Source code for layout.telescope_position

"""Telescope positions and coordinate transformations."""

import logging

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pyproj

__all__ = ["InvalidCoordSystemErrorError", "TelescopePosition"]

[docs] class InvalidCoordSystemErrorError(Exception): """Exception for invalid coordinate system."""
[docs] class TelescopePosition: """ Store a telescope position and perform coordinate transformations. The definition of x_coord and y_coord in this class depend on the \ coordinate system (e.g., (x_coord, y_coord) == (UTM_east, UTM_north)). \ Altitude describes always the element height above sea level, position_z the height above a reference altitude (e.g., CORSIKA observation level). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the telescope (e.g LSTN-01, SSTS-05, ...). """ def __init__(self, name=None): """Initialize TelescopePosition.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) = name self.asset_code = None self.sequence_number = None self.geo_code = None = self._default_coordinates() def __str__(self): """Return string representation of TelescopePosition.""" tel_str = if self.has_coordinates("ground"): tel_str += ( f"\t Ground x(->North): {['ground']['xx']['value']:0.2f} " f"y(->West): {['ground']['yy']['value']:0.2f}" ) if self.has_coordinates("utm"): tel_str += ( f"\t UTM East: {['utm']['xx']['value']:0.2f} " f"UTM North: {['utm']['yy']['value']:0.2f}" ) if self.has_coordinates("mercator"): tel_str += ( f"\t Longitude: {['mercator']['xx']['value']:0.5f} " f"Latitude: {['mercator']['yy']['value']:0.5f}" ) for _crs_name, _crs_now in if self.is_coordinate_system(_crs_name) and self.has_altitude(_crs_name): tel_str += f"\t Alt: {_crs_now['zz']['value']:0.2f}" break return tel_str
[docs] def print_compact_format( self, crs_name, print_header=False, corsika_observation_level=None, ): """ Print array element coordinates in compact format. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system to be used for printing. print_header: bool Print table header. corsika_observation_level: astropy.Quantity CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError if coordinate system is not defined. """ try: _zz =[crs_name]["zz"]["value"] _zz_header =[crs_name]["zz"]["name"] if crs_name == "ground" and corsika_observation_level is not None: _zz = ( self.convert_telescope_altitude_to_corsika_system( _zz * u.Unit([crs_name]["zz"]["unit"]), corsika_observation_level,["auxiliary"]["telescope_axis_height"]["value"] * u.Unit(["auxiliary"]["telescope_axis_height"]["unit"]), ) ).value _zz_header = "position_z" if crs_name == "mercator": tel_str = ( f"{} {[crs_name]['xx']['value']:10.8f} " f"{[crs_name]['yy']['value']:10.8f} {_zz:10.2f}" ) else: tel_str = ( f"{} {[crs_name]['xx']['value']:10.2f} " f"{[crs_name]['yy']['value']:10.2f} {_zz:10.2f}" ) header_str = ( f"telescope_name {[crs_name]['xx']['name']} " f"{[crs_name]['yy']['name']} {_zz_header}" ) if self.geo_code is not None: tel_str += f" {self.geo_code}" header_str += " geo_code" if print_header: print(header_str) print(tel_str) except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, crs_name, coordinate_field=None): """ Get coordinates in a given coordinate system. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str name of coordinate system. coordinate_field: str return specified field of coordinate descriptor. Returns ------- x, y, z coordinate including corresponding unit (or coordinate field). If coordinate_field \ is None, returns value x unit. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError if coordinate system is not defined """ if coordinate_field is None: try: return ([crs_name]["xx"]["value"] *[crs_name]["xx"]["unit"],[crs_name]["yy"]["value"] *[crs_name]["yy"]["unit"],[crs_name]["zz"]["value"] *[crs_name]["zz"]["unit"], ) except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e else: try: return ([crs_name]["xx"][coordinate_field],[crs_name]["yy"][coordinate_field],[crs_name]["zz"][coordinate_field], ) except KeyError as e: self._logger.error( f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name}) " f"or coordinate field ({coordinate_field})" ) raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
def _get_coordinate_value(self, value, unit): """ Return a value of a coordinate variable. i) converted to the given unit, if input value has a unit ii) return input value without change, if no unit is given """ if isinstance(value, u.Quantity): try: return except u.UnitsError: self._logger.error(f"Invalid unit given ({unit}) for value: {value})") raise return value
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, crs_name, xx, yy, zz=None): """ Set coordinates of an array element. Attributes ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system. xx: float x-coordinate. yy: float y-coordinate. zz: float z-coordinate (altitude). Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError If coordinate system is not known. """ try:[crs_name]["xx"]["value"] = self._get_coordinate_value( xx,[crs_name]["xx"]["unit"] )[crs_name]["yy"]["value"] = self._get_coordinate_value( yy,[crs_name]["yy"]["unit"] ) if zz is not None:[crs_name]["zz"]["value"] = self._get_coordinate_value( zz,[crs_name]["zz"]["unit"] ) except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
[docs] def get_altitude(self): """ Get altitude of an array element. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity telescope altitude. """ for _crs in if _crs["zz"]["value"]: return _crs["zz"]["value"] * u.Unit(_crs["zz"]["unit"]) return np.nan
[docs] def set_altitude(self, tel_altitude): """ Set altitude of an array element. Assume that all coordinate system have same altitude definition, meaning altitude is set for all systems here. Attributes ---------- tel_altitude: astropy.Quantity """ for _crs in try: _crs["zz"]["value"] = self._get_coordinate_value(tel_altitude, _crs["zz"]["unit"]) except KeyError: pass
def _convert(self, crs_from, crs_to, xx, yy): """ Coordinate transformation of telescope positions. Returns np.nan for failed transformations (and not inf, as pyproj does). Parameters ---------- crs_from: Projection of input data crs_to: Projection of output data xx: scalar Input x coordinate yy: scalar Input y coordinate Returns ------- scalar Output x coordinate scalar Output y coordinate Raises ------ pyproj.exceptions.CRSError If input or output projection (coordinate system) is not defined """ try: transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(crs_from, crs_to) except pyproj.exceptions.CRSError: self._logger.error("Invalid coordinate system") raise if xx is None or yy is None: return np.nan, np.nan _to_x, _to_y = transformer.transform(xx=xx, yy=yy) if np.isinf(_to_x) or np.isinf(_to_y): return np.nan, np.nan return _to_x, _to_y def _get_reference_system_from(self): """ Return coordinate system and coordinates for a fully defined system. The first fully defined system from is returned. Returns ------- string Name of coordinate system Project of coordinate system """ for _crs_name, _crs in if self.has_coordinates(_crs_name, crs_check=True): return _crs_name, _crs return None, None
[docs] def is_coordinate_system(self, crs_name): """ Check if crs_name describes a coordinate system or auxiliary information. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system. Returns ------- bool True if coordinate system is defined. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError If coordinate system is not known. """ try: return "crs" in[crs_name] except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
[docs] def has_coordinates(self, crs_name, crs_check=False): """ Check if coordinates are set for a given coordinate system. Attributes ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system. crs_check: bool Check that projection system is defined. Returns ------- bool True if coordinate system is defined. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError If coordinate system is not known. """ if not self.is_coordinate_system(crs_name): return False try: if not[crs_name]["crs"] and crs_check: return False except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e return np.all( np.isfinite( np.array( [[crs_name]["xx"]["value"],[crs_name]["yy"]["value"]], dtype=np.float64, ) ) )
[docs] def has_altitude(self, crs_name=None): """ Return True if array element has altitude defined. Parameters ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system to be checked for altitude. If None: check if altitude is \ define for any system. Returns ------- bool array element has altitude defined. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError If coordinate system is not known """ if crs_name is None: for _crs_name in if self.has_altitude(_crs_name): return True return False if not self.is_coordinate_system(crs_name): return False try: return ([crs_name]["zz"]["value"] is not np.nan and[crs_name]["zz"]["value"] is not None ) except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
def _set_coordinate_system(self, crs_name, crs_system): """ Set a coordinate system with a given name. Attributes ---------- crs_name: str Name of coordinate system. crs_system: Project of coordinate system. Raises ------ InvalidCoordSystemErrorError If coordinate system is not known. """ try:[crs_name]["crs"] = crs_system except KeyError as e: self._logger.error(f"Invalid coordinate system ({crs_name})") raise InvalidCoordSystemErrorError from e
[docs] @staticmethod @u.quantity_input(tel_altitude=u.m, corsika_observation_level=u.m, telescope_axis_height=u.m) def convert_telescope_altitude_to_corsika_system( tel_altitude, corsika_observation_level, telescope_axis_height ): """ Convert telescope altitude to CORSIKA system (pos_z). Parameters ---------- tel_altitude: astropy.Quantity Telescope altitude in equivalent units of meter. corsika_ob_level: astropy.Quantity CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter. telescope_axis_height: astropy.Quantity Height of telescope elevation axis above ground level in equivalent units of meter. Returns ------- astropy.units.m Z-position of a telescope in CORSIKA system. """ return (tel_altitude - corsika_observation_level + telescope_axis_height).to(u.m)
[docs] @staticmethod @u.quantity_input(tel_corsika_z=u.m, corsika_observation_level=u.m, telescope_axis_height=u.m) def convert_telescope_altitude_from_corsika_system( tel_corsika_z, corsika_observation_level=None, telescope_axis_height=None ): """ Convert Corsika (pos_z) to altitude. Parameters ---------- tel_corsika_z: astropy.Quantity Telescope z-position in CORSIKA system in equivalent units of meter. corsika_observation_level: astropy.Quantity CORSIKA observation level in equivalent units of meter. telescope_axis_height: astropy.Quantity Height of telescope elevation axis above ground level in equivalent units of meter. Returns ------- astropy.units.m Telescope altitude (above sea level) """ return tel_corsika_z + corsika_observation_level - telescope_axis_height
[docs] def convert_all(self, crs_local=None, crs_wgs84=None, crs_utm=None): """ Perform conversions and fill coordinate variables. Parameters ---------- crs_local: Pyproj CRS of the local coordinate system. crs_wgs84: Pyproj CRS of the mercator coordinate system. crs_utm: Pyproj CRS of the utm coordinate system. """ self._set_coordinate_system("ground", crs_local) self._set_coordinate_system("utm", crs_utm) self._set_coordinate_system("mercator", crs_wgs84) _crs_from_name, _crs_from = self._get_reference_system_from() if _crs_from is None: return for _crs_to_name, _crs_to in if _crs_to_name == _crs_from_name or not self.is_coordinate_system(_crs_to_name): continue if not self.has_coordinates(_crs_to_name) and _crs_to["crs"] is not None: _x, _y = self._convert( crs_from=_crs_from["crs"], crs_to=_crs_to["crs"], xx=_crs_from["xx"]["value"], yy=_crs_from["yy"]["value"], ) self.set_coordinates( _crs_to_name, _x, _y, _crs_from["zz"]["value"] * _crs_from["zz"]["unit"] )
[docs] def get_axis_height(self): """ Get telescope axis height. Returns ------- astropy.quantity Telescope axis height. """ return["auxiliary"]["telescope_axis_height"]["value"] * u.Unit(["auxiliary"]["telescope_axis_height"]["unit"] )
[docs] def get_sphere_radius(self): """ Get telescope sphere radius. Returns ------- astropy.quantity Telescope sphere radius """ return["auxiliary"]["telescope_sphere_radius"]["value"] * u.Unit(["auxiliary"]["telescope_sphere_radius"]["unit"] )
[docs] def set_auxiliary_parameter(self, parameter_name, quantity): """ Set auxiliary parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter_name: str Name of parameter. quantity: astropy.units.Quantity Quantity of parameter. """["auxiliary"][parameter_name]["value"] = quantity.value["auxiliary"][parameter_name]["unit"] = quantity.unit
@staticmethod def _default_coordinates(): """ Coordinate definition for a telescope position. Includes all coordinate systems and auxiliary information. Includes axes and default axes units. Naming convention follows pyproj for x and y coordinates. Includes auxiliary telescope data required for CORSIKA. Returns ------- dict coordinate system definition """ return { "ground": { "crs": None, "xx": {"name": "position_x", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, "yy": {"name": "position_y", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, "zz": {"name": "position_z", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, }, "mercator": { "crs": None, "xx": {"name": "latitude", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("deg")}, "yy": {"name": "longitude", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("deg")}, "zz": {"name": "altitude", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, }, "utm": { "crs": None, "xx": {"name": "utm_east", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, "yy": {"name": "utm_north", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, "zz": {"name": "altitude", "value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, }, "auxiliary": { "telescope_sphere_radius": {"value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, "telescope_axis_height": {"value": np.nan, "unit": u.Unit("m")}, }, }