

Derive simulation configuration parameters for a simulation production.

Derived simulation configuration parameters include:

  • energy range

  • shower core scatter radius

  • view cone radius

  • total number of events to be simulated

Configuration parameters depend on characteristics of the observations, especially elevation, azimuth, and night sky background.

The configuration parameters are derived according to the required precision. The metrics are:

  • statistical uncertainty on the determination of the effective area as function of primary energy

  • fraction of lost events to the selected core scatter and view cone radius (to be implemented)

  • statistical uncertainty of the energy migration matrix as function of primary energy

    (to be implemented)

Command line arguments#

azimuth (float, required)

Azimuth angle in degrees.

elevation (float, required)

Elevation angle in degrees.

nsb (float, required)

Night sky background value.

file_path (str, required)

Path to file with MC events at CTAO DL2 data level. Used for statistical uncertainty evaluation.

file_type (str, required)

Type of the DL2 MC event file (‘point-like’ or ‘cone’).

metrics (str, required)

Path to a YAML file containing metrics for evaluation.

site (str, required)

The observatory site (North or South).


To run the simulation configuration, execute the script as follows:

simtools-production-generate-simulation-config --azimuth 60.0 --elevation 45.0 \
        --nsb 0.3 --file_path tests/resources/production_dl2_fits/dl2_mc_events_file.fits \
        --file_type "point-like"    \
        --metrics_file tests/resources/production_simulation_config_metrics.yml --site North

The output will show the derived simulation parameters.


Run the Simulation Config application.