

Configure a simulation based on command-line arguments.

This application configures and generates simulation parameters for a specific grid point in a statistical uncertainty evaluation setup.

Command line arguments#

azimuth (float, required)

Azimuth angle in degrees.

elevation (float, required)

Elevation angle in degrees.

nsb (float, required)

Night sky background value.

ctao_data_level (str, required)

The data level for the simulation (e.g., ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’).

science_case (str, required)

The science case for the simulation.

file_path (str, required)

Path to file with MC events at CTAO DL2 data level. Used for statistical uncertainty evaluation.

file_type (str, required)

Type of the DL2 MC event file (‘point-like’ or ‘cone’).

metrics (str, optional)

Path to a YAML file containing metrics for evaluation.

site (str, required)

The observatory site (North or South).


To run the simulation configuration, execute the script as follows:

simtools-production-generate-simulation-config --azimuth 60.0 --elevation 45.0 \
    --nsb 0.3 --ctao_data_level "A" --science_case "high_precision" \
    --file_path tests/resources/production_dl2_fits/dl2_mc_events_file.fits \
    --file_type "point-like"    \
    --metrics_file tests/resources/production_simulation_config_metrics.yaml --site North

The output will show the configured simulation parameters.


Run the Simulation Config application.