Source code for simtel.simtel_io_histogram

"""Reads the content of either a single histogram or simtel_array output file."""

import copy
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import QTable
from ctao_cr_spectra.definitions import IRFDOC_PROTON_SPECTRUM
from ctao_cr_spectra.spectral import cone_solid_angle
from eventio import EventIOFile, Histograms
from eventio.search_utils import yield_toplevel_of_type
from eventio.simtel import MCRunHeader

__all__ = [

[docs] class InconsistentHistogramFormatError(Exception): """Exception for bad histogram format."""
[docs] class HistogramIdNotFoundError(Exception): """Exception for histogram ID not found."""
[docs] class SimtelIOHistogram: """ Reads and generates histograms from sim_telarray output. Read the content of either a single histogram (.hdata, or .hdata.zst) or a single simtel_array output file (.simtel or .simtel.zst). Parameters ---------- histogram_file: str The histogram (.hdata.zst) or simtel_array (.simtel.zst) file. area_from_distribution: bool If true, the area thrown (the area in which the simulated events are distributed) in the trigger rate calculation is estimated based on the event distribution. The expected shape of the distribution of events as function of the core distance is triangular up to the maximum distance. The weighted mean radius of the triangular distribution is 2/3 times the upper edge. Therefore, when using the ``area_from_distribution`` flag, the mean distance times 3/2, returns just the position of the upper edge in the triangle distribution with little impact of the binning and little dependence on the scatter area defined in the simulation. This is special useful when calculating trigger rate for individual telescopes. If false, the area thrown is estimated based on the maximum distance as given in the simulation configuration. energy_range: list The energy range used in the simulation. It must be passed as a list of floats and the energy must be in TeV. This argument is only needed and used if histogram_file is a .hdata file, in which case the energy range cannot be retrieved directly from the file. view_cone: list The view cone used in the simulation. It must be passed as a list of floats and the view cone must be in deg. This argument is only needed and used if histogram_file is a .hdata file, in which case the view cone cannot be retrieved directly from the file. """ def __init__( self, histogram_file, area_from_distribution=False, energy_range=None, view_cone=None ): """Initialize SimtelIOHistogram class.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.histogram_file = histogram_file if not Path(histogram_file).exists(): msg = f"File {histogram_file} does not exist." self._logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError self._config = None self._total_area = None self._solid_angle = None self._histogram = None self._total_num_simulated_events = None self._total_num_triggered_events = None self._initialize_histogram() self.trigger_rate = None self.trigger_rate_uncertainty = None self.trigger_rate_per_energy_bin = None self.energy_axis = None self.radius_axis = None self.area_from_distribution = area_from_distribution self._set_view_cone(view_cone) self._set_energy_range(energy_range) def _initialize_histogram(self): """ Initialize lists of histograms and files. Returns ------- list: List of histograms. """ with EventIOFile(self.histogram_file) as f: for obj in yield_toplevel_of_type(f, Histograms): self.histogram = obj.parse() @property def number_of_histogram_types(self): """Return number of histograms.""" return len(self.histogram)
[docs] def get_histogram_type_title(self, histogram_index): """ Return the title of the histogram with index histogram_index. Parameters ---------- histogram_index: int Histogram index. Returns ------- str Histogram title. """ return self.histogram[histogram_index]["title"]
@property def config(self): """ Return information about the input parameters for the simulation. If the file is a .hdata or .hdata.zst, config will be None. Returns ------- dict: dictionary with information about the simulation (pyeventio MCRunHeader object). """ if self._config is None: with EventIOFile(self.histogram_file) as f: self._config = next( (obj.parse() for obj in f if isinstance(obj, MCRunHeader)), None ) return self._config @property def total_number_of_events(self): """ Return the total number of simulated and triggered events in the histograms. Returns ------- int, int: total number of simulated and triggered events. """ if self._total_num_simulated_events is None or self._total_num_triggered_events is None: simulated_histogram, trigger_histogram = self.fill_event_histogram_dicts() self._total_num_simulated_events = np.sum(simulated_histogram["data"]) self._total_num_triggered_events = np.sum(trigger_histogram["data"]) logging.debug( "Number of total simulated / triggered events: " f"{self._total_num_simulated_events} / {self._total_num_triggered_events}" ) return self._total_num_simulated_events, self._total_num_triggered_events
[docs] def fill_event_histogram_dicts(self): """ Get data from the total simulated event and the triggered event histograms. Returns ------- tuple(dict, dict): Information about the histograms with simulated and triggered events. Raises ------ HistogramIdNotFoundError: if histogram ids not found. Problem with the file. """ histograms = {hist["id"]: hist for hist in self.histogram if hist["id"] in {1, 2}} if 1 in histograms and 2 in histograms: return histograms[1], histograms[2] self._logger.error("Histograms ids not found. Please check your files.") raise HistogramIdNotFoundError
def _set_view_cone(self, view_cone): """ View cone used in the simulation. Parameters ---------- view_cone: list The view cone used in the simulation. It must be passed as a list of floats and the view cone must be in deg (as in the CORSIKA configuration). Raises ------ ValueError: if input parameter is missing. """ if view_cone is None: try: self.view_cone = self.config["viewcone"] * u.deg except TypeError as exc: msg = ( "view_cone needs to be passed as argument (minimum and maximum of the " "view cone radius in deg)." ) self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) from exc else: if isinstance(view_cone, u.Quantity): self.view_cone = else: self.view_cone = view_cone * u.deg @property def solid_angle(self): """ Solid angle corresponding to the view cone. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity[]: Solid angle corresponding to the view cone. """ if self._solid_angle is None: self._solid_angle = cone_solid_angle(self.view_cone[1]) - cone_solid_angle( self.view_cone[0] ) return self._solid_angle @property def total_area(self): """ Total area covered by the simulated events (original CORSIKA CSCAT), i.e., area thrown. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity[area]: Total area covered on the ground covered by the simulation. """ if self._total_area is None: events_histogram, _ = self.fill_event_histogram_dicts() self._initialize_histogram_axes(events_histogram) if self.area_from_distribution is True: area_from_distribution_max_radius = 1.5 * np.average( self.radius_axis[:-1], weights=np.sum(events_histogram["data"], axis=0) ) self._total_area = (np.pi * (area_from_distribution_max_radius * u.m) ** 2).to(**2 ) else: # The max of the core range is always half the upper edge: # self.radius_axis[-1]/2 is equal to self.config["core_range"][1] self._total_area = ( np.pi * (((self.radius_axis[-1] / 2 - self.radius_axis[0]) * u.m).to( ** 2 ) return self._total_area def _set_energy_range(self, energy_range): """ Set energy range to be used in the simulations. Parameters ---------- energy_range: list The energy range used in the simulation. It must be passed as a list of floats and the energy must be in TeV. Raises ------ ValueError: if input parameter is missing. """ if energy_range is None: try: self.energy_range = [ self.config["E_range"][0] * u.TeV, self.config["E_range"][1] * u.TeV, ] except TypeError as exc: # E_range not in self.config msg = ( "energy_range needs to be passed as argument (minimum and maximum" " energies in TeV)." ) self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) from exc else: if isinstance(energy_range, u.Quantity): self.energy_range = else: self.energy_range = energy_range * u.TeV @staticmethod def _produce_triggered_to_sim_fraction_hist(events_histogram, triggered_events_histogram): """ Produce a new histogram with the fraction of triggered events over the simulated events. The dimension of the histogram is reduced, as the rates are summed for all the bins in impact distance. Parameters ---------- events_histogram: A dictionary with "data" corresponding to a 2D histogram (impact distance x energy) for the simulated events. triggered_events_histogram: A dictionary with "data" corresponding to a 2D histogram (impact distance x energy) for the triggered events. Returns ------- event_ratio_histogram: The new histogram with the fraction of triggered over simulated events. """ simulated_events_per_energy_bin = np.sum(events_histogram["data"], axis=1) triggered_events_per_energy_bin = np.sum(triggered_events_histogram["data"], axis=1) ratio_per_energy_bin = np.zeros_like(triggered_events_per_energy_bin, dtype=float) non_zero_indices = np.nonzero(simulated_events_per_energy_bin)[0] ratio_per_energy_bin[non_zero_indices] = ( triggered_events_per_energy_bin[non_zero_indices] / simulated_events_per_energy_bin[non_zero_indices] ) return ratio_per_energy_bin
[docs] def compute_system_trigger_rate(self, events_histogram=None, triggered_events_histogram=None): """ Compute the system trigger rate and its uncertainty, which are saved as class attributes. If events_histogram and triggered_events_histogram are passed, they are used to calculate the trigger rate and trigger rate uncertainty, instead of the histograms from the file. This is specially useful when calculating the trigger rate for stacked files, in which case one can pass the histograms resulted from stacking the files to this function. Default is filling from the file. Parameters ---------- events_histogram: A dictionary with "data" corresponding to a 2D histogram (core distance x energy) for the simulated events. triggered_events_histogram: A dictionary with "data" corresponding to a 2D histogram (core distance x energy) for the triggered events. """ if self.trigger_rate is None: # Get the simulated and triggered 2D histograms from the simtel_array output file if events_histogram is None and triggered_events_histogram is None: events_histogram, triggered_events_histogram = self.fill_event_histogram_dicts() # Calculate triggered/simulated event 1D histogram (energy dependent) triggered_to_sim_fraction_hist = self._produce_triggered_to_sim_fraction_hist( events_histogram, triggered_events_histogram ) self._initialize_histogram_axes(triggered_events_histogram) # Getting the particle distribution function according to the reference particle_distribution_function = self.get_particle_distribution_function( label="reference" ) # Integrating the flux between the consecutive energy bins. The result given in # cm-2s-1sr-1 flux_per_energy_bin = self._integrate_in_energy_bin( particle_distribution_function, self.energy_axis ) # Derive the trigger rate per energy bin self.trigger_rate_per_energy_bin = ( triggered_to_sim_fraction_hist * flux_per_energy_bin * self.total_area * self.solid_angle ).decompose() # Derive the system trigger rate self.trigger_rate = np.sum(self.trigger_rate_per_energy_bin) # Derive the uncertainty in the system trigger rate estimate self.trigger_rate_uncertainty = self.estimate_trigger_rate_uncertainty( self.trigger_rate, np.sum(events_histogram["data"]), np.sum(triggered_events_histogram["data"]), ) return self.trigger_rate, self.trigger_rate_uncertainty
[docs] def trigger_info_in_table(self): """ Provide the trigger rate per energy bin in tabulated form. Returns ------- astropy.QTable: The QTable instance with the trigger rate per energy bin. """ meta = self.produce_trigger_meta_data() return QTable( [self.energy_axis[:-1] * u.TeV, (], names=("Energy (TeV)", "Trigger rate (Hz)"), meta=meta, )
[docs] def produce_trigger_meta_data(self): """ Produce the meta data to include in the tabulated form of the trigger rate per energy bin. It shows some information from the input file (simtel_array file) and the final estimate system trigger rate. Returns ------- dict: dictionary with the metadata. """ return { "simtel_array_file": self.histogram_file, "simulation_input": self.print_info(mode="silent"), "system_trigger_rate (Hz)": self.trigger_rate.value, }
def _integrate_in_energy_bin(self, particle_distribution_function, energy_axis): """ Integrate the particle distribution. The function integrates between the consecutive energy bins given by the energy_axis array. Parameters ---------- particle_distribution_function: ctao_cr_spectra.spectral.PowerLaw The function describing the spectral distribution. energy_axis: numpy.array The array with the simulated particle energies. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity: astropy.Quantity of a numpy array with the energy integrated flux. """ unit = None flux_per_energy_bin = [] for i_energy, _ in enumerate(energy_axis[:-1]): integrated_flux = particle_distribution_function.integrate_energy( energy_axis[i_energy] * u.TeV, energy_axis[i_energy + 1] * u.TeV ).decompose(bases=[u.s,,]) if unit is None: unit = integrated_flux.unit flux_per_energy_bin.append(integrated_flux.value) return np.array(flux_per_energy_bin) * unit def _initialize_histogram_axes(self, events_histogram): """ Initialize the two axes of a histogram. The two axes are: the array with the edges of the bins in core distance and the edges of the array with the energy bins. Parameters ---------- events_histogram: A single histogram from where to extract axis information. """ self.radius_axis = np.linspace( events_histogram["lower_x"], events_histogram["upper_x"], events_histogram["n_bins_x"] + 1, endpoint=True, ) self.energy_axis = np.logspace( events_histogram["lower_y"], events_histogram["upper_y"], events_histogram["n_bins_y"] + 1, endpoint=True, )
[docs] def get_particle_distribution_function(self, label="reference"): """ Get the particle distribution function. This depends on whether one wants the reference CR distribution or the distribution used in the simulation. This is controlled by label. By using label="reference", one gets the distribution function according to a pre-defined CR distribution, while by using label="simulation", the spectral index of the distribution function from the simulation is used. The label="simulation" works only when the input file is a .simtel file and not a .hdata file. Parameters ---------- label: str label defining which distribution function. Possible values are: "reference", or "simulation". Returns ------- ctao_cr_spectra.spectral.PowerLaw The function describing the spectral distribution. """ if label == "reference": particle_distribution_function = copy.copy(IRFDOC_PROTON_SPECTRUM) elif label == "simulation": particle_distribution_function = self._get_simulation_spectral_distribution_function() else: msg = f"label {label} is not valid. Please use either 'reference' or 'simulation'." self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return particle_distribution_function
def _get_simulation_spectral_distribution_function(self): """ Get the simulation particle energy distribution according to its configuration. Returns ------- ctao_cr_spectra.spectral.PowerLaw The function describing the spectral distribution. Raises ------ ValueError: if input parameter is missing. """ spectral_distribution = copy.copy(IRFDOC_PROTON_SPECTRUM) try: spectral_distribution.index = self.config["spectral_index"] except TypeError as exc: msg = ( "spectral_index not found in the configuration of the file. " "Consider using a .simtel file instead." ) self._logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) from exc return spectral_distribution
[docs] def estimate_observation_time(self, stacked_num_simulated_events=None): """ Estimates the observation time corresponding to the simulated number of events. It uses the CTAO reference cosmic-ray spectra, the total number of particles simulated, and other information from the simulation configuration self.config. If stacked_num_simulated_events is given, the observation time is estimated from it instead of from the simulation configuration (useful for the stacked trigger rate estimate). Parameters ---------- stacked_num_simulated_events: int total number of simulated events for the stacked dataset. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity[time] Estimated observation time based on the total number of particles simulated. """ first_estimate = IRFDOC_PROTON_SPECTRUM.compute_number_events( self.view_cone[0], self.view_cone[1], 1 * u.s, self.total_area, self.energy_range[0], self.energy_range[1], ) if stacked_num_simulated_events is None: _simulated_events, _ = self.total_number_of_events return (_simulated_events / first_estimate) * u.s return (stacked_num_simulated_events / first_estimate) * u.s
[docs] def estimate_trigger_rate_uncertainty( self, trigger_rate_estimate, num_simulated_events, num_triggered_events ): """ Estimate the trigger rate uncertainty. The calculation is based on the number of simulated and triggered events. Poisson statistics are assumed. The uncertainty is calculated based on propagation of the individual uncertainties. If stacked_num_simulated_events is passed, the uncertainty is estimated based on it instead of based on the total number of trigger events from the simulation configuration (useful for the stacked trigger rate estimate). Parameters ---------- trigger_rate_estimate: astropy.Quantity[1/time] The already estimated the trigger rate. num_simulated_events: int Total number of simulated events. num_triggered_events: int Total number of triggered events. Returns ------- astropy.Quantity[1/time] Uncertainty in the trigger rate estimate. """ # pylint: disable=E1101 return ( trigger_rate_estimate.value * np.sqrt(1 / num_triggered_events + 1 / num_simulated_events) ) * trigger_rate_estimate.unit
[docs] def print_info(self, mode=None): """ Print information on the geometry and input parameters. Returns ------- dict: Dictionary with the information, e.g., view angle, energy range, etc. """ _simulated, _triggered = self.total_number_of_events info_dict = { "view_cone": self.view_cone, "solid_angle": self.solid_angle, "total_area": self.total_area, "energy_range": self.energy_range, "total_num_simulated_events": _simulated, "total_num_triggered_events": _triggered, } if mode != "silent": print(info_dict) return info_dict