std_dev(key)[source]#
Get std dev of key.
- Parameters:
- key: str
d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen
- Returns:
- float
Std deviation of key.
- Raises:
- KeyError
If key is not among the valid options.
- plot(key, save=False, d80=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot key vs off-axis angle and save the figure in pdf.
- Parameters:
- key: str
d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen
- save: bool
If True, figure will be saved.
- d80: float
d80 for cumulative PSF plot.
- **kwargs:
kwargs for plt.plot
- Raises:
- KeyError
If key is not among the valid options.
Module to analyse psf images (e.g. results from ray tracing simulations).
Main functionalities are: computing centroids, psf containers etc.
- class ray_tracing.psf_analysis.PSFImage(focal_length=None, total_scattered_area=None, containment_fraction=None, simtel_path=None)[source]#
Image composed of list of photon positions (2D).
Load photon list from sim_telarray file and compute centroids, psf containers, effective area, as well as plot the image as a 2D histogram. Internal units: photon positions in cm internally.
- Parameters:
- focal_length: float
Focal length of the system in cm. If not given, PSF can only be computed in cm.
- total_scattered_area: float
Scatter area of all photons in cm^2. If not given, effective area cannot be computed.
- containment_fraction: float
Containment fraction for PSF calculation.
- simtel_path: str
Path to sim_telarray installation.
- get_cumulative_data(radius=None)[source]#
Provide cumulative data (intensity vs radius).
- Parameters:
- radius: array
Array with radius calculate the cumulative PSF in distance units.
- Returns:
- (radius, intensity)
- get_effective_area(tel_transmission=1.0)[source]#
Return effective area pre calculated.
- Parameters:
- telescope_transmissionfloat
Telescope transmission parameter.
- Returns:
- float
Pre-calculated effective area. None if it could not be calculated (e.g because the total scattering area was not set).
- get_image_data(centralized=True)[source]#
Provide image data (2D photon positions in cm) as lists.
- Parameters:
- centralized: bool
Centroid of the image is set to (0, 0) if True.
- Returns:
- (x, y), the photons positions in cm.
- get_psf(fraction=0.8, unit='cm')[source]#
Return PSF.
- Parameters:
- fraction: float
Fraction of photons within the containing radius.
- unit: str
‘cm’ or ‘deg’. ‘deg’ will not work if focal length was not set.
- Returns:
- float:
Containing diameter for a certain intensity fraction (PSF).
- plot_cumulative(file_name=None, d80=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot cumulative data (intensity vs radius).
- Parameters:
- **kwargs:
image_* for the histogram plot and psf_* for the psf circle.
- plot_image(centralized=True, file_name=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot 2D image as histogram (in cm).
- Parameters:
- centralized: bool
Centroid of the image is set to (0, 0) if True.
- **kwargs:
image_* for the histogram plot and psf_* for the psf circle.
- process_photon_list(photon_file, use_rx)[source]#
Read and process a photon list file generated by sim_telarray.
- Parameters:
- photons_file: str
Name of sim_telarray file with photon list.
- use_rx: bool
Use the RX method for analysis.
Mirror panel PSF calculation.
- class ray_tracing.mirror_panel_psf.MirrorPanelPSF(label, args_dict, db_config)[source]#
Mirror panel PSF and random reflection angle calculation.
This class is used to derive the random reflection angle for the mirror panels in the telescope.
Known limitations: single Gaussian PSF model, no support for multiple PSF components (as allowed in the model parameters).
- Parameters:
- label: str
Application label.
- args_dict: dict
Dictionary with input arguments.
- db_config:
Dictionary with database configuration.
- derive_random_reflection_angle(save_figures=False)[source]#
Minimize the difference between measured and simulated PSF for reflection angle.
Main loop of the optimization process. The method iterates over different values of the random reflection angle until the difference in the mean value of the D80 containment is minimal.
- run_simulations_and_analysis(rnda, save_figures=False)[source]#
Run ray tracing simulations and analysis for one given value of rnda.
- Parameters:
- rnda: float
Random reflection angle in degrees.
- save_figures: bool
Save figures.
- Returns:
- mean_d80: float
Mean value of D80 in cm.
- sig_d80: float
Standard deviation of D80 in cm.