The reporting modules read model parameter values and descriptions from the database and write to a report.
Class to read and manage relevant model parameters for a given telescope model.
- class reporting.docs_read_parameters.ReadParameters(db_config, args, output_path)[source]#
Read and manage model parameter data for report generation.
- get_all_parameter_descriptions()[source]#
Get descriptions for all model parameters.
- Returns:
- tuple: A tuple containing two dictionaries:
parameter_description: Maps parameter names to their descriptions.
short_description: Maps parameter names to their short descriptions.
inst_class: Maps parameter names to their respective class.
- get_array_element_parameter_data(telescope_model, collection='telescopes')[source]#
Get model parameter data and descriptions for a given array element.
Currently only configured for telescope.
- Parameters:
- telescope_modelTelescopeModel
The telescope model instance.
- Returns:
- list: A list of lists containing parameter names, values with units,
descriptions, and short descriptions.
- produce_array_element_report()[source]#
Produce a markdown report of all model parameters per array element.
Outputs one markdown report of a given array element listing parameter values, versions, and descriptions.
Class to automate generation of all reports according to command line inputs.
- class reporting.docs_auto_report_generator.ReportGenerator(db_config, args, output_path)[source]#
Automate report generation.
- auto_generate_array_element_reports()[source]#
Generate all reports based on which –all_* flag is passed.