Maintainer documentation

Maintainer documentation#


All notable changes to the simtools project are documented in the CHANGELOG file.

Before a release, the maintainer is building the changelog using the following steps:

towncrier build --yes --version <version string>

The maintainer should review the, apply any necessary changes, and open a release pull request. This should be the last pull request before a release. The change files in the docs/changes directory will be deleted with the release pull request.


Simtools releases are versioned following the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 guidelines.

To prepare a release, the following steps are required:

  1. Open a pull request to prepare a release. Run the changelog workflow using Towncrier to add entries to This should be the last pull request to be merged before making the actual release.

  2. Prepare a GitHub release with the version number and a summary of the changes.

  3. Pypi deployment is done automatically by the CI/CD pipeline.

  4. Docker images are automatically built, tagged with the version number, and pushed to the gammasim/simtools.

  5. A DOI is issued automatically by Zenodo.

Conda feedstock#

The conda feedstock for gammasimtools is this repository. A new merge request is automatically created for new releases on pypi.

New, updated, or removed command-line tools require manual modifications in the recipe/meta.yaml file.