Calculate the camera FoV of the telescope requested and plot the camera.
The orientation for the plotting is “as seen for an observer facing the camera”.
An example of the camera plot can be found below.

Command line arguments#
- site (str, required)
North or South.
- telescope (str, required)
Telescope model name (e.g. LST-1, SST-D, …)
- model_version (str, optional)
Model version
- camera_in_sky_coor (bool, optional)
- Plot the camera layout in sky coordinates akin to looking at it from behind for single
mirror telescopes
- print_pixels_id (bool, optional)
- Up to which pixel ID to print. To suppress printing of pixel IDs, set to zero
(–print_pixels_id 0). To print all pixels, set to ‘All’.”
LST - 5.0.0
simtools-validate-camera-fov --site North \\
--telescope LSTN-01 --model_version 5.0.0
The output is saved in simtools-output/validate_camera_fov.
Expected final print-out message:
Saved camera plot in /workdir/external/simtools/simtools-output/validate_camera_fov\\