

Validate the camera efficiency by simulating it using the sim_telarray testeff program.

The results of camera efficiency for Cherenkov (left) and NSB light (right) as a functionof wavelength are plotted. See examples below.

../../_images/validate_camera_efficiency_North-MST-NectarCam-D_cherenkov.png ../../_images/validate_camera_efficiency_North-MST-NectarCam-D_nsb.png

Command line arguments#

site (str, required)

North or South.

telescope (str, required)

Telescope model name (e.g. LSTN-01, SSTS-15)

model_version (str, optional)

Model version

zenith_angle (float, optional)

Zenith angle in degrees (between 0 and 180).

azimuth_angle (float, optional)

Telescope pointing direction in azimuth.

nsb_spectrum (str, optional)

File with NSB spectrum to use for the efficiency simulation.


MSTN-01 5.0.0

Runtime < 1 min.

simtools-validate-camera-efficiency --site North \\
    --azimuth_angle 0 --zenith_angle 20 \\
    --nsb_spectrum average_nsb_spectrum_CTAO-N_ze20_az0.txt \\
    --telescope MSTN-01 --model_version 5.0.0

The output is saved in simtools-output/validate_camera_efficiency.