Application to run the StatisticalErrorEvaluator and interpolate results.
This application evaluates statistical uncertainties from DL2 MC event files based on input parameters like zenith angles and offsets, and performs interpolation for a specified query point.
Command line arguments#
- base_path (str, required)
Path to the directory containing the DL2 MC event file for interpolation.
- zeniths (list of int, required)
List of zenith angles to consider.
- offsets (list of int, required)
List of offsets in degrees.
- query_point (list of float, required)
- Query point for interpolation. The query point must contain exactly 5 values:
Energy (TeV)
Azimuth (degrees)
Zenith (degrees)
Offset (degrees)
- output_file (str, optional)
Output file to store the results. Default: ‘interpolated_scaled_events.json’.
- metrics_file (str, optional)
Path to the metrics definition file. Default: ‘production_simulation_config_metrics.yml’.
- file_name_template (str, optional)
Template for the file name. Default: ‘prod6_LaPalma-{zenith}deg_gamma_cone.N.Am-4LSTs09MSTs_ID0_reduced.fits’.
To evaluate statistical uncertainties and perform interpolation, run the command line script:
simtools-production-scale-events --base_path tests/resources/production_dl2_fits/ \\
--zeniths 20 40 52 60 --offsets 0 --query_point 1 180 30 0 0 \\
--metrics_file "path/to/metrics.yaml" \\
--output_file "output.json"
- The output will display the scaled events for the specified query point and save
the results to the specified output file.