

Get list of array layouts or list of elements for a given layout as defined in the db.

To get the list of pre-defined array layouts, use --list_available_layouts.

To get the list of array elements for a given layout, use --array_layout_name.

To get the positions for a set of array elements, use --array_element_list. Listing of array elements follows this logic:

  • explicit listing: e.g., -array_element_list MSTN-01, MSTN05

  • listing of types: e.g, -array_element_list MSTN plots all telescopes of type MSTN.

Command line arguments#

list_available_layoutsbool, optional

List available layouts in the database.


Name of the layout array (e.g., test_layout, alpha, 4mst, etc.).


List of array elements (e.g., telescopes) to plot (e.g., LSTN-01 LSTN-02 MSTN).

coordinate_systemstr, optional

Coordinate system for the array layout (ground or utm).

output_filestr, optional

Name of the output file to be saved as astropy table (ecsv file)


List pre-defined array layouts.

simtools-db-get-array-layouts-from-db --site North --model_version "6.0.0"

Retrieve telescope positions for array layout ‘test_layout’ from database.

simtools-db-get-array-layouts-from-db --site North --model_version "6.0.0"
    --array_layout_name test_layout

Retrieve telescope positions from database (utm coordinate system) and write to an ecsv files

simtools-db-get-array-layouts-from-db --site North --model_version "6.0.0"
  --array_element_list LSTN-01 LSTN-02 MSTN
  --coordinate_system utm
  --output_file telescope_positions-test_layout.ecsv

Get list of array elements as defined in the db (array layout).