
The simtools package uses a prototype MongoDB database to store the simulation model parameters. Access to the DB is handled via a dedicated API module (db_handler).

Simulation model parameters are stored in databases (see the Simulation Model section) and synced with the CTAO model repository.

Database structure#

Several different databases are used in simtools.


The structure of the database is currently under revisions and will change in near future. This documentation is therefore incomplete.

Model parameters DB#

The name of the model parameter database needs to be indicated by $SIMTOOLS_DB_SIMULATION_MODEL environmental variable and defined e.g., in the .env file. Use CTAO-Simulation-ModelParameters-LATEST to use the latest version of the CTAO simulation model database (simtools will replace LATEST with the latest version number).


  • telescopes with the model parameters for each telescope plus the reference design model

  • sites with all site-specific parameters (e.g., atmosphere, magnetic field, array layouts)

  • calibration_devices with the model parameters for e.g., the illumination devices

  • configuration_sim_telarray with configuration parameters for the sim_telarray simulation

  • configuration_corsika with configuration parameters for the CORSIKA simulation

  • metadata containing tables describing the model versions

  • fs.files with all file type entries for the model parameters (e.g., the quantum-efficiency tables)

Other databases#

All other currently available databases are not in use and kept for historical reasons.

Using the remote database located at DESY#

A prototype remote database is located at DESY. Access to the database is restricted, please contact the developers in order to obtain access.

Database and access configuration is given in the .env file, see the .env_template file as example:

SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PORT=27017 #Port on the MongoDB server
SIMTOOLS_DB_SERVER='' # MongoDB server
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_USER=YOUR_USERNAME # username for MongoDB: ask the responsible person
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PW=YOUR_PASSWORD # Password for MongoDB: ask the responsible person

Browse the database#

The mongoDB database can be accessed via the command-line interface mongo or via a GUI tool like Robo 3T or Studio 3T.

Update the database#

Model parameters should first be reviewed and accepted in the model repository before they are uploaded to the database (see the following sections on how to set up a local copy of the model parameter database for testing and development).


Updating the database is for experts only. Note that updating the databases might have impact on workflows of others. Best to define a new database when adding new values or files.

The following applications are important:

Configure and use a local copy of the model parameter database#

The production version of model-parameter database is a mongoDB instance running on a server at DESY. For testing and development, it might be useful to work with a local copy of the database. The following scripts allow to setup and fill a local database running in a container.

All scripts to setup and fill a local database instance are located in the database_scripts directory.

Startup and configure local database instance#

The script generates a local database instance in a container:

  • downloads a mongoDB docker image

  • starts a container with the image and initialize a new database

  • add a user with ‘readWrite’ role

  • defines a container network called simtools-mongo-network (check with podman network ls)

Fill the local database instance#

Option 1: Fill local database from remote DB dump#

Access to a database dump of the production database is required. It is assumed that the dumps are located in the directory database_scripts/dumps.

The script ./ can be used to create a dump of the production database (requires access to this DB and the mongodump tool).

Use then the to upload this dump to the local database instance.

Note that database names are hardcoded in the scripts and need to be adjusted accordingly.

Option 2: Fill local database from model parameter repository#

The script uses the model repository from the CTAO gitlab and uploads its contents to the local database instance.

Note that repository branches are hardcoded in the scripts and need to be adjusted accordingly.

If you get timeout errors, try to run it run from within the simtools container

Purge the local database instance and all networks, images, containers#

The script stops and removes the container and deletes all networks, images, and containers.


Attention: this script removes all local docker containers, images, and networks without awaiting confirmation.

Use the local database instance (with and without docker)#

This requires the following changes to the settings of the environmental variables in .evn:

# Environmental variables
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PORT=27017 #Port on the MongoDB server
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_USER='api' # username for MongoDB
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PW='password' # Password for MongoDB

SIMTOOLS_DB_SIMULATION_MODEL is set as an example here to STAGING-CTAO-Simulation-ModelParameters-LATEST and should be changed accordingly.

For using simtools inside a container:

  • set the SIMTOOLS_DB_SERVER in the .env file to SIMTOOLS_DB_SERVER=’simtools-mongodb’.

  • connect to the local network adding --network simtools-mongo-network to the docker/podman run command, e.g,:

podman run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/:/workdir/external" --network simtools-mongo-network bash

For completeness, here the full .env file to be used with a container:

# Environmental variables
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PORT=27017 #Port on the MongoDB server
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_USER='api' # username for MongoDB
SIMTOOLS_DB_API_PW='password' # Password for MongoDB