Source code for ray_tracing

"""Ray tracing simulations and analysis."""

import gzip
import logging
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
from copy import copy
from math import pi, tan
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable

import simtools.utils.general as gen
from simtools.io_operations import io_handler
from simtools.model.model_utils import compute_telescope_transmission
from simtools.model.telescope_model import TelescopeModel
from simtools.psf_analysis import PSFImage
from simtools.simtel.simulator_ray_tracing import SimulatorRayTracing
from simtools.utils import names, value_conversion
from simtools.visualization import visualize

__all__ = ["RayTracing"]

INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT = "Invalid key to plot"

[docs] class RayTracing: """ Ray tracing simulations and analysis. Parameters ---------- telescope_model: TelescopeModel Instance of the TelescopeModel class. label: str Instance label. simtel_path: str (or Path) Location of sim_telarray installation. config_data: dict. Dict containing the configurable parameters. config_file: str or Path Path of the yaml file containing the configurable parameters. """ YLABEL = { "d80_cm": r"$D_{80}$", "d80_deg": r"$D_{80}$", "eff_area": "Eff. mirror area", "eff_flen": "Eff. focal length", } def __init__( self, telescope_model, simtel_path, label=None, config_data=None, config_file=None, ): """Initialize RayTracing class.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._logger.debug("Initializing RayTracing class") self._simtel_path = Path(simtel_path) self._io_handler = io_handler.IOHandler() self._telescope_model = self._validate_telescope_model(telescope_model) self.config = value_conversion.validate_config_data( gen.collect_data_from_file_or_dict(config_file, config_data), SimulatorRayTracing.ray_tracing_default_configuration(False), ) # Due to float representation, round the off-axis angles so the values in results table # are the same as provided. self.config = self.config._replace(off_axis_angle=np.around(self.config.off_axis_angle, 5)) self.label = label if label is not None else self._telescope_model.label self._output_directory = self._io_handler.get_output_directory( label=self.label, sub_dir="ray-tracing" ) # Loading relevant attributes in case of single mirror mode. if self.config.single_mirror_mode: # Recalculating source distance. self._logger.debug( "Single mirror mode is activated - " "source distance is being recalculated to 2 * flen" ) mir_flen = self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("mirror_focal_length") self._source_distance = 2 * float(mir_flen) * # km # Setting mirror numbers. if self.config.mirror_numbers[0] == "all": self._mirror_numbers = list( range(0, self._telescope_model.mirrors.number_of_mirrors) ) else: self._mirror_numbers = self.config.mirror_numbers else: self._source_distance = self.config.source_distance self._psf_images = None self._results = None self._has_results = False # Results file file_name_results = names.generate_file_name( file_type="ray-tracing", suffix=".ecsv",,, source_distance=self._source_distance, zenith_angle=self.config.zenith_angle, label=self.label, ) self._output_directory.joinpath("results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._file_results = self._output_directory.joinpath("results").joinpath(file_name_results)
[docs] @classmethod def from_kwargs(cls, **kwargs): """ Build a RayTracing object from kwargs only. The configurable parameters can be given as kwargs, instead of using the config_data or config_file arguments. Parameters ---------- kwargs Containing the arguments and the configurable parameters. Returns ------- Instance of this class. """ args, config_data = gen.separate_args_and_config_data( expected_args=[ "telescope_model", "label", "simtel_path", ], **kwargs, ) return cls(**args, config_data=config_data)
def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of RayTracing class.""" return f"RayTracing(label={self.label})\n" def _validate_telescope_model(self, tel): """Validate TelescopeModel.""" if isinstance(tel, TelescopeModel): self._logger.debug("RayTracing contains a valid TelescopeModel") return tel msg = "Invalid TelescopeModel" self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def simulate(self, test=False, force=False): """ Simulate RayTracing using SimulatorRayTracing. Parameters ---------- test: bool Test flag will make it faster by simulating much fewer photons. force: bool Force flag will remove existing files and simulate again. """ all_mirrors = self._mirror_numbers if self.config.single_mirror_mode else [0] for this_off_axis in self.config.off_axis_angle: for this_mirror in all_mirrors: f"Simulating RayTracing for off_axis={this_off_axis}, mirror={this_mirror}" ) simtel = SimulatorRayTracing( simtel_path=self._simtel_path, telescope_model=self._telescope_model, test=test, config_data={ "zenith_angle": self.config.zenith_angle * u.deg, "source_distance": self._source_distance *, "off_axis_angle": this_off_axis * u.deg, "mirror_numbers": this_mirror, "use_random_focal_length": self.config.use_random_focal_length, "single_mirror_mode": self.config.single_mirror_mode, }, force_simulate=force, ) photons_file_name = names.generate_file_name( file_type="photons", suffix=".lis",,, source_distance=self._source_distance, zenith_angle=self.config.zenith_angle, off_axis_angle=this_off_axis, mirror_number=this_mirror if self.config.single_mirror_mode else None, label=self.label, ) photons_file = self._output_directory.joinpath(photons_file_name) self._logger.debug("Using gzip to compress the photons file.") with open(photons_file, "rb") as f_in: with photons_file.with_suffix(photons_file.suffix + ".gz"), "wb" ) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) photons_file.unlink()
[docs] def analyze( self, export=True, force=False, use_rx=False, no_tel_transmission=False, containment_fraction=0.8, ): """ Raytracing analysis. Involves the following: read simtel files, compute psfs and eff areas and store the results in _results. Parameters ---------- export: bool If True, results will be exported to a file automatically. Alternatively, export_results function can be used. force: bool If True, existing results files will be removed and analysis will be done again. use_rx: bool If True, calculations are done using the rx binary provided by sim_telarray. If False, calculations are done internally, by the module psf_analysis. no_tel_transmission: bool If True, the telescope transmission is not applied. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Allowed values are in the interval [0,1] """ do_analyze = not self._file_results.exists() or force if not do_analyze: self._read_results() focal_length = float(self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("focal_length")) tel_transmission_pars = self._get_telescope_transmission_params(no_tel_transmission) cm_to_deg = 180.0 / pi / focal_length self._psf_images = {} # Call the helper function to process off-axis angles and mirrors _rows = self._process_off_axis_and_mirror( self._get_all_mirrors(), focal_length, tel_transmission_pars, cm_to_deg, do_analyze, use_rx, containment_fraction, ) if do_analyze: self._store_results(_rows) self._has_results = True if export: self.export_results()
def _process_off_axis_and_mirror( self, all_mirrors, focal_length, tel_transmission_pars, cm_to_deg, do_analyze, use_rx, containment_fraction, ): """ Process off-axis angles and mirrors for RayTracing analysis. Parameters ---------- all_mirrors: list List of mirror numbers to analyze. focal_length: float Focal length of the telescope. tel_transmission_pars: list Telescope transmission parameters. cm_to_deg: float Conversion factor from centimeters to degrees. do_analyze: bool Flag indicating whether to perform analysis or not. use_rx: bool Flag indicating whether to use the RX method for analysis. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Returns ------- list List of results for each combination of off-axis angle and mirror. """ _rows = [] for this_off_axis in self.config.off_axis_angle: for this_mirror in all_mirrors: self._logger.debug(f"Analyzing RayTracing for off_axis={this_off_axis}") if self.config.single_mirror_mode: self._logger.debug(f"mirror_number={this_mirror}") photons_file = self._get_photons_file(this_off_axis, this_mirror) tel_transmission = compute_telescope_transmission( tel_transmission_pars, this_off_axis ) image = self._create_psf_image(photons_file, focal_length, this_off_axis) if do_analyze: _current_results = self._analyze_image( image, photons_file, this_off_axis, use_rx, cm_to_deg, containment_fraction, tel_transmission, ) if self.config.single_mirror_mode: _current_results += (this_mirror,) _rows.append(_current_results) return _rows def _get_telescope_transmission_params(self, no_tel_transmission): """ Get telescope transmission parameters. Parameters ---------- no_tel_transmission: bool Flag indicating whether to apply telescope transmission or not. Returns ------- list Telescope transmission parameters. """ return ( self._telescope_model.get_parameter_value("telescope_transmission") if not no_tel_transmission else [1, 0, 0, 0] ) def _get_all_mirrors(self): """ Get number of mirrors. Returns ------- list List of number of mirrors. """ return self._mirror_numbers if self.config.single_mirror_mode else [0] def _get_photons_file(self, this_off_axis, this_mirror): """ Get path to photons file for a given off-axis angle and mirror. Parameters ---------- this_off_axis: float Off-axis angle. this_mirror: int or None Mirror number. Returns ------- Path Path to the photons file. """ photons_file_name = names.generate_file_name( file_type="photons", suffix=".lis",,, source_distance=self._source_distance, zenith_angle=self.config.zenith_angle, off_axis_angle=this_off_axis, mirror_number=this_mirror if self.config.single_mirror_mode else None, label=self.label, ) return self._output_directory.joinpath(photons_file_name + ".gz") def _create_psf_image(self, photons_file, focal_length, this_off_axis): """ Create PSF image from photons file. Parameters ---------- photons_file: Path Path to the photons file. focal_length: float Focal length of the telescope. this_off_axis: float Off-axis angle. Returns ------- PSFImage PSF image object. """ image = PSFImage(focal_length, None) image.read_photon_list_from_simtel_file(photons_file) self._psf_images[this_off_axis] = copy(image) return image def _analyze_image( self, image, photons_file, this_off_axis, use_rx, cm_to_deg, containment_fraction, tel_transmission, ): """ Analyze PSF image. Parameters ---------- image: PSFImage PSF image object. photons_file: Path Path to the photons file. this_off_axis: float Off-axis angle. use_rx: bool Flag indicating whether to use the RX method for analysis. cm_to_deg: float Conversion factor from centimeters to degrees. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. tel_transmission: float Telescope transmission factor. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing analyzed results. """ if use_rx: containment_diameter_cm, centroid_x, centroid_y, eff_area = self._process_rx( photons_file ) containment_diameter_deg = containment_diameter_cm * cm_to_deg image.set_psf(containment_diameter_cm, fraction=containment_fraction, unit="cm") image.centroid_x = centroid_x image.centroid_y = centroid_y image.set_effective_area(eff_area * tel_transmission) else: containment_diameter_cm = image.get_psf(containment_fraction, "cm") containment_diameter_deg = image.get_psf(containment_fraction, "deg") centroid_x = image.centroid_x eff_area = image.get_effective_area() * tel_transmission eff_flen = np.nan if this_off_axis == 0 else centroid_x / tan(this_off_axis * pi / 180.0) return ( this_off_axis * u.deg, containment_diameter_cm *, containment_diameter_deg * u.deg, eff_area * u.m * u.m, eff_flen *, ) def _store_results(self, _rows): """ Store analysis results. Parameters ---------- _rows: list List of rows containing analysis results. """ _columns = ["Off-axis angle"] _columns.extend(list(self.YLABEL.keys())) if self.config.single_mirror_mode: _columns.append("mirror_number") self._results = QTable(rows=_rows, names=_columns) def _process_rx(self, file, containment_fraction=0.8): """ Process sim_telarray photon list with rx binary and return results. Parameters ---------- file: str or Path Photon list file. containment_fraction: float Containment fraction for PSF containment calculation. Allowed values are in the interval [0,1] Returns ------- (containment_diameter_cm, x_mean, y_mean, eff_area) """ try: rx_output = subprocess.Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with shlex.split( f"{self._simtel_path}/sim_telarray/bin/rx -f {containment_fraction:.2f} -v" ), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) with, "rb") as _stdin: with rx_output.stdin: shutil.copyfileobj(_stdin, rx_output.stdin) try: rx_output = rx_output.communicate()[0].splitlines()[-1:][0].split() except IndexError: self._logger.error(f"Invalid output from rx: {rx_output}") raise except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.error(f"Photon list file not found: {file}") raise containment_diameter_cm = 2 * float(rx_output[0]) x_mean = float(rx_output[1]) y_mean = float(rx_output[2]) eff_area = float(rx_output[5]) return containment_diameter_cm, x_mean, y_mean, eff_area
[docs] def export_results(self): """Export results to a csv file.""" if not self._has_results: self._logger.error("Cannot export results because it does not exist") else:"Exporting results to {self._file_results}"), self._file_results, format="ecsv", overwrite=True)
def _read_results(self): """Read existing results file and store it in _results.""" self._results =, format="ecsv") self._has_results = True
[docs] def plot(self, key, save=False, **kwargs): """ Plot key vs off-axis angle and save the figure in pdf. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen save: bool If True, figure will be saved. **kwargs: kwargs for plt.plot Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """"Plotting {key} vs off-axis angle") try: plot = visualize.plot_table( self._results["Off-axis angle", key], self.YLABEL[key], no_legend=True, **kwargs ) except KeyError as exc: msg = INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT self._logger.error(msg) raise exc if save: plot_file_name = names.generate_file_name( file_type="ray-tracing", suffix=".pdf", extra_label=key,,, source_distance=self._source_distance, zenith_angle=self.config.zenith_angle, label=self.label, ) self._output_directory.joinpath("figures").mkdir(exist_ok=True) plot_file = self._output_directory.joinpath("figures").joinpath(plot_file_name)"Saving fig in {plot_file}") plot.savefig(plot_file)
[docs] def plot_histogram(self, key, **kwargs): """ Plot histogram of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen **kwargs: kwargs for plt.hist Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ if key not in self.YLABEL: msg = INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT self._logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) ax = plt.gca() ax.hist([r.value for r in self._results[key]], **kwargs)
[docs] def get_mean(self, key): """ Get mean value of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen Returns ------- float Mean value of key. Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ if key not in self.YLABEL: msg = INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT self._logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) return np.mean(self._results[key])
[docs] def get_std_dev(self, key): """ Get std dev of key. Parameters ---------- key: str d80_cm, d80_deg, eff_area or eff_flen Returns ------- float Std deviation of key. Raises ------ KeyError If key is not among the valid options. """ if key not in self.YLABEL: msg = INVALID_KEY_TO_PLOT self._logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) return np.std(self._results[key])
[docs] def images(self): """ Get list of PSFImages. Returns ------- List of PSFImage's """ images = [] for this_off_axis in self.config.off_axis_angle: if self._psf_images and this_off_axis in self._psf_images: images.append(self._psf_images[this_off_axis]) if len(images) == 0: self._logger.error("No image found") return None return images