Source code for ray_tracing.ray_tracing

"""Ray tracing simulations and analysis."""

import gzip
import logging
import shutil
from copy import copy
from math import pi, tan
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable

from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.model.model_utils import compute_telescope_transmission
from simtools.ray_tracing.psf_analysis import PSFImage
from simtools.simtel.simulator_ray_tracing import SimulatorRayTracing
from simtools.utils import names
from simtools.visualization import visualize

__all__ = ["RayTracing"]

INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT = "Invalid key to plot"

[docs] class RayTracing: """ Ray tracing simulations and analysis. Parameters ---------- telescope_model: TelescopeModel telescope model simtel_path: str (or Path) Location of sim_telarray installation. label: str label used for output file naming. zenith_angle: astropy.units.Quantity Zenith angle. off_axis_angle: list of astropy.units.Quantity Off-axis angles. source_distance: astropy.units.Quantity Source distance. single_mirror_mode: bool Single mirror mode flag. use_random_focal_length: bool Use random focal length flag. mirror_numbers: list, str List of mirror numbers (or 'all'). """ YLABEL = { "d80_cm": r"$D_{80}$", "d80_deg": r"$D_{80}$", "eff_area": "Eff. mirror area", "eff_flen": "Eff. focal length", } def __init__( self, telescope_model, simtel_path, label=None, zenith_angle=20.0 * u.deg, off_axis_angle=[0.0] * u.deg, source_distance=10.0 *, single_mirror_mode=False, use_random_focal_length=False, mirror_numbers="all", ): """Initialize RayTracing class.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug(f"Initializing RayTracing class {single_mirror_mode}") self.simtel_path = Path(simtel_path) self._io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self.telescope_model = telescope_model self.label = label if label is not None else self.telescope_model.label self.zenith_angle ="deg").value self.off_axis_angle = np.around("deg").value, 5) self.single_mirror_mode = single_mirror_mode self.use_random_focal_length = use_random_focal_length self.mirrors = self._initialize_mirror_configuration(source_distance, mirror_numbers) self.output_directory = self._io_handler.get_output_directory( label=self.label, sub_dir="ray-tracing" ) self.output_directory.joinpath("results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._file_results = self.output_directory.joinpath("results").joinpath( self._generate_file_name(file_type="ray-tracing", suffix=".ecsv") ) self._psf_images = {} self._results = None def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of RayTracing class.""" return f"RayTracing(label={self.label})\n" def _initialize_mirror_configuration( self, source_distance, mirror_numbers, ): """ Initialize mirror configuration. Note the difference between single mirror mode and nominal mode. In single mirror mode, a 'mirror' is a mirror panel. In nominal mode, a 'mirror' is a telescope. Parameters ---------- source_distance: astropy.units.Quantity Source distance. mirror_numbers: list, str List of mirror numbers (or 'all'). Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing mirror numbers, focal lengths, and source distances. """ # initialize a mirror as a mirror panel if self.single_mirror_mode: return self._initialize_single_mirror_mode(mirror_numbers) # initialize a mirror as a telescope optical system return { 0: { "source_distance":"km").value, "focal_length": self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("focal_length"), } } def _initialize_single_mirror_mode(self, mirror_numbers): """ Initialize single mirror mode. Parameters ---------- mirror_numbers: list, str List of mirror numbers (or 'all'). Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing mirror numbers, focal lengths, and source distances. """ self._logger.debug( "Single mirror mode is activated - " "source distance is being recalculated to 2 * focal length " " (this is not correct for dual-mirror telescopes)." ) if "all" in mirror_numbers: mirror_numbers = list(range(0, self.telescope_model.mirrors.number_of_mirrors)) mirrors = {mirror: {"focal_length": 0, "source_distance": 0.0} for mirror in mirror_numbers} for mirror in mirror_numbers: _, _, _, _focal_length, _ = self.telescope_model.mirrors.get_single_mirror_parameters( mirror ) if np.isnan(_focal_length) or np.isclose(_focal_length, 0, rtol=1.0e-3): _focal_length = self._get_mirror_panel_focal_length() * if np.isnan(_focal_length) or np.isclose(_focal_length, 0, rtol=1.0e-3): raise ValueError("Focal length is invalid (NaN or close to zero)") mirrors[mirror]["focal_length"] = _focal_length mirrors[mirror]["source_distance"] = 2 *"km").value return mirrors def _get_mirror_panel_focal_length(self): """ Return mirror panel focal length with possible random addition. Returns ------- float Focal length. """ _focal_length = self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("mirror_focal_length") if self.use_random_focal_length: rng = np.random.default_rng() _random_focal_length = self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("random_focal_length") if _random_focal_length[0] > 0.0: _focal_length += rng.normal(loc=0, scale=_random_focal_length[0]) else: _focal_length += rng.uniform( low=-1.0 * _random_focal_length[1], high=1.0 * _random_focal_length[1] ) return _focal_length
[docs] def simulate(self, test=False, force=False): """ Simulate RayTracing using SimulatorRayTracing. Parameters ---------- test: bool Test flag will make it faster by simulating much fewer photons. force: bool Force flag will remove existing files and simulate again. """ for this_off_axis in self.off_axis_angle: for mirror_number, mirror_data in self.mirrors.items(): f"Simulating RayTracing for off_axis={this_off_axis}, mirror={mirror_number}" ) simtel = SimulatorRayTracing( simtel_path=self.simtel_path, telescope_model=self.telescope_model, test=test, config_data={ "zenith_angle": self.zenith_angle, "off_axis_angle": this_off_axis, "source_distance": mirror_data["source_distance"], "single_mirror_mode": self.single_mirror_mode, "use_random_focal_length": self.use_random_focal_length, "mirror_numbers": mirror_number, }, force_simulate=force, ) photons_file = self.output_directory.joinpath( self._generate_file_name( file_type="photons", suffix=".lis", off_axis_angle=this_off_axis, mirror_number=mirror_number if self.single_mirror_mode else None, ) ) self._logger.debug(f"Using gzip to compress the photons file {photons_file}.") with open(photons_file, "rb") as f_in: with photons_file.with_suffix(photons_file.suffix + ".gz"), "wb" ) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) photons_file.unlink()
[docs] def analyze( self, export=True, force=False, use_rx=False, no_tel_transmission=False, containment_fraction=0.8, ): """ Ray tracing analysis. Involves the following: read simtel files, compute PSFs and eff areas, store the results in _results. Parameters ---------- export: bool If True, results will be exported to a file automatically. Alternatively, export_results function can be used. force: bool If True, existing results files will be removed and analysis will be done again. use_rx: bool If True, calculations are done using the rx binary provided by sim_telarray. If False, calculations are done internally, by the module psf_analysis. no_tel_transmission: bool If True, the telescope transmission is not applied. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Allowed values are in the interval [0,1] """ do_analyze = not self._file_results.exists() or force if not do_analyze: self._read_results() tel_transmission_pars = self._get_telescope_transmission_params(no_tel_transmission) self._psf_images = {} _rows = self._process_off_axis_and_mirror( tel_transmission_pars, do_analyze, use_rx, containment_fraction, ) if do_analyze: self._store_results(_rows) if export: self.export_results()
def _process_off_axis_and_mirror( self, tel_transmission_pars, do_analyze, use_rx, containment_fraction, ): """ Process off-axis angles and mirrors for RayTracing analysis. Parameters ---------- all_mirrors: list List of mirror numbers to analyze. focal_length: float Focal length of the telescope. tel_transmission_pars: list Telescope transmission parameters. do_analyze: bool Flag indicating whether to perform analysis or not. use_rx: bool Flag indicating whether to use the RX method for analysis. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Returns ------- list List of results for each combination of off-axis angle and mirror. """ _rows = [] for this_off_axis in self.off_axis_angle: for mirror_number, mirror_data in self.mirrors.items(): self._logger.debug(f"Analyzing RayTracing for off_axis={this_off_axis}") photons_file = self.output_directory.joinpath( self._generate_file_name( "photons", ".lis", off_axis_angle=this_off_axis, mirror_number=mirror_number ) + ".gz" ) tel_transmission = compute_telescope_transmission( tel_transmission_pars, this_off_axis ) image = self._create_psf_image( photons_file, mirror_data["focal_length"], this_off_axis, containment_fraction, use_rx, ) if do_analyze: _current_results = self._analyze_image( image, this_off_axis, containment_fraction, tel_transmission, ) if self.single_mirror_mode: _current_results += (mirror_number,) _rows.append(_current_results) return _rows def _get_telescope_transmission_params(self, no_tel_transmission): """ Get telescope transmission parameters. Parameters ---------- no_tel_transmission: bool Flag indicating whether to apply telescope transmission or not. Returns ------- list Telescope transmission parameters. """ return ( self.telescope_model.get_parameter_value("telescope_transmission") if not no_tel_transmission else [1, 0, 0, 0] ) def _create_psf_image( self, photons_file, focal_length, this_off_axis, containment_fraction, use_rx=False ): """ Create PSF image from photons file. Parameters ---------- photons_file: Path Path to the photons file. focal_length: float Focal length of the telescope. this_off_axis: float Off-axis angle. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. use_rx: bool Flag indicating whether to use the RX method for analysis. Returns ------- PSFImage PSF image object. """ image = PSFImage( focal_length=focal_length, containment_fraction=containment_fraction, simtel_path=self.simtel_path, ) image.process_photon_list(photons_file, use_rx) self._psf_images[this_off_axis] = copy(image) return image def _analyze_image( self, image, this_off_axis, containment_fraction, tel_transmission, ): """ Analyze PSF image. Parameters ---------- image: PSFImage PSF image object. photons_file: Path Path to the photons file. this_off_axis: float Off-axis angle. cm_to_deg: float Conversion factor from centimeters to degrees. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. tel_transmission: float Telescope transmission factor. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing analyzed results. """ return ( this_off_axis * u.deg, image.get_psf(containment_fraction, "cm") *, image.get_psf(containment_fraction, "deg") * u.deg, image.get_effective_area(tel_transmission) * u.m * u.m, np.nan if this_off_axis == 0 else image.centroid_x / tan(this_off_axis * pi / 180.0), ) def _store_results(self, _rows): """ Store analysis results. Parameters ---------- _rows: list List of rows containing analysis results. """ _columns = ["Off-axis angle"] _columns.extend(list(self.YLABEL.keys())) if self.single_mirror_mode: _columns.append("mirror_number") self._results = QTable(rows=_rows, names=_columns)
[docs] def export_results(self): """Export results to a csv file.""" if self._results:"Exporting results to {self._file_results}"), self._file_results, format="ecsv", overwrite=True) else: self._logger.error("No results to export")
def _read_results(self): """Read existing results file and store it in _results.""" self._results =, format="ecsv")
[docs] def plot(self, key, save=False, d80=None, **kwargs): """ Plot key vs off-axis angle and save the figure in pdf. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen save: bool If True, figure will be saved. d80: float d80 for cumulative PSF plot. **kwargs: kwargs for plt.plot Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """"Plotting {key} vs off-axis angle") try: plot = visualize.plot_table( self._results["Off-axis angle", key], self.YLABEL[key], no_legend=True, **kwargs ) except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError(INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT) from exc if save: plot_file_name = self._generate_file_name( file_type="ray-tracing", suffix=".pdf", extra_label=key, ) self.output_directory.joinpath("figures").mkdir(exist_ok=True) plot_file = self.output_directory.joinpath("figures").joinpath(plot_file_name)"Saving fig in {plot_file}") plot.savefig(plot_file) for off_axis_key, image in self._psf_images.items(): image_file_name = self._generate_file_name( file_type="ray-tracing", off_axis_angle=off_axis_key, suffix=".pdf", extra_label=f"image_{key}", ) image_file = self.output_directory.joinpath("figures").joinpath(image_file_name)"Saving PSF image to {image_file}") image.plot_image(file_name=image_file) image_cumulative_file_name = self._generate_file_name( file_type="ray-tracing", off_axis_angle=off_axis_key, suffix=".pdf", extra_label=f"cumulative_psf_{key}", ) image_cumulative_file = self.output_directory.joinpath("figures").joinpath( image_cumulative_file_name )"Saving cumulative PSF to {image_cumulative_file}") image.plot_cumulative(file_name=image_cumulative_file, d80=d80)
[docs] def plot_histogram(self, key, **kwargs): """ Plot histogram of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen **kwargs: kwargs for plt.hist Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ try: ax = plt.gca() ax.hist(self._results[key], **kwargs) except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError(INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT) from exc
[docs] def get_mean(self, key): """ Get mean value of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen Returns ------- float Mean value of key. Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ try: return np.mean(self._results[key]) except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError(INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT) from exc
[docs] def get_std_dev(self, key): """ Get std dev of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen Returns ------- float Std deviation of key. Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ try: return np.std(self._results[key]) except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError(INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT) from exc
[docs] def images(self): """ Get list of PSFImages. Returns ------- List of PSFImages """ images = [] for this_off_axis in self.off_axis_angle: if self._psf_images and this_off_axis in self._psf_images: images.append(self._psf_images[this_off_axis]) if len(images) == 0: self._logger.warning("No image found") return None return images
def _generate_file_name( self, file_type, suffix, off_axis_angle=None, mirror_number=None, extra_label=None ): """Generate file name for output files.""" return names.generate_file_name( file_type=file_type, suffix=suffix,,, source_distance=None if self.single_mirror_mode else self.mirrors[0]["source_distance"], zenith_angle=self.zenith_angle, off_axis_angle=off_axis_angle, mirror_number=mirror_number if self.single_mirror_mode else None, label=self.label, extra_label=extra_label, )