Convert simulation model parameter from sim_telarray format using the corresponding schema file.
Check value, type, and range and write a json file ready to be submitted to the model database.
Command line arguments#
- parameter (str, required)
Parameter name (as used in simtools)
- simtel_cfg_file (str)
File name of sim_telarray configuration file containing all simulation model parameters.
- simtel_telescope_name (str)
Name of the telescope in the sim_telarray configuration file.
- telescope (str, optional)
Telescope model name (e.g. LST-1, SST-D, …)
Extract the num_gains parameter from a sim_telarray configuration file for LSTN-01 and write a json file in the same format as the model parameter database:
simtools-convert-model-parameter-from-simtel \\
--simtel_telescope_name CT1 \\
--telescope LSTN-01 \\
--schema tests/resources/num_gains.schema.yml \\
--simtel_cfg_file tests/resources/simtel_config_test_la_palma.cfg \\
--output_file num_gains.json