Database support#
Modules for database access. See the databases sections for details.
Module to handle interaction with DB.
- class db.db_handler.DatabaseHandler(mongo_db_config=None)[source]#
DatabaseHandler provides the interface to the DB.
- Parameters:
- mongo_db_config: dict
Dictionary with the MongoDB configuration (see jsonschema_db_dict for details).
- add_new_parameter(db_name, version, parameter, value, array_element_name=None, site=None, collection_name='telescopes', file_prefix=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Add a parameter value for a specific array element.
A new document will be added to the DB, with all fields taken from the input parameters.
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB
- version: str
The version of the new parameter value
- parameter: str
Which parameter to add
- value: can be any type, preferably given in kwargs
The value to set for the new parameter
- array_element_name: str
The name of the array element to add a parameter to (only used if collection_name is not “sites”).
- site: str
Site name; ignored if collection_name is “telescopes”.
- collection_name: str
The name of the collection to add a parameter to.
- file_prefix: str or Path
where to find files to upload to the DB
- kwargs: dict
Any additional fields to add to the parameter
- Raises:
- ValueError
If key to collection_name is not valid.
- copy_array_element(db_name, element_to_copy, version_to_copy, new_array_element_name, collection_name='telescopes', db_to_copy_to=None, collection_to_copy_to=None)[source]#
Copy a full array element configuration to a new array element name.
Only a specific version is copied. (This function should be rarely used, probably only during “construction”.)
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB to copy from
- element_to_copy: str
The array element to copy
- version_to_copy: str
The version of the configuration to copy
- new_array_element_name: str
The name of the new array element
- collection_name: str
The name of the collection to copy from.
- db_to_copy_to: str
The name of the DB to copy to.
- collection_to_copy_to: str
The name of the collection to copy to.
- Raises:
- BulkWriteError
- copy_documents(db_name, collection, query, db_to_copy_to, collection_to_copy_to=None)[source]#
Copy the documents matching to “query” to the DB “db_to_copy_to”.
The documents are copied to the same collection as in “db_name”. (This function should be rarely used, probably only during “construction”.)
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB to copy from
- collection: str
the name of the collection to copy from
- query: dict
A dictionary with a query to search for documents to copy. For example, the query below would copy all entries of version 6.0.0 from telescope LSTN-01 to “db_to_copy_to”.
query = { "instrument": "LSTN-01", "version": "6.0.0", }
- db_to_copy_to: str
The name of the DB to copy to.
- Raises:
- BulkWriteError
- delete_query(db_name, collection, query)[source]#
Delete all entries from the DB which correspond to the provided query.
(This function should be rarely used, if at all.)
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB
- collection: str
the name of the collection to copy from
- query: dict
A dictionary listing the fields/values to delete. For example, the query below would delete the entire version 6.0.0 from telescope LSTN-01.
query = { "instrument": "LSTN-01", "version": "6.0.0", }
- export_file_db(db_name, dest, file_name)[source]#
Get file from the DB and write to disk.
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
Name of the DB to search in.
- dest: str or Path
Location where to write the file to.
- file_name: str
Name of the file to get.
- Returns:
- file_id: GridOut._id
the database ID the file was assigned when it was inserted to the DB.
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError
If the desired file is not found.
- export_model_files(parameters, dest)[source]#
Export all the files in a model from the DB and write them to disk.
- Parameters:
- parameters: dict
Dict of model parameters
- dest: str or Path
Location where to write the files to.
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError
if a file in parameters.values is not found
- get_all_versions(parameter=None, array_element_name=None, site=None, db_name=None, collection=None)[source]#
Get all version entries in the DB of collection and/or a specific parameter.
- Parameters:
- parameter: str
Which parameter to get the versions of
- array_element_name: str
Which array element to get the versions of (in case “collection_name” is not “sites”)
- site: str
Site name.
- db_name: str
Database name.
- collection_name: str
The name of the collection in which to update the parameter.
- Returns:
- all_versions: list
List of all versions found
- Raises:
- ValueError
If key to collection_name is not valid.
- get_collection(db_name, collection_name)[source]#
Get a collection from the DB.
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
Name of the DB.
- collection_name: str
Name of the collection.
- Returns:
- pymongo.collection.Collection
The collection from the DB.
- get_collections(db_name=None, model_collections_only=False)[source]#
List of collections in the DB.
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
Database name.
- Returns:
- list
List of collection names
- model_collections_only: bool
If True, only return model collections (i.e. exclude fs.files, fs.chunks, metadata)
- get_corsika_configuration_parameters(model_version)[source]#
Get CORSIKA configuration parameters from the DB.
- Parameters:
- model_versionstr
Version of the model.
- Returns:
- dict
Configuration parameters for CORSIKA
- get_derived_values(site, array_element_name, model_version)[source]#
Get all derived values from the DB for a specific array element.
- Parameters:
- site: str
Site name.
- array_element_name: str
Name of the array element model (e.g. MSTN, SSTS).
- model_version: str
Version of the model.
- Returns:
- dict containing the parameters
- get_model_parameters(site, array_element_name, model_version, collection='telescope', only_applicable=False)[source]#
Get parameters from MongoDB or simulation model repository for an array element.
An array element can be e.g., a telescope or a calibration device. Read parameters for design and for the specified array element (if necessary). This allows to overwrite design parameters with specific parameters without having to copy all model parameters when changing only a few.
- Parameters:
- site: str
Site name.
- array_element_name: str
Name of the array element model (e.g. LSTN-01, MSTS-design)
- model_version: str
Version of the model.
- collection: str
collection of array element (e.g. telescopes, calibration_devices)
- only_applicable: bool
If True, only applicable parameters will be read.
- Returns:
- dict containing the parameters
- get_simulation_configuration_parameters(simulation_software, site, array_element_name, model_version)[source]#
Get simulation configuration parameters from the DB.
- Parameters:
- simulation_software: str
Name of the simulation software.
- site: str
Site name.
- array_element_name: str
Name of the array element model (e.g. MSTN, SSTS).
- model_version: str
Version of the model.
- Returns:
- dict containing the parameters
- Raises:
- ValueError
if simulation_software is not valid.
- get_site_parameters(site, model_version, only_applicable=False)[source]#
Get parameters from either MongoDB or simulation model repository for a specific site.
- Parameters:
- site: str
Site name.
- model_version: str
Version of the model.
- only_applicable: bool
If True, only applicable parameters will be read.
- Returns:
- dict containing the parameters
- insert_file_to_db(file_name, db_name=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Insert a file to the DB.
- Parameters:
- file_name: str or Path
The name of the file to insert (full path).
- db_name: str
the name of the DB
- **kwargs (optional): keyword arguments for file creation.
The full list of arguments can be found in, mostly these are unnecessary though.
- Returns:
- file_iD: GridOut._id
If the file exists, return its GridOut._id, otherwise insert the file and return its” “newly created DB GridOut._id.
- model_version(version, db_name=None)[source]#
Return model version and check that it is valid.
Queries the database for all available model versions and check if the requested version is valid.
- Parameters:
- versionstr
Model version.
- db_namestr
Database name.
- Returns:
- str
Model version.
- Raises:
- ValueError
if version not valid.
- read_mongo_db(db_name, array_element_name, model_version, run_location, collection_name, write_files=True, only_applicable=False)[source]#
Build and execute query to Read the MongoDB for a specific array element.
Also writes the files listed in the parameter values into the sim_telarray run location
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB
- array_element_name: str
Name of the array element model (e.g. MSTN-design …)
- model_version: str
Version of the model.
- run_location: Path or str
The sim_telarray run location to write the tabulated data files into.
- collection_name: str
The name of the collection to read from.
- write_files: bool
If true, write the files to the run_location.
- only_applicable: bool
If True, only applicable parameters will be read.
- Returns:
- dict containing the parameters
- Raises:
- ValueError
if query returned zero results.
- update_parameter_field(db_name, model_version, parameter, field, new_value, array_element_name=None, site=None, collection_name='telescopes')[source]#
Update a parameter field value for a specific array element/version.
This function only modifies the value of one of the following DB entries: Applicable, units, Type, items, minimum, maximum. These type of changes should be very rare. However they can be done without changing the Object ID of the entry since they are generally “harmless”.
- Parameters:
- db_name: str
the name of the DB
- model_version: str
Which model version to update
- parameter: str
Which parameter to update
- field: str
Field to update (only options are Applicable, units, Type, items, minimum, maximum). If the field does not exist, it will be added.
- new_value: type identical to the original field type
The new value to set to the field given in “field”.
- array_element_name: str
Which array element to update, if None then update a site parameter
- site: str, North or South
Update a site parameter (the array_element_name argument must be None)
- collection_name: str
The name of the collection in which to update the parameter.
- Raises:
- ValueError
if field not in allowed fields
Retrieval of array elements from the database.
- db.db_array_elements.get_array_element_list_for_db_query(array_element_name, db, model_version, collection)[source]#
Get array element name and design model for querying the database.
Return a list of array element names to be used for querying the database for a given array element. This is in most cases the array element itself and its design model. In cases of no design model available, the design model of the array element is returned.
- Parameters:
- array_element_name: str
Name of the array element model (e.g. MSTN-01).
- db: DBHandler
Instance of the database handler
- model_version: str
Model version.
- collection: str
DB collection to get the array elements from (e.g., telescopes, calibration_devices)
- Returns:
- list
List of array element model names as used in the DB.
- db.db_array_elements.get_array_elements(db_collection, model_version)[source]#
Get all array element names and their design model for a given DB collection.
Uses the ‘design_model’ parameter to determine the design model of the array element. Assumes that a design model is defined for every array element.
- Parameters:
- db_collection:
- model_version: str
Model version.
- Returns:
- dict
Dict with array element names found and their design model
- Raises:
- ValueError
If query for collection name not implemented.
- KeyError
If array element entry in the database is incomplete.
- db.db_array_elements.get_array_elements_of_type(array_element_type, db, model_version, collection)[source]#
Get all array elements of a certain type in the specified collection in the DB.
Return e.g. for array_element_type=’MSTS’ all MSTS array elements found in the collection.
- Parameters:
- array_element_typestr
Type of the array element (e.g. LSTN, MSTS)
- model_versionstr
Which version to get the array elements of
- collectionstr
Which collection to get the array elements from: i.e. telescopes, calibration_devices
- db_namestr
Database name
- Returns:
- list
Sorted list of all array element names found in collection
Module to mimic DB interaction for simulation model DB development.
Read simulation model values from files in simulation model repository.
- db.db_from_repo_handler.update_model_parameters_from_repo(parameters, site, array_element_name, parameter_collection, model_version, db_simulation_model_url)[source]#
Update model parameters with values from a repository.
Existing entries will be updated, new entries will be added.
- Parameters:
- parameters: dict
Existing dictionary with parameters to be updated.
- site: str
Observatory site (e.g., South or North)
- array_element_name: str
Array element name (e.g., MSTN-01, MSTN-design)
- parameter_collection: str
Collection of parameters to be queried (e.g., telescope or site)
- model_version: str
Model version to use.
- db_simulation_model_url: str
URL to the simulation model repository.
- Returns:
- dict
Updated dictionary with parameters.