Derive single photon electron spectrum from a given amplitude spectrum.
Normalizes singe-p.e. amplitude distribution to mean amplitude of 1.0, as required by sim_telarray. Allows to fold in afterpulse distribution to prompt a spectrum. Uses the sim_telarray tool ‘norm_spe’ to normalize the spectra.
Input files can be in ecsv format (preferred) or in the sim_telarray legacy format.
Two output files with identical data are written to the output directory:
‘output_file’.ecsv: Single photon electron spectrum in ecsv format (data and metadata).
‘output_file’.dat: Single photon electron spectrum in sim_telarray format.
simtools-derive-photon-electron-spectrum \\
--input_spectrum spectrum_photon_electron.ecsv \\
--afterpulse_spectrum spectrum_afterpulse.ecsv \\
--step_size 0.02 \\
--max_amplitude 42.0 \\
--use_norm_spe \\
--output_path ./tests/output \\
--output_file spectrum_photon_electron_afterpulse.ecsv
For an example of how to plot the single photon electron spectrum, see the integration test ‘tests/integration_tests/config/plot_tabular_data_for_single_pe_data.yml’.