

Get a parameter entry from DB for a specific telescope or a site.

The application receives a parameter name, a site, a telescope (if applicable) and a version. It then prints out the parameter entry.

Command line arguments#

parameter (str, required)

Parameter name

site (str, required)

South or North.

telescope (str, optional)

Telescope model name (e.g. LST-1, SST-D, …)

log_level (str, optional)

Log level to print.


KeyError in case the parameter requested does not exist in the model parameters.


Get the mirror_list parameter used for a given model_version from the DB.

simtools-db-get-parameter-from-db --parameter mirror_list \\
        --site North --telescope LSTN-01 \\
        --model_version 5.0.0

Get the mirror_list parameter using the parameter_version from the DB.

simtools-db-get-parameter-from-db --parameter mirror_list \\
        --site North --telescope LSTN-01 \\
        --parameter_version 1.0.0